*EASY* things for PD to implement in GT5

  • Thread starter magawolaz
If you widen the FOV that should solve it.
Or use a multi-screen setup.

Yes but you can't widen the FOV in GT5 like in PC sims, it's fixed and for me at least way too narrow. Always when I come back to GT5 after playing other Sims I be like :dunce: why it feels so slow?! Oh yeah the FOV... because it feels zoomed in... Well maybe not a big concern for others. For me at least an option to adjust it would be nice. You can do it in Photomode so it shouldnt be a problem for the gameplay aswell. :)

Can't afford a multiple view setup only for GT5. :crazy:
Yes but you can't widen the FOV in GT5 like in PC sims, it's fixed and for me at least way too narrow. Always when I come back to GT5 after playing other Sims I be like :dunce: why it feels so slow?! Oh yeah the FOV... because it feels zoomed in... Well maybe not a big concern for others. For me at least an option to adjust it would be nice. You can do it in Photomode so it shouldnt be a problem for the gameplay aswell. :)

Can't afford a multiple view setup only for GT5. :crazy:

Are you sure?
I know that for the interior view you can.
Yes I am sure, and in the Interior view you can only make it worse by even make it more narrow and it's actually just a zoom in. The standart FOV is the "widest" and well for me already too narrow. Hope it's gonna be fixed in GT6 or at least adjustable. The strange thing is, some cars such as the Premium R33 Skyline, have a wider FOV in their hood cam. And it's such a pleasure to drive this way. If you never noticed try it out :)
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Yes donZonda, for me its over too narrow too. You cant even see what is in the (wheel)side and center mirror!

The easiest thing to do is make much more Aspec races with many many restrictions making you to use almost every car in game.
Well it's not only the cockpitcam, the bumper/windshield cam and especially the chase view suffer from this problem the most. Way too narrow FOV which kills the sense of speed and you can't see things left and right from you properly. Like an overtaking car which you crash into in the worst case.
Crank up the FFB a few notches. I have it on 10, and I'll be honest, I can't feel it at all on most of the cars. The occasional jiggle. The odd wobble on a rumble strip. But mostly nothing. :grumpy:
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Ability to switch camera views when watching a race online. I just hate it how I can't get onboard views when it should be fully implementable (unless it causes lag, of course).
Ability to remove times from Time Trial like in GT4.

Yes, it would be nice to get rid of duplicate times/practice laps. Actually, expand this further by making Time Trial leaderboards more than 10 spaces big. I can't make a proper Top Gear style Power Laps board if I can only test 10 cars at a time, a task made harder by having to delete the entire list if I duplicate an entry. :irked:
Either make a option or just plainly remove cones on Top Gear Test Track. I highly think they are pointless. I don't think anyone needs a cone guideline of the track. I always push them behind Gambon fun to move them out of the way
Crank up the FFB a few notches. I have it on 10, and I'll be honest, I can't feel it at all on most of the cars. The occasional jiggle. The odd wobble on a rumble strip. But mostly nothing. :grumpy:
Anybody go over kerbs/rumble strip going at a snail's pace? The feedback is very pronounced. It becomes almost nonexistent at high speeds probably because of limitations, whatever they are. Option to take off all the cones or leave them would do. No need to make it harder than it needs to be.

Either make a option or just plainly remove cones on Top Gear Test Track. I highly think they are pointless. I don't think anyone needs a cone guideline of the track. I always push them behind Gambon fun to move them out of the way
Only after Chicago (second turn), the cones should be there. Some people think you can cut RIGHT across the runway, but no.

They should also let us be able to go ANYWHERE on the track, no boundaries. Drifting/drag racing is "limited" on such an open track and it's irritating.

Ability to switch camera views when watching a race online. I just hate it how I can't get onboard views when it should be fully implementable (unless it causes lag, of course).
Can you explain why it should be possible? I've always wondered.

sound effects. it cant be that hard. it just cant be.
ehhh. For the most part, they're pretty damn good.

yeah, one can say that the sounds didnt change from 1st gen Gran Turismos much.
...oooookay then.
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Can you explain why it should be possible? I've always wondered.

