VCRC 80s MX-5 & MR2 @ Nürburgring 24hrs - Complete - Results Posted

Hey Sunday is getting pretty full. I will now definitely be able to make it so you can change me from grey to black.
Goodie! :)

But of course with it in mind that we sometimes have troubles on Sundays, and with a pretty full grid, I will be disabling mics in the lounge for the race Sunday.
(We will see about Tuesday Event, but generally we haven't had problems after 9pm US East in the lounge, so Monday's event should be mic enabled unless we get 16 sign-ups before then.)

Tips for better connection & less lag, and less invisible car problems...
(I have no idea whether or not any of things make much difference or how much... but these are things that are generally recommended, and it's worth a shot.)

  • clear network cache (might help if you've got a pretty full ps3 hard drive)
  • reboot ps3 &/or the GT5 game (might help to do fresh before entering lounge)
  • reboot your modem/router
  • hook up wired connection if that's an option for you
  • if you are on a wireless connection, make sure you are not at the top as host in the lounge (because it's more likely to cause conflict for others)
  • if you've had invisible car problems or connection problems in the VCRC lounge in the past, please try to arrive early to test it out, in case you need to rejoin the lounge or whatnot
  • disconnect any file-sharing service so you don't have downloads/uploads on your internet during the race (don't know what the kids are using these days, but if you do it, you know what I'm talking about)
  • check to see if anyone in your household is going to be streaming video or chatting on Skype or something at the time of the race (this would probably be bad for you)
  • throw salt over your shoulder :lol: (maybe more valid than the rest of the list - who knows :boggled:)
I just noticed that the "Grip: real" was missing from the OP. :rolleyes:
I make mistakes sometimes, but I'm assuming everyone just assumed that's the case... since it's pretty universally grip: real
Grip: real makes a pretty big difference, I always set my laptimes with that setting. Watermelon, maybe you should consider putting parts of the "Tips for better connection & less lag" in the OP as well, as the requirements or regulations that must be performed before entering the lounge?.

One question for practice purposes. Time Progression is 14, got that, but what is the hour setting. I tried 0.00 (midnight) but that meant I drove more than one lap in the dark?

My Miata GP/D laptimes are down to around 2:00.5xx´s with a sudden "perfect" lap of 1:59.962. Does take some laps though to get the tires warm enough for that. 123hp 359pp. Silverish. That helps too.
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Tried a few laps yesterday on the miata but the best I can do is 2.01.4xx on the GP/D. The real trick with this car is to change gear correctly at a specific time not to lose power. I did not figure it out yet how to reach 2 minutes flat... Would be fantastic to carry this car around Nurb 24H :)
Hi Melon I can enter tomorrow nights race:tup:

Are we racing both cars not sure if I have an MR2:)

At least I won't be falling a sleep like last time:eek:

See you later
Yes, BOTH CARs are needed. 👍
Are we racing both cars not sure if I have an MR2:)
John Wells, please confirm if you don't have the MR2, and someone here might have a spare to send you!
One question for practice purposes. Time Progression is 14, got that, but what is the hour setting. I tried 0.00 (midnight) but that meant I drove more than one lap in the dark?

Sorry, I didn't figure anyone would be doing a dress rehearsal. ;)

When the track is set to Nurb24hrs at the beginning of the 10 minute break, it will start at 0200, time progression 14.

I tested this completely with a 95 minute test in the vcrc lounge. And it should provide for the 1st race to begin in the dark, and the 2nd race to end in the dark.
Can't guarantee anything of course... but I've been pretty good in the past with timing these things.

Tried a few laps yesterday on the miata but the best I can do is 2.01.4xx on the GP/D. The real trick with this car is to change gear correctly at a specific time not to lose power. I did not figure it out yet how to reach 2 minutes flat... Would be fantastic to carry this car around Nurb 24H :)

Neither have I figured this out. :nervous: I can't get below 2:00. with either car. :ill:

maybe you should consider putting parts of the "Tips for better connection & less lag" in the OP as well, as the requirements or regulations that must be performed before entering the lounge?.

I've been thinking of something to make a checklist... But then you always have the person who says they don't do something and never have problems. :rolleyes:

I've been waiting for someone to pipe up and say clearing cache is nonsense. :lol: :rolleyes: :lol:
But of course some people do NOT run a lot of bspec remote races and may have a mostly empty hard drive on ps3.
Honestly, I think clearing the cache seems to be most important for those running bspec remote races (especially a lot of them), and especially with a nearly full hard drive. Do I know this for sure? NO. But this is what I suspect based on a lot of anecdotes.

