aI must be bad to be in the F1 Caption Game two races in a row...
bNarain looks intensely at the timing screen, he's still last.
c"What, me again? You know what? Forget it cameraman, we're not talking."
dNarain: "Karma karma karma chameleon..." *whistles the rest of the song
eNarain thinking of what could have been if he decided to be a penguin.
f"I tell you man, ribs are the worst. I wish I had a toothpick."
gNarain clearly studied the wrong Plato when learning how to avoid penalties when bashing others off the track.
hOnly 50 minutes of practice left
Shouldn't have eaten all that curry last night.
iI sense a disturbance in the Force... Mark Webber is out of the Caption Contest this week...
jHmm qualified worse than last year, luckily the team "lost" that data. *Whistles inconspicuously*
kI came 4th once.. Those were the days.
l"One tooth, two tooth, three...wait a tick I better ask Pedro if HRT has a dental plan yet."
mWhy do I get the feeling the straw is still in my mouth???
Relax Narain (thinks to himself) Im so nervous that I may have switch the bottles... I should have realized the liquid tasted like my benzocaine topical... and damn I was thirsty...
nThinks to self: Narain in Bahrain will stay mainly on the plane...
oNarain Karthikeyan ponders.... do I suck, or blow?
pHaving successfully managed to remain invisible all weekend, Narain is rewarded with an invisible lollipop.
Who loves ya baby? No-one Narain, no-one.
qStrike a pose... VOGUE!
r"Vettel's the cucumber's worst enemy, he attacks them with inappropriate-fingered hate. The cucumber has only one one way to escape him, that's drive a HRT down the straight."
This caption will only make sense if you've watched this video.
sHmm... how many cucumbers would I need to ram into Sebastian? Six, no make that seven, no call it eight.
tNarain caught just about to sing his favourite song.....
"Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man: no time to talk.
AH AH AH AH Staying Aliiiiiive"
uIf I knew then, what I know now, I would took the whining finger waving German clean out.
v"Kiss me I'm Irish...oh, wait..."
wSpit or Swallow?
xNarain: "Didn't they say hitting the gas makes you faster? So how come when I hit the gas tanks of people I get penalty?"
yPictured: Indian.
Not pictured: Force.
zNarain Karthikeyan is...The Tire Hunter.
(sponsored by Bridgestone)
aaHmm, Time & Scoring error shows me in 5th. To tell or not to tell...
bbNarain thinking to himself - Sunday would be a lot more relaxing if I didn't qualify within the 107% this weekend
ccVettel: Driving!
All other drivers: YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG