*EASY* things for PD to implement in GT5

  • Thread starter magawolaz
Here's an easy implementation that may or may not have been mentioned before: stack the paints in the items list! There's no need to have 8 different entries of one black paint. For Pete's sake who thought this up? :facepalm:

Just have one black paint entry with a count of 8 items in the entry.
GREAT question, sir! Why spend all of that precious time implementing these painstaking features, most of which are really cool, and never have your customers experience them in the races? Your entire post rates high in the "validity" category. Good work in bringing these points up. 👍

We should not have to labor through the ridiculous endurance races just to taste all that is GT5. The much talked about Event Creator would remedy this entire situation- a situation that has grown increasingly dire.

Yeah I mean PD work really hard on those features (night racing, day/night transition, rain, damage, etc..) and don't take advantage of them can't find an explanation to that but I hope they start to consider using then on the seasonal events.
Bumpity bump.
Do we know if the official changelog of update 2.06 covers every change made to the game?

I'll look if there's something to remove from the list in the first post.

Oh, and two more easy things to do about photomode:
- Remove the drifting markers when in photomode (I mean, these yellow/red icons)
- Ability to control the time progression in PhotoTravel (in Red Bull Hangar and San Galgano Abbey; I hate being in a hurry just to have better lightning :lol:)
Tsukuba short

I truly believe it's short enough.

A recommendation that I think it will be hard enough: The ability to set and restrict other online players (including yourself) using specific cars, with specific tunes.
Make the weather load faster in the race menu screen (aka make it load up before you can start a race). When selecting tracks with changeable weather the rain only loads after the first scenery of the track is shown dry, it makes me press X and starting on a unexpected wet track.

Minor rant but would make our lives easier.
If you're driving completely without display, add double or triple split sound when entering final or penultimate lap. Other split sounds should be off.
I'd like if PD would put in the Pause Menu option an adjustable field of view! The narrow field of view kills the sense of speed. And since in the Photomode you can easily change it. Then why it wouldn't be a problem to change it in-game. Since even some cars have a wide field of view hood/bonnet cam. Such as the Premium Skyline R32 and R33.
I'd like to see better online lobby options like:

-Room host should be able to hand off room to user of choice instead of just the next person in line.
-Set upper and lower PP or HP limits.
-Race gap between other positions on track, not just first position.
-If a race starts with 16 people, prize credits should not be affected if half the field quits out. These positions should just receive a DNF but remain on the leader board.
-When a race ends, laps cars should finish when they cross the finish line on the lap they are on and shouldn't have to race until the time limit runs out. Then the time limit could default to the length of one lap.
-Option to change left side tires only on Daytona and Indy.
-Street car only restrictions option.
-Set license and/or level restrictions on lobbies.
-Limit tire choices to racing, sport, or comfort only.
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I'd like a filter on my garage, for restricting to stock only. Hundreds of cars, some duplicates where one is tuned, one not, and no idea which is which, what I've tuned, what I haven't tuned... it's a 'mare
Quit putting "traction control" on 5 as a default. Driving aids should be global settings - nobody had different driving aids on each car. It's really tiresome having to check where it is before each race. Especially if you forget.

When I go into my garage, put the car I'm currently using in its own little spot at the top. That way I don't have to scroll halfway down the page if I want to tune it or check if it has certain parts installed.

If I do a filter for "Volkswagen" in premium cars and switch to standards, leave the filter in place. That way I wouldn't have to scroll through the entire list of manufacturers a second time.
In online mode, keep the in car menu settings the same from free run to race, when racing with no abs the brake balance gets reset to 5/5 when the race starts.
In online mode, keep the in car menu settings the same from free run to race, when racing with no abs the brake balance gets reset to 5/5 when the race starts.

It resets if you changed the settings during the either Free Run/Race via QTS Menu.

Game takes the values in Main Setting Menu as your defaults. When you apply the real-time changes via QTS Menu, those value lasts only until the end of the particular session and then return to your adjusted value as in Main Setting menu.

In order to have your BB saved across the races, you have to go to Setting menu > Brake Balance > Adjust Balance. Once you adjust your wished BB, it will stay that way throughout the sessions.

