Bad ffb after last patch 2.04

DFGT here, and FFB is lighter now, expecially on kerbs. It's not a huge drop but it's there and no it's NOT placebo. Probably not drastic as for G27 but there's a drop on overall FFB strenght, in all cars. I do like the fix on F1's though (before they were unplayable). But it's a shame kerbs are barely noticeable with the rest of the cars.


I didn't even know what 2.04 was patching, but after my first couple of races using G27 after the patch the lack of rumblestrip feedback was so noticeable that I came on the board and discovered that it had been altered.....
I also noticed last night that kerbs are not noticeable enough anymore. I have yet to turn up ffb from 2.03 settings, so I will try tonight. Hope I can get the feel back at a higher setting. I always felt the ffb wasnt able to be turned down enough when at 1, maybe that isnt the issue anymore. Just hope it's not too weak when it's all the way up now.

I have a G27
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Good idea Jay,
Just a little news:
an innovation: When posting, also add:
Which wheel do you use,
what ffb you use,
If you think it was better before or after patch 2.4
Good idea Jay:
an innovation: When posting, also add:
Which wheel do you use,
FFB what you use
If you think it was better before or after patch 2.4
I use a G27 set at ffb level 6. I've entered a GT500 series. So for the past few weeks i've been driven the same car. Last night i logged in and noticed a huge lack of ffb with my G27. There also appears to be a larger deadzone now as well.

All this for a some stupid X2010? Not very happy at the moment 👎
Hi people.

Please, everyone. Before posting things like "It doesn´t work at all", or "my wheel now doesn´t try to kill me, let burn PD to ashes" or something like that, make sure that the setting are not reseted to default, in the wheel section of the option Menu.

The settings change, from Simulation to Amateur by default, or so it seems. Could some guys who are not at work by now make sure of that.

Will try it in an hour or so, when I came home from work

pd. My english sucks...btw. Excuse me please.
I noticed a slight change in the FFB too. They should have changed the FFB individually for the F1 cars/X2010/X2011s and if that was too hard, then they should have left it. On the morning after the update I turned my FFB up from 5 to 6 and it felt a bit closer to what it did the night before.

Normally, they actually just changed those cars, nothing else...

Don't know what you all complain about. It was already there...
I'm curious as to what brought up this as a concern for PD. I don't recall anywhere on these forums at least where people complained about the FFB of the X2010/X2011 or Formula cars. I'm sure they have other sources of feedback, but that's not my point. My point is how did the FFB get addressed as an issue, because, as it seems, not really anyone thought it was a problem?

Jup it was a concern, for the F1 ferraris the FFB was wayyyyyy to hard on the straights... Also Redbull had the problem, PD fixed it, good fix if you ask me, finally i enjoy the F1 ferrari's...

All the other cars have not been affected...

This rumour is maybe growing a bit to big, but it's still a rumour!!
Jup it was a concern, for the F1 ferraris the FFB was wayyyyyy to hard on the straights... Also Redbull had the problem, PD fixed it, good fix if you ask me, finally i enjoy the F1 ferrari's...

All the other cars have not been affected...

This rumour is maybe growing a bit to big, but it's still a rumour!!

It is a fact on my end and i noticed the difference right away before seeing any threads regarding the ffb.
Good idea Jay,
Just a little news:
an innovation: When posting, also add:
Which wheel do you use,
what ffb you use,
If you think it was better before or after patch 2.4

Good idea.

I will check my settings when I get home and report my findinges. Pretty sure it is as follows though...

Ffb 5
No power assist

After having some time to think about it's new feel, I like it better. Seems to have done away with the jerkiness and I now get a much smoother feel. Which I think will help improve my driving. Hopeulfully I'll get some time to experiment with it more tonight.

I also think I'll just put my wheel and settings in my sig. Probably save time answering questions about it in the future.
With my T500RS which has an incredibly strong motor (and power supply) compared to a G25/G27: the FFB feels weaker with FF (front drive/front engine) cars that I've driven so far- VW Scirocco and 2011 Mini Cooper S. But with FR (rear drive) cars like the GT-86, the FFB feels about the same.

Apparently the T500RS' FFB has been modified for the F1 and X-1 cars (I hardly ever driven those) as well making it easier "drive in the intended path". But somehow these settings are affecting other cars (like the FF I've driven so far) as well.

