- 29,448
- Glasgow
- GTP_Mars
ROUND TWO - Voting

- Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
- You have three votes which may be split two ways (2-1) or three ways (1-1-1)
- Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
- Please read all entries before voting
- Deadline for voting is Tuesday 10th April 1900 BST
- Good luck!

Submitted Entries
AEngineer: What's wrong Narain?!
Narain: I've just received a card from France. It says, "Keep up the good work. Love, P.Alliot"
BNarain's engineer tries to motivate his driver by shaking an imaginary bottle of champagne..
CEngineer: Look at the monitor, I'm gonna spend some time showing you the livery differences between the Toro Rosso and the Red Bull... might come in handy this weekend.
D"No no no, rock beats scissors, you loose! Now hand over that Justin Bieber rookie card Narain!"
EEngineer: ...so you must pit at least twice in the race, chances are that there is going to be rain, in which case you have to move over for the front runners...
Narain: Wait, wait, wait. I have to let people pass me?
FKarthikeyan 2012
Invisible Drivers
GEngineer - One potato, two potato, three potato, four.
Narain - Cucumber?
HEngineer: Look into my eyes, Look into my eyes, Don't look around my eyes, ect...
JEngineer: Remember, our best shot at winning, is to hang back 10 car lengths and hope everyone crashes at the first corner. OK?
KMechanic: So how is the HRT this weekend?
NK: Well, my nipples are a bit swollen, and I've had a bit of trouble with...
Mechanic: I meant the car, Narain... how's the bloody car?!
LEngineer: "No Narain, this is not dodgems..."
M"Narain? Seb wanted me to give this to you. 'Right on the nose, Steve', he said."
N"The rest of the grid is faster than you, do you understand?"
O"Vettel may call me a cucumber, but I had the raita way."
PEngineer: I seen you talking to Mark Webber earlier, what was all that about?
Narain: Strangest thing, I can't recall any of it
QEngineer - Yes! We're racing tomorrow!
Narain - What? I made the 107%?
RI must confess, I have blue-red color-blindness.
You can't tell blue from red?
No, I can't see anything painted in either color...
SEngineer: C'mon Narain, do the rain dance for us, because if it keeps raining now we'll score half a point!
T"Well, the Top 3 Car Magnet Powder we applied to your car did a decent job on its first weekend of running. If we can get it fully working, you'll be back in 10th place again in no time!"
UEngineer: "25 minutes left in the session, think we should get more track time? That 107% rule is.."
Narain: "Actually, I think we should save the car for Sunday. Car parts are expensive."
VEngineer: Guess what I'm holding in this hand.
Narain: Our 2012 budget?
WWe can't afford the bill to Pirreli so you will be going around on rims ok?
XEngineer: OK, Narain, hope you are on the Button for the race, drink loads of water before and reVettelise yourself as we don't want you crashing into anyone. *Turns around and walks away*
Narain: Button? ... Vettel? ... Crash into People? ...
YEngineer: OK, Narain, so for example; if a fast lap takes 100 seconds - the 107% rule means you have to lap in 107 seconds, or faster.
Narain: OK, so you take 100 and times it by 107 and then you divide by....
ZThe HRT engineers teaching Narain the greeting of touching fists together, Narain had trouble with this exercise....
AAEngineer: Narain we've sharpened the front wing end plates so you can cut through the tyr.. ehrm corners better.
BBEngineer - "Just pretend that I'm holding a blue flag."
Narain - "What is this 'blue flag' you speak of?"
Engineer - "Perfect..."
CCThe HRT engineer tries hard to forgo laughter when he noticed Narain's driving suit had two TATAs on the front of it.
DDEngineer - You've got to stop interfering with the championship contenders... Dont you wish to get paid sometime to drive in F1???
Narain - Paid??? You get paid???
EEEngineer: How was it out there?
Karthikeyan: It was hot, sweaty and I was getting passed left and right
Engineer: Maybe this imaginary cucumber will cool you down?
FFMeanwhile, at HRT ...
Engineer: "What happens when you turn the wheel to the left?"
Karthikeyan: "The car goes left."
Engineer: "And when you turn the wheel to the right?"
Karthikeyan: "The car goes left."
GGKarthikeyan: When you say "your competitors", to whom are you referring?
Engineer: Don't down play yourself like that, you have plenty of competitors. You have your teammate. You have, errrr, the backup driver. And um....Errrrrr.......Hey, are you planning on watching the GP2 race later today?
HHNarain: Look I know your pissed at me, but that girly fist does not intimidate me at all.
JJEngineer: Bad news Narain, Ferrari's cheque bounced