If you want to have different setups for ABSoN/ABSoFF races, you can save BB settings for either of type under A/B/C Setting Sheets and recall them appropriately depending of type of race you're participating prior to the Free Run/Race in the Settings Menu.
Wish they'd fix the lap times being listed twice (5 laps / 5 laps) before each race. That's just kind of sloppy.
My top 10 i would love to see in the game.

- Extend the Premium wheel selection to all Standards (all Premium wheels for all cars).
- A wider selection of rims in GT Auto
- Paint system should be improved
- Ability to look at your cars from all angles (or at least stop the rotation) when viewing a car or in GT Auto
- Ability to set default car options once for all occasions (like SRF off, auto/manual, TCS/ABS etc.)
- The option to change your car from the start race screen
- Custom Folders for your Garage
- Ability to shutdown GTAUTO oil change or engine redone ''videos'' (saves SO much time and its boring as hell) or do this directly from garage.
- Ability to buy cars without the lengthy animation (saves SO much time and its boring as hell).
- Ability to set depth of view in cockpit

these are not in any particular order, just the top ideas that i liked most
Wish they'd switch the viewing angles when choosing a paint color in the dealership. I'm sitting there for a whole minute waiting for a nice side view to come up so I can get a few seconds to see what the car will actually look like before the low-angle grill view comes up again.
Host should be able to see pp, power and weight of each car in the server.
This would help to organize championships with performance penalties to winners.
I'm not sure if this has been said but I only skimmed...

The ability to have your wheel turn just 200 degrees AS WELL AS the already implemented 900
- Fastest lap (for each player, and the fastest lap overall), displayed in the results at the end of online (and offline) races.

- Traction control / rev limiter on grass. I would like to turn this off. If TC is off, (optional or enforced in online lobby), so should the rev limiter be disabled when on the grass.
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When I go into my garage, put the car I'm currently using in its own little spot at the top. That way I don't have to scroll halfway down the page if I want to tune it or check if it has certain parts installed.

There is a little icon near the bottom left of your garage at all times. It looks like a small magnifying glass. Click it.
- Fastest lap (for each player, and the fastest lap overall), displayed in the results at the end of online (and offline) races.

- Traction control / rev limiter on grass. I would like to turn this off. If TC is off, (optional or enforced in online lobby), so should the rev limiter be disabled when on the grass.

There's no way to turn off the rev limiter when on the pavement, why would it go away on the grass? Not sure what you mean by that.

But the magically appearing TC on the grass should go, you're right. If it's off it should be off, not "off on pavement and some off-road areas and not in others." It even causes accidents due to it instantly coming on and off as you transition between surfaces.
- Full control over the headlights.

Night/dusk racing without headlights on, and day driving with the headlights on for Photo Mode.

- Ability to change the volume of the sound effects and music during replays

- Ability to use Standard cars in Photo Travel

Possibly, but doubtful and not necessary,

- have a low/medium/fast setting for the windshield wipers.
dont know if its been mentioned but would be great if there was a small rectangular led box in cockpit showing lap timing and speed and maybe gear(could be added via tuning shop or gt auto), if any1 has played gt legends then something similar to the small led lit box thats in the cockpit of the cars.

this would be really helpful and would be great for immersion as they would not be any need for the hud and laptime info anymore(for me anyway) and you could see what speed you are travelling at as in most cars you cant read the speedo.

would be great if they could put it in standard cars too.

would also stop the non moving hud images burning into plasma screens
dont know if its been mentioned but would be great if there was a small rectangular led box in cockpit showing lap timing and speed and maybe gear(could be added via tuning shop or gt auto), if any1 has played gt legends then something similar to the small led lit box thats in the cockpit of the cars.

this would be really helpful and would be great for immersion as they would not be any need for the hud and laptime info anymore(for me anyway) and you could see what speed you are travelling at as in most cars you cant read the speedo.

would be great if they could put it in standard cars too.
I has been thinking about this for some time...

They could can make it an upgrade part to install in your car.
I has been thinking about this for some time...

They could can make it an upgrade part to install in your car.

In addition add please Red blinking dot upon the wheel to note RPMs. Would be awesome when driving without the HUD.