◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Currently Recruiting for GT7 - JOIN TODAY!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Heres the video guys enjoy it hope zero puts it on the OP:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnEbwz_Vywk">YouTube Link</a>

Is it possible to make available on a mobile device? Looks promising, I will check it out soon.
I sent you a message on PSN. Sorry for the confusion, that was just a little "full contact" practice. ;)

Nah, not that. I meant the time zone banter on the heels of a discussion of off-topic posts was ... Curious.
Danger Kid, great video! Not my kinda music, but the video is great, thanks for making that, and thanks D1 for, well, racing!
Well, after a frustrating night of my brake pedal constantly wanting to be on ever so slightly, and driving me nuts! (the racing itself was a lot of fun though) I broke down and just ordered a g27. Cant wait to upgrade from this beat up old logitech MoMo, and I can program buttons too! I can finally look around! I'm geeked. Last part got vetoed by the fiancee until next week. drat!
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Thanks for the video MLR_DAnGeR_KiiD, I'm sure Zer0 will find a nice place to showcase it 👍

EDIT: Not being up on some of the different leagues and what not people are involved with, what is Major League Racing? And why would they be presenting S.N.A.I.L.?

Just asking :)
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Sorry for the dead horse beating

Walking through the crowded parking lot, Diabolic notices several large heaps covered with canvas. Leading up to each were lines of people, patiently waiting their turns. He pulls side a local...

"What's going on here?"

"We're kicking 'em!"

"What are they?"

"Dead horses."

(Looks at nearest heap)
"Dead horses...really? If they're dead, why are you kicking them?"

"Well....I mean......
you know...we gotta make sure."

(Diabolic heads to nearest heap and gives it a swift kick)

"See, what I mean? We have to be absolutely sure. At any moment they may spring to life and trample us. Very dangerous, these beasts."

"Uh huh...I see.... :rolleyes: "

(Diabolic turns and head out of the lot)
A split second later Rusty, a horse 42 years dead, springs to life, whooping and bucking his way around the lot. Diabolic, now a ways from the afair, noted it with a gentle "hmmph" and continued on mumbling quietly to himself, "Ok..but I still don't get it."
Thanks for the video MLR_DAnGeR_KiiD, I'm sure Zer0 will find a nice place to showcase it 👍

EDIT: Not being up on some of the different leagues and what not people are involved with, what is Major League Racing? And why would they be presenting S.N.A.I.L.?

Just asking

Major League Racing (MLR) is a group of people (a team) who are into all forms of online automotive racing here in GT5. From drag racing to tuned sports car racing, including togue. The MLR team is broken into different squads, each specializing in the different disciplines of automotive racing. MLR tends to race other teams in various disciplines. MLR is also into drifting, which is it's own unique discipline and therefore was given it's own squad. The Drift Squad grew so large that it was named as it's own league, "Major League Drifting", and then was divided into various squads, just like MLR.

MLR is interested in S.N.A.I.L. is simple, it because of me - I'm a member of both MLR & MLD. I informed MLR about S.N.A.I.L. and encouraged them to join. However, the team has a full plate at the moment with other things. My leader has been wonder why I've been so vocal about S.N.A.I.L. so he (MLR_DAnGeR_KiiD) wanted to see for himself what the hype as been about, so he attended the races Sunday night.

MLR_DAnGeR_KiiD likes to make videos of MLR & MLD events, so making a video for S.N.A.I.L. just seem natural for him. MLR_DAnGeR_KiiD knows the potential for S.N.A.I.L. to grow, and while word of mouth is great, so are photos, there is nothing like video to let everyone see the awesome racing being done here. I have been talking about the S.N.A.I.L. group to all of online racing friends, my teammates, anyone in an open lobby who races well & cleanly about this group, all in an effort to promote this league.

Remember when I said, that I could help S.N.A.I.L. to grow bigger? Well, this is only part of what I was talking about.

I hope I've answered your question.
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Walking through the crowded parking lot, Diabolic notices several large heaps covered with canvas. Leading up to each were lines of people, patiently waiting their turns. He pulls side a local...

"What's going on here?"

"We're kicking 'em!"

"What are they?"

"Dead horses."

(Looks at nearest heap)
"Dead horses...really? If they're dead, why are you kicking them?"

"Well....I mean......
you know...we gotta make sure."

(Diabolic heads to nearest heap and gives it a swift kick)

"See, what I mean? We have to be absolutely sure. At any moment they may spring to life and trample us. Very dangerous, these beasts."

"Uh huh...I see.... :rolleyes: "

(Diabolic turns and head out of the lot)
A split second later Rusty, a horse 42 years dead, springs to life, whooping and bucking his way around the lot. Diabolic, now a ways from the afair, noted it with a gentle "hmmph" and continued on mumbling quietly to himself, "Ok..but I still don't get it."

First of all - AWESOME!! Thank you for the laugh!

Secondly - be careful, we don't want kcheeb or a moderator to see that and get offended over some fictional "Animal Cruelty". :rolleyes:
Thanks for the video MLR_DAnGeR_KiiD, I'm sure Zer0 will find a nice place to showcase it 👍

EDIT: Not being up on some of the different leagues and what not people are involved with, what is Major League Racing? And why would they be presenting S.N.A.I.L.?

Just asking :)

I have a similar concern/question as to how we became presented by this website. Also, this video shows the same 2-4 drivers over and over which its not a proper representation of a club with 30+ members and two more divisions equal in importance. I think spending the next two weeks in each other division would be a benefit, as would increasing the number of drivers shown from each division. I appreciate the work that went into such an endeavor, but I'm not sure this is the video we want representing the whole of SNAIL. Interested to hear zer0's opinion so I'll wait and see.
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I think spending the next two weeks in each other division would be a benefit, as would increasing the number of drivers shown from each division.

I'll volunteer to be an observer for the other two divisions for the next two weeks. That way I can easily get some video of the action on my PS3 and record some action. (I've not been preparing very well for the upcoming races anyway :-()

I appreciate the work that went into such an endeavor.

Diabolic, I think you are depicting beating a dead horse wrongly. I think there are other phrases that might match that scene better (Google gives me, "to slay the slain," but I've never heard that).

I think a better picture is sitting on a cart, whipping the horse and wondering why it won't move.

The horse being dead, of course.

Mind you, I'm just beating it now for the fun of it. Like a pinata. But isn't that what one is supposed to do?
Heres the video guys enjoy it hope zero puts it on the OP:

Cool video! Thanks for putting that together! I will for sure find a place for it in the OP. And unlike Rally, I actually do like the music. 👍

Btw, what does "Interactice" mean? :lol: Just kidding about the typo. I sincerely appreciate the effort you put into the video. I've done some video editing in my day (mostly snowboarding highlights from my helmetcam) so I know that putting a nice video together takes time.

...this video shows the same 2-4 drivers over and over which its not a proper representation of a club with 30+ members and two more divisions equal in importance. I think spending the next two weeks in each other division would be a benefit, as would increasing the number of drivers shown from each division. I appreciate the work that went into such an endeavor, but I'm not sure tits is the video we want representing the whole of SNAIL. Interested to hear zer0's opinion so I'll wait and see.

I think a better solution would be to have a dedicated videographer within each division. That way, we could have a separate video for each division within the league. Over time, each video could be edited to splice in cuts from the new cars and tracks that are raced by the league each week. As the weeks go by, there would be an increasingly wide variety of cars and tracks shown in the video, not to mention a better variety of drivers shown in the videos as well. 👍

I'll volunteer to be an observer for the other two divisions for the next two weeks. That way I can easily get some video of the action on my PS3 and record some action. (I've not been preparing very well for the upcoming races anyway :-()

I'm not in favor of you giving up your spot in D1 just to record the races in D2 or D3. Maybe you could be the D1 videographer? Then again, I wouldn't want to overburden you with work since you've already got a full place as the League Coordinator. I could've sworn Rally mentioned that he got a capture device to put racing videos together for us, or was that someone else? Regardless, either of you could do it for D1, and I've been wanting to put together a video anyways, so I could do it for D2. We just need to find someone in D3 who's willing to take on that responsibility.
I'm not in favor of you giving up your spot in D1 just to record the races in D2 or D3. Maybe you could be the D1 videographer? Then again, I wouldn't want to overburden you with work since you've already got a full place as the League Coordinator. I could've sworn Rally mentioned that he got a capture device to put racing videos together for us, or was that someone else? Regardless, either of you could do it for D1, and I've been wanting to put together a video anyways, so I could do it for D2. We just need to find someone in D3 who's willing to take on that responsibility.