And no I haven't changed my FFB setting- it's been at 10 since I got the wheel.

What is your setting for the Power Steering in the wheel options?

Try driving one of the two FF cars I've mentioned above (I haven't had the time to try others) and compare the strength of the FFB especially when you're turning the cars to that of FR cars like the GT-86. I can barely feel the tires gripping the road with the FF cars. Something's amiss and hopefully PD ill realise sooner than later that they should've kept the FFB that way it was: it was brilliantly good (to me as well as nKPro's Stefano Casillo).
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What is your setting for the Power Steering in the wheel options?

This, for all you complainers, is the utmost important post, tx Amar!

After the update some report it had reset their configurations from wheel menu.
Some may have forgotten to check that, and also may have forgotten power steering OFF is the most realistic race behaviour of a wheel!


I had to turn mine on off again.

Power steering on is the weaker FFB you'd already get befor 2.04
What is your setting for the Power Steering in the wheel options?

uao Amar!!

Thank you for reading my post!!
My settings with the G27 have never changed since they had finally added the options menu for my steering wheel, FFB 5, no power steering, simulation, sensitivity in the race to 7.
Since there is a new patch, the FF does not feel the grip limit of the front wheels in the Nordschleife all the curbs do not have the same reaction that you had before!
The FFB has not changed much (5 to 6 as many point out), the real problem is the steering feel in the early degrees of steering, that yes there is huge difference!
This is the ugly, not to break your arms when you're driving an X2010, you lose sensitivity with all the other cars in SMALL correction you do when you drive
not happy with the new ffb feel. I had my t500rs set at 5 before the update and had been happy with it; now i have it at 10 and it still doesn't feel the same. :(
Not happy, too... Last night I was driving Alfa 8C on Suzuka and all seemed very soft... I had a bad feeling of the grip and car reactions were for me more arcade-ish..
They definitely added a little more of a dead-zone into the center of the FF. This is bad for G25/G27 owners because there's already a large dead-zone built into the software controlling the FF.

Simulation setting does NOT apply to G25/G27. So it changes nothing. All you G25/G27 owners, stop wasting time with that.

To me, a lower FF setting with 'power steering' setting turned OFF, is much more realistic than a higher FF level setting with 'power steering' on when driving a car that is supposed to have power steering.

The 'power steering' setting is just unrealistic and poorly executed in GT5. It comes on all of the sudden at certain times, not like any real car.

Here's something else to consider:
I have two G25s, I bought both when they came out in 2006 or 2007. They both feel different. So the feeling and power from one wheel to next, both the same type of wheel, can be VERY different.

One guy's level 5 FF setting might be similar to another guy's 7, or 4. I think a lot of the variability has to do with how the gears are lined up, how the gears are cut, the amount of lubrication used on gears, the winding of the motors, the strength of the magnets used in the motors and other variations in the manufacturing process. That is when both are new- old used wheels feel much different than new ones too obviously.

Another thing, suspension settup on a car can and should affect FF feel and strength. Do some experiments with spring weight, camber, toe, dampers, etc. It can totally transform FF, as it should in real life. Obviously tires make a difference too, but I don't see people mentioning their setup and tire choice when talking about FF differences. You can 'adjust' FF by adjusting suspension.. try it!
No two electric brushed motors perform the same. That's for sure!!! I used to be heavy into electric RC racing and it was pretty obvious. Windings make a difference. But usually done by machine. So that's unlikely. It more likely the brushes. So wear in better and will make better power.

So I can buy that not all FFB settings are universal for the same model wheel. This also why strength one way is stronger then the other. Better performing motor working that strong side.

Now brushless. Those things are pretty right. So I can see them being really spot on.

A Brushless motor set up would be incredible. They are almost 100% trouble free. Considering they are pushed over spec. Powerful and efficient. This is what I expect to be In a premium wheel.
I had my FFB at 8 prior to the update ( G27) and its still set to 8 and to be honest I don't notice any difference at all.. I haven't used any of the F1 or Red Bull X cars yet, I've used a lot of other cars and they all feel the exact same as prior to this update. I did notice however that hitting wall, the impact isn't as severe, but that's it. Maybe I should ask this, how exactly does the FFB feel different then the last update? Does it "twitch" less? I'm just curious as a lot of you say it's different, but from what I've seen, you're not really saying why. I also noticed a few of you use fairly weak FFB settings, and If PD really did change the FFB, what did you all honestly expect since you have such weak FFB?
The FFB in GT5 sucks before and sucks more after the last patch!I'm playing Race on for pc and the FFB in GT5 is nothing compare to Race On!
Yeah brushless is efficient, powerful, clean. I used to race RC cars too, had lots of fun, learned a lot, and spent TONS of money!
Ok. Here goes.

