Bad ffb after last patch 2.04

I agree with previous poster. But I also think that making F1 cars easier to drive is wrong. They are supposed to be hard to drive. They are super powerful, fast and pulling amazing g-forces. There is always amateur setting for wheel and also other aids people can use make them easier, but not they the challenge away from enthusiasts.

Totally agree with you! Driving X2010-11 or FGT MUST be HARD. Period. This is not NFS...
DFGT here, no power steering, no active steering, no aids except abs.

The ffb change is for the better imo, at 1st I thought I forgot how to drive because I didn't feel the car stepping out on exit. I didn't know about the patch until some one told me, I increased ffb one tic and it's great. Input seems more precise now and I still feel curbs, bumps etc. just fine. No increase of dead zone either.

Good job PD 👍
Force feedback is real weakness of GT5, they never do it right

- Loose feeling of understeering front wheels is still not present there after many patches
- There's not much variety between cars, in GT4 I had known immediately that I was in NSX
- Only cars with recirculation ball steering have GT5's ugly deadzone, now even bigger
- Steering ratios aren't correct, race and rally cars have still full 900°, why?
- High speed shaking is only example of bad programming, no real car does that unless one of front wheels is totally bent, programmers of FFB aren't using those FFB engines in wheels the right way. And worsening FFB for all cars to solve that bad programming bug is smelling of very bad thinking.
Totally agree with you! Driving X2010-11 or FGT MUST be HARD. Period. This is not NFS...

Yes it must be hard, but how it was before was totally unrealistic.
It's not about how it is steering, more about when it was not steering...
If you went straight on you'd get constant wobble from left to right...
If you fight that wobble you got cramps in the hands after 2 laps...

now the wobble is gone...

Can rarwly even feel the kerbs anymore. I did some testing at all speeds and all kinds of kerb styles. It seems that the change they did to the banking characteristics would be what is causing this, because I can feel the flat tops of kerbs better then the angled/banked parts.

Definitely miss the feeling they would give prior to 2.04. Hope they put it back to the way it was soon. Or at least give kerb feel back. Because other then that, I don't have to fight the wheel as much. I don't think there is any more deadzone, because the cars still react to slight movementa of the wheel, it just doeant provide as much feel anymore.

I am with you, the banking new feature could be the key of FF kerbs disappearance.
I have G25 set to 4 and have Power Steering ON.

Pre 2.04 I was finding I was able to catch most oversteers quite easily without losing the car.A slight flick with the wheel as I felt the grip going and it was there.

Since 2.04 I don't seem to be able to feel that grip edge so well now. I almost never drive racing softs and always try to use the weakest tyres I can to race with, so that is very important for me.

I tried taking the FFB up to 5 and that just felt stronger, still no feeling of the edge of grip that I had before.

I play most days but only for an hour but I will persevere to see if I can get used to the new settings. Probably try with power steering off first as others have said.
Went home last night and played around with my settings. I had to bump my ffb from 6 up to 8 to get near the same feel with the ffb. Assuming people that were set at 10 prior to the update will notice less ffb now with no way to adjust.

Again, this is a big change for wheel users. Even bigger when you step back to realize the change was to correct just a few cars while messing with the feel of the remaining 990 + cars. I can live with it and adjust. But that is besides the point.
Just drove 4 laps of Nurb in 370Z and the FFB felt great. Haven't driven the car earlier so no comment if it has changed but didn't think it was bad in anyway. I thought it was great actually.

Need to test some more familiar cars later.
After a couple hours of driving last night I've determined I really feel no difference on my G27. I had no problem catching and controlling oversteer or "feeling" the track. I don't think I've ever felt the subtleties at the grip limit that most people are describing as now being gone, so I don't notice that they're missing. Simulation/Power Steering ON/FFB10. Just my input, not saying people aren't feeling a difference just that I don't notice any difference. I don't feel a deadzone either and never have, my wheel always responds to the slightest movements.
I noticed two things after update, G27 here, FFB strenght 10, Power Steering OFF

1. no or very weak feedback when going over the kerbs

2. feedback strenght is generally weaker, my old DFP had stronger feedback than G27 and after update G27 feels even weaker
First time after the patch I jumped into my chromeline Murcielago with sport softs, changed ffb to 7 and switched the power steering off. I headed to Nordschleife and no complaints at all. I felt really connected to the car. Great experience! I use DFGT, by the way.
Topsu ''The FFB feels the same, but is noticeably weaker on my G25.''

A somewhat conflicting statement, don't you think?

I think he means besides being weaker, no change. But you knew that right? :-/

............... I don't feel a deadzone either and never have, my wheel always responds to the slightest movements.
It isn't a deadzone in the control input, it's a deadzone in the force feedback.. and it is there, without question. There's a deadzone built into the FF right in the software on the board inside the G25/27. There's no way to turn it off, even in the drivers on the PC. It would take a firmware update to do it. I know this because the guys why designed the G25/27 and the guys who wrote the code for it told me that on the old Logitech cusomer support forum. Not sure if that even still exists

On RaceSimCentral (the old one that's gone now) there was a guy on there, I think he called himself ''Goo'' IIRC, back in 2004-2005 that answered a lot of questions, and asked a lot of questions for research, about the then upcoming release of the G25. He was the head designer of the G25, and gave us early spy shots and answered questions we had about it and whatnot. Then he was on that Logitech forum for years after that discussing things like force feedback programing and why it was necessary to put that deadzone in there and other design decisions- stuff like that.
All this time, I had Power Assist set to ON on the G25, and reading a few excerpts around the forums, about how people have been leaving this "OFF" for truer immersion, and less "clicks" at the wheel, they have a point.

Turn off power assist, it feels better. Should it?
It isn't a deadzone in the control input, it's a deadzone in the force feedback.. and it is there, without question. There's a deadzone built into the FF right in the software on the board inside the G25/27.

My real car has the same feel, if you move the wheel a little bit left and right it feels very light and you don't feel resistance until you get to about 15-20 degrees of input. 👍
So it looks like on fixing this small issue for the DFGT wheel ONLY, they have made all other wheels act differently. FFS the g27 FFB was too light before even with simulation/power steering off/FFb10.

What on earth were you thinking PD?
Topsu ''The FFB feels the same, but is noticeably weaker on my G25.''

I think he means besides being weaker, no change. But you knew that right? :-/

When you use the word "noticeably weaker" and "feels the same" in describing the same subject (the FFB on the G25), how it could it not be conflicting. The same goes for "...besides being weaker, no change". Being weaker than what?
As RedBaron said: - "Steering ratios aren't correct, race and rally cars have still full 900°, why?"

THIS is what still annoys me about the wheel controls in GT5.It's simply impossible in even a Le Mans style car to steer quickly enough, through 900 degrees to correct an error, or make a tight hairpin... it's a bit laughable really as the drivers in real life don't have this to contend with. In the F1 cars it's just ridiculous and I cannot believe they have not fixed it. I think it's a large part of why a pretty ok game like F1 2011 feels better than the F1 cars in GT5... there it has a nice locking effect 90 degrees or so either side from the centre, the maximum steering limit. In Gt5 you have to turn the wheel fully 1 and a half times. CRAZY! I like this aspect for road going production cars, but racing cars simply do not have 900 degrees steering. And it can be fixed, they're just ignoring it and if Codemasters can do it, I think PD can. Easily.
Im using the t500rs with the ffb set at 10 and I must say I think the new feel to the game is improved.I can feel understeer more so than before the patch and feel no difference in the kerbs. Most people seem to be complaining about the logitech wheels in this thread, are there any other t500 users with any hangups about the ffb tweeks in 2.04?
Fanatec CSR Elite works perfectly.

Driving is smoother, FFB is strong and effects seems more detailed, but that is maybe a placebo.

This way or another, no problems whatsover.
My real car has the same feel, if you move the wheel a little bit left and right it feels very light and you don't feel resistance until you get to about 15-20 degrees of input. 👍

Well then think of it this way, you wouldn't feel anything until 20º to 25º if that scenario was being simulated on a G25/27. The deadzone is to counteract other problems like wheel shake brought on by inherent problems of a one-way FF system. Game sends data to wheel, but wheel doesn't send FF data back. If there was a data 'loop' the FF could be much stronger on center like a real car without wheel wobble. There's a specific term for that type of FF system, but I can't remember what it is. It's been years since I used to research that stuff.
Fanatec CSR Elite works perfectly.

Driving is smoother, FFB is strong and effects seems more detailed, but that is maybe a placebo.

This way or another, no problems whatsover.

Seems like I need to replace my old turbo S because I do not feel kerbs any more at all. New patch seems not to suit my used and loose wheel.
Im using the t500rs with the ffb set at 10 and I must say I think the new feel to the game is improved.I can feel understeer more so than before the patch and feel no difference in the kerbs. Most people seem to be complaining about the logitech wheels in this thread, are there any other t500 users with any hangups about the ffb tweeks in 2.04?

What I'm experiencing with my T500RS is the lack of front tire grip when driving FF cars. It's all the FF cars I've driven so far: the Minis, VWs and Volvo C30. With these cars I've always use Comfort Medium tires. The FFB has always been 10 and all the driving aids are OFF except for ABS.

Can you please try driving a couple of FF cars and let me know if you sense the huge disparity between how they feel and how FR cars feel.
So I just drove the 458 around Nurb and I liked the feeling more now than before the update. Maybe the kerbs weren't as pronounced but the general FFB felt more natural and gave really good info of what's happening. I think I feel the road bumbs & height elevations better now, also understeer was more easily noticeable. The whole driving feel was more natural I think. So my verdict is more positive than negative. 👍
Using a G27 I've been using FFB=4 (simulation, power assist off). Tried first at FFB=5 and felt it to be stronger than before at 4, so going back to FFB=4 seems to be about the same strength as before.

The FFB is smoother than before, curbs feels noticably less as track uneveness. In games like iracing you can set FFB strength and dampning, and its like PD added some dampning to the FFB.

I liked it better before as the twitchiness felt a bit racier, but it might just be getting used to it.

Not a big deal for me in the end
Hi everyone. After the lastest update I have noticed my G27 to be not giving as much feedback as it used to. I read that PD were "toning it down" to make it easier to drive the really fast cars.

Unfortunately this has affected every vehicle in the game. My G27 doesn't give that much feedback and it's always hard to drive anything now. I know they were trying to make it easier but I think they shouldv'e added in a force feedback option so that you can adjust to how you like it, personally I like it super high like it used to be.

In short this has taken my enjoyment out of the game as it makes it less realistic when your not getting much feedback from the wheel. Has anyone else had this problem with any wheel since the update? advice will be great. Thanks guys :):):):):)
I have a g27 and it feels just fine to me. But i mainly drive 300 to 550 pp.

There are numerous complaint threads on the same topic in this forum.