Even short clips with little editing take time. I'll put a short one together and see how long it takes before I commit to full time :) And if Rally has the gear, the more the merrier 👍
Cool video! Thanks for putting that together! I will for sure find a place for it in the OP. And unlike Rally, I actually do like the music. 👍

Btw, what does "Interactice" mean? :lol: Just kidding about the typo. I sincerely appreciate the effort you put into the video. I've done some video editing in my day (mostly snowboarding highlights from my helmetcam) so I know that putting a nice video together takes time.

AHHHHHH!!!!!! A TYPO All of these faces describe my feelings about my mistake :yuck::grumpy::dunce::indiff::scared: :crazy::guilty::mad::irked::eek::odd:
You can save and send replay data just like a back up. I think its either two or three files for each replay. That then could be distributed to anyone who wants to make a video. Not sure if this works in practice or not, but I have backed up replays, so I assume that the files could be emailed, downloaded onto an sdcard and viewed by the person looking to record. a thought at any rate. Im going to work on getting a capture card here soon (by that I mean work on getting the ol lady to let me get one). Besides wanting to record some of my own races and drifts, I also want to make some highlight reels from the Monday mayhem and Zeros Thursday events.
Ninja'd! yeesh! I do not have the gear, someone else, diabolic, doughboy maybe? said that they do have a usb style capture card they use, which is what Im looking to get as well.
I actually am wanting to work on a video project for my son's school in the fall. This past year, I lead the chess club there, and I'm wanting to put together some Good Eats style videos on board/tabletop games for the family. Teaching chess to elementary age kids is good and all, but what would really help is getting their whole family involved. That is what will make them better students and better people. At some point, all children should try a sport, try an instrument, read, and play a board game (Monopoly doesn't count).

I digress, though.

I wouldn't mind helping out with this. Not that I think I'll be any good, but it would be a good chance for me to learn what all goes into it, for me to try and fail as it were.

I would need some recommendations on a capture device. I tried once to pipe my PS3 through a TiVo 2, but I don't have an HD card in my TiVo, so it muddled up the aspect.
The main thing i know is that you need to get a capture card that does composite video. HDMI is encrypted and most affordable cards dont have the license needed to unencrypt the video feed.
I have an Hauppagge dvr/capture 'device'. It has all the in/outs except HDMI, which as Rally said, you can't record from anyway. You connect it to a PC via usb and use their bundled capture software. The better the PC the higher the framerate you can capture.

It does a good job. Playback on the PC is pretty much as viewed. I'll look up the model and post it shortly.

EDIT: This is the one I have. Mine's is a couple of years old though.
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You can save and send replay data just like a back up. I think its either two or three files for each replay. That then could be distributed to anyone who wants to make a video. Not sure if this works in practice or not, but I have backed up replays, so I assume that the files could be emailed, downloaded onto an sdcard and viewed by the person looking to record.

Yeah, that's an intriguing prospect. I'd be interested to see if this is in fact possible. The ability to have one video containing highlights from all three divisions would be epic!

I wouldn't mind helping out with this. Not that I think I'll be any good, but it would be a good chance for me to learn what all goes into it, for me to try and fail as it were.

Then again.. if we have volunteers from each division willing to make a video, that could be pretty cool too. It would allow for three different creative styles and therefore three totally unique videos and experiences. 👍
:) Good day fellow S.N.A.I.L's.:) I just want to make a comment about sharkie's tutoring. When I came acrossed this league and read what it was all about, I said "this is for me". All skills levels was the kicker for me to join. I have raced for 3 weeks now and enjoyed every minute.👍 Then I read that someone was willing to tutor racers and help them make their Sim Racing a better experence and I checked it out. WOW!!!!!! I'm addicted! Sharkie's tutoring has help a great deal with learning the the race track and its subtleties. I am amazed on how just finding these subtleties and learning braking points and acceleration points how I improved.
Here's an example of times for this weeks races;
Deep Forest-1:29.332 to 1:27.272
Trail Mtn-1:30.784 to 1:28.533
Grand Valley-1:05.224 to 1:03.922
I would say that thats a huge improvement!:)
These examples are testament on the tutoring that I received because I took sharkie up on it. If you want to see for yourself, just watch for the posts sharkie makes on the thread when she is having tutoring and go. Don't be :nervous: she doesn't bite. I can't leave mopar out of this because he had influence in the tutoring also:)
Zero, thanks for running a great league. You opened up an opportunity for me to meet some good people. Thanks!!
For any new people reading this post, check this league out.You won't be disappointed.:)👍