I have a DFGT. Setting for my FFB was 10 and Power Steering was on (I was actually considering reducing it this week because it was too much vibration especially on corners and kerbs). I had my setting on Simulation although I now realise that that seems to have no effect on the DFGT anyway, but have added this detail to be as complete as possible.

The easiest way I can describe the change is this.

On Monday night I drove the Challenger TC around Nurburgring and Spa on the World Tour and Dream Car seasonal events (I am using these events as part of my speed testing regime) and I could FEEL the rumble from the kerbs.

Not just see a "wobbly-cam" effect.
Not shake my wheel physically with my hands to get some added realism.
I could FEEL a rumble every time I went over a kerb. Most especially noticed of course was the rumble from the two Carousels on Nurburgring which after all you could not avoid and therefore you always felt the rumble from them.
(I was actually really impressed about how real that made the driving feel in GT5, being able to feel the road like that).

Tonight having had issues ever since the update, and to prove the point here I repeated the same races in the same car. No change in wheel settings or car settings. All the same settings. I deliberately drove over as many kerbs as I could as I always found these the most noticeable parts of the tracks for feedback.

The ONLY kerb I can FEEL now is the wide one on the left on the straight about two thirds around Spa. I can feel NOTHING on any other kerb around Spa and NOTHING on the Carraciola Carousel (sorry for the spelling, it is a guestimate) or the other Carousel after it, or any other kerbs around Nurburgring for that matter.

I can find no reason why I could FEEL the Carousels on Monday night but cannot FEEL them now - this cannot logically be a placebo?

I do accept that perhaps this is only an issue with certain wheels or maybe it is only on certain settings on certain wheels - I know very little about these things after all - and that this could be the cause of the scepticism (I guess if I felt no difference in my wheel I might think it was down to the removal of the "wobbly-cam" chase cam or some kind of placebo effect) but there IS a definite, significant, difference.

Please note my frustration currently is nothing to do with anyone on GTPlanet. It is more frustration that having learnt to love the thrilling feedback on the DFGT on GT5 I now have to readjust my driving. If it remains as it is I will of course get used to the change in due course and it will not stop me playing and enjoying GT5 and continuing my speed testing regime, but I hope at some point in the past (when they have properly tested and tested and tested and tested it again) they reintroduce or increase the feedback (not necessarily as high as before, but higher than now).

I do also agree with the post above which suggested that there is a larger "Dead Spot" now. I would say it roughly lines up with about 7-10 minutes to the hour and 7-10 minutes past the hour on a clock face which is reasonably consistent with 30 degrees either way from centre.

Sorry for the very very long post but I hope that somewhere in the above there is some useful feedback which people can build upon.

Perhaps someone could repeat my test with the same car and settings but on other wheels and comment if they get the same result?
If it is an issue with certain wheels then not everyone will get the same result?


Can rarwly even feel the kerbs anymore. I did some testing at all speeds and all kinds of kerb styles. It seems that the change they did to the banking characteristics would be what is causing this, because I can feel the flat tops of kerbs better then the angled/banked parts.

Definitely miss the feeling they would give prior to 2.04. Hope they put it back to the way it was soon. Or at least give kerb feel back. Because other then that, I don't have to fight the wheel as much. I don't think there is any more deadzone, because the cars still react to slight movementa of the wheel, it just doeant provide as much feel anymore.
Interesting, I will have to look into this. I have a G25 and my FFB was usually set around 4 or 5. I'll give it a test tomorrow to see if I have any issues reading what my tires are doing.
I agree with previous poster. But I also think that making F1 cars easier to drive is wrong. They are supposed to be hard to drive. They are super powerful, fast and pulling amazing g-forces. There is always amateur setting for wheel and also other aids people can use make them easier, but do not take the challenge away from enthusiasts.
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