Personally, I think MOST of the problems that occur happen during "high traffic" times. Like weekends, or early evenings when multiple time zones are likely to be online racing.
Seems like there's far less problems after 9pm US Eastern Time (that's after midnight in all of Europe)... Could that be because most of Europe is gone to bed & not racing?
Worst time seems to be Sunday afternoon... could this be because it's Sunday in all of Americas & Europe?
That's my guess, at any rate.
Every online multiplayer video game I've ever played for the past 10+ years has always had more connectivity issues on the weekends.

But maybe I'm just dreamin' it all. I can't say, of course. I have no proof.
I really wish PD would disclose why these problems might happen, and if there's anything individuals can do to make things better.

Otherwise, it's just me saying "hard wired connection directly to the modem is better"... And then 10 people will claim that's nonsense and wireless exists to be used, and I should stfu. :boggled: :rolleyes: :lol:
Tested today the Miata on GP/D gave me 2.00.5xx and the Toyota gave me 2 min flat :)
Hi Melon I can enter tomorrow nights race:tup:

Are we racing both cars not sure if I have an MR2:)

At least I won't be falling a sleep like last time:eek:

See you later

Did you manage to get an mr2 mate?

@ssxrid3r no problem
No not yet is it Mk 2 we need.

If anyone has on that would great, I will return after tonights races.👍
Yes, it's in the VCRC lounge... I thought I added you this morning to the VCRC, Nic. Let me know if not.

(I'm pretty sure I made sure everyone signed up is on the VCRC friends list.)
Sorry I couldnt make it - Im doing a lot of work atm so I just forgot about this :( I'll try the next one 👍
Ran a few test laps in preparation for tomorrow. 1:59.3 at GP/F in the Miata. Not sure if I have a 1:58 in me but I could conceivable shave 2/10ths more off that if put my best sectors together.
Sunday Event RESULTS

Division 1

Race #1
  1. Nicktune / Nic-KL / white MR2
  2. SSXRid3R / SSXRid3R / British Racing Green MR2
  3. gippone / gprili / havanna MR2
  4. Zorrin / DitQuois / New Sherwood Toning & Speedlab Yellow MR2
  5. SagarisGTB / sagarismic / Estoril Turquoise MR2
  6. ID_Racing / ID_Racing / white MR2

Race #2
  1. Nicktune / Nic-KL / silver MX5
  2. Zorrin / DitQuois / New Sherwood Toning & Speedlab Yellow MX5
  3. gippone / gprili / havanna MX5
  4. SagarisGTB / sagarismic / Estoril Turquoise MX5
  5. SSXRid3R / SSXRid3R / Sonic Blue & Mark IV Red MX5
  6. turbogeit / turbogeit / blue MX5

Division 2

Race #1
  1. geeky30 / geeky30 / orange MX5
  2. culturalsnow / culturalsnow / black MX5
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Iris Red Pearl MX5
  4. John Wells / johnwells69 / silver MX5
  5. jackargent / jackargent / Inca Gold Pearl & Red MX5

Race #2
  1. culturalsnow / culturalsnow / black MR2
  2. geeky30 / geeky30 / orange MR2
  3. jackargent / jackargent / Inca Gold Pearl & Red MR2
  4. John Wells / johnwells69 / white MR2
  5. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Iris Red Pearl MR2
























Great photos, Melon. 👍

Event was really good fun, despite my mishaps. The starts of both events was really hectic. There was nowhere to go in T1, but you also couldn't hang back and go through the field later because it was really hard to overtake out there. I experienced this in Race 1 where I got a great view of the back of ID's MR2 for most of lap 1. Once I finally got by after he (and Dit) went off course, I was caught looking backwards for too long just a few corners later in a fast section and went off course and spun it. :lol:
My concentration then dropped and the rest of the race was a slow spin-fest.

Race 2 was really up and down. I led for a good portion of lap 1 and really enjoyed racing with all the drivers during all 3 laps, particularly with Gprilli, Culturalsnow and SSX. There was again some incidents that unfortunately happened (including another spin when I put wheels on grass while looking backwards), but all in all, a very fun event. Looking forward to the next such mix-classed event. :)
I totally was better in the MR2, MX-5 wasn't really my car lol!
espacially in race 2 i messt up a few times, also i destroyed sagaris race... in the first lap it got a bit close btw eatchother... i was so sry for that.
but however in the last lap after i having an accident, i got passed from sagaris again and while we keeped driving i saw him having a accident right in front of me, i was feeling so bad for him that i stoped my car and waited till he back on the track and i let him pass.

Well it was fun and sure it was intense!