*EASY* things for PD to implement in GT5

  • Thread starter magawolaz
For online races, I'd like a tone or sound when host starts countdown to race. Some hosts take a while to start, and if I'm not glued to the TV it would be nice to know race is getting ready to start.
So, I was thinking about moving this thread to the Gran Turismo 6 sub-forum. I don't think we'll see new updates for GT5.
Do you think it's worth it? Is there already a thread like this one?
Who should I contact to move it?
just came in to bump this... Tree'd by magawolaz!

I think it still belongs here in the GT5 section, as PD should* still be checking up on this forum if they're smart (and adding things to GT6). Also, we kinda have to wait to see what "easy things" gt6 is missing- and right now they have some massive threads in the gt6 forum like the "what do you want to see besides cars and tracks"..

We should be good for a while. Now, if the site founder or mods wanted to put some work in and clean up the Feedback section of GTPlanet.... :snarky face:
Fantastic list, totally what I 've had in mind (most of the ideas anyway!).
Well GT5 is a fantastic game, can't wait for GT6! I 've been a fan from the start of the series and will always be that's for sure!

Well my recomendations are:
1. Please make a selection to remove on right side of screen drive names list and add car models list. Driver names don't mean anything to me. Absolutely useless when playing Seasonals and offline games. I understand for online games, you need to see your friends. Other than that is useless!

2. Default camera setting to be remembered when you relaunch game. Everytime I have to press select for outside view.

Tottally agree with units changing and buying multiple cars at used dealeships. You are wasting so much time... I hope to fully use PS4 hardware next year!

And can't play GT5 at times because of that [*&^%] YLOD and chips solder balls cracking... (I had to mention it!)
Hi All,

My 0.02

Tyre load indicator in replay mode please.

More advanced telemetry in general:
Axes with numbered graduations for the graphs which don't have them (Gearbox setup, G meter in cockpit view, G graphs in data logger.) More graduations on dyno curve

Numbers displayed alongside telemetry like on Forza, we already have a tire load indicator, how about some numbers next to the wheels if we want them?
Related: Suspension travel (they put a red dot for "bottoming out" in tyre load indicator), how about some numbers? Real-time camber info would be nice too.

Skidpan test (same as speed test, but max Lateral G) Big, simple open test track (Driving Park?!) with archery target style concentric circles to follow.

This may seem a lot, but I do consider it an "easy fix". These numbers are already there to draw the relevant graphs - PLEASE PD make them available directly!

I should not have to approach my TV with a ruler/protractor to know how much G I pulled through a turn, and what my dynamic camber was!!! (Am I sad or committed? The jury is still out!)Amazon selected to provide new GT5 tuning DLC/joke

I honestly believe if this info was available it would start a new rush of interest in tuning cars in this game. Every time I see a Forza replay with the telemetry I feel like a kid who didn't get his Christmas present.

NA tuning - please make this more interesting than an across the board increase with a few extra revs. Stage 3 even mentions a cam swap - why is my powerband the same?!?! GT4 actually had this if you took a beetle (or fiat 500?) to NA3 tuning.

Turbo lag (not to be confused with boost threshold):....although I understand that the range of cars in GT5 must use a wide variety of turbos with different characteristics, not to mention if you include upgrades in the tuning shop. A "best guess" fix would be better than none - a slight spongy feeling in the pedal before the car responds.



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