Why should it not be? If people are doing their qualifying runs in an online lobby, an onboard view would dramatically help to check they aren't cutting corners. (I'm about to be starting as a steward in a series with mid-week quali) When watching a race on the other hand, it feels awkward if you only have the cinematic view which doesn't always show a good angle. Watching from onboard view would improve enjoyability, simply put.
One thing I suggest to make turbos a bit more detailed in their behavior (beyond simple boost threshold)

When you install a turbo, you get a negative modifier to your clutch and flywheel response based on the turbo size. The bigger it is, the worse your engine will behave. The theory behind this is that the slipping clutch will emulate the turbo's loss of boost while you were off-throttle while the slower flywheel response will emulate the generally lower compression of an off-boost turbo engine.
- Standard cars in Photo Travel
- Ability to take aerial shots of the tracks
- Take pictures anywhere on the track, including the outside of it

Why should it not be? If people are doing their qualifying runs in an online lobby, an onboard view would dramatically help to check they aren't cutting corners. (I'm about to be starting as a steward in a series with mid-week quali) When watching a race on the other hand, it feels awkward if you only have the cinematic view which doesn't always show a good angle. Watching from onboard view would improve enjoyability, simply put.
Cuz video games. Replay "mode" in video games don't work like watching a video off of a camera. There's a ton of information that'll need a lot of work/power to "record". Is fast-fordwarding/rewinding replays in GT5 THAT simple to implement?

Btw, I do need an explanation. I somewhat understand why the replay controls took so long to finally implement after four other GT games.


🤬. I hate when I talk out of my ass. I could have done it with this reply. Anyone know the deal?
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-Ability to disable (remove) damage your car when in photo mode. (Sometimes the stupid damage modelling ruin a perfect shot)

If you fast-forward to the relevant spot in the replay, I believe there won't be any damage(unless it happened right before the spot you want to take a photo). I know this works for dirt.
In remote races, when you pick B-Spec drivers, you select a friend, then pick which drivers from him. Fine, except it loads all of your friends, even if they don't have any racers for you to pick. Why not just put up the people that have drivers available?
In remote races, when you pick B-Spec drivers, you select a friend, then pick which drivers from him. Fine, except it loads all of your friends, even if they don't have any racers for you to pick. Why not just put up the people that have drivers available?

And PLEASE PD, add an option to 'save this starting grid' so you don't have to wait for all drivers to load, than wait for some to grey out, than to select the ones you want, than wait for them to load again, ...

Or just add a randomiser. The way PD currently do the menu it actually asks me to not use it and please let the unofficial PC app do the work as the menu is so slow and annoying. :dunce:
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I dunno if it's easy or not.... I want the cockpit view to have windshield... it glares when there's sun, it reflects the upper dashboard etc, it breaks when u crash. It add realism...

This this this!!! This along with many more small details which would go along way to really place the player into the game in the car. Like gravel hitting the body panels and underside when you skid off into gravel traps.
What thread is this again?

It's one of those "Post a huge list of things for PD to do even though they likely won't even read it, let alone do any of the things listed". It can go into the same category as the pointless "DLC Request thread".
Start tweeting this to Kaz. I just got the (obvious) idea a week and a half ago. I include something I want changed with each tweet of the link to this thread.

It's one of those "Post a huge list of things for PD to do even though they likely won't even read it, let alone do any of the things listed". It can go into the same category as the pointless "DLC Request thread".
I ask due to the unreasonably not simple requests people have been making recently.
Ability to switch camera views when watching a race online. I just hate it how I can't get onboard views when it should be fully implementable (unless it causes lag, of course).
Interesting question.
I thought about this a lot when spectating a race. It's either a design choice (when you watch a race on tv you can't switch camera at will; in this case, it would be cool to have a TV-styled camera, changing views dynamically between players) or it's made in order to prevent players from """"spying"""" on other players' driving lines, brake points, gears used etc. before a race.
I don't know, these are just my guesses.

It's one of those "Post a huge list of things for PD to do even though they likely won't even read it, let alone do any of the things listed". It can go into the same category as the pointless "DLC Request thread".

Start tweeting this to Kaz. I just got the (obvious) idea a week and a half ago. I include something I want changed with each tweet of the link to this thread.
I tweeted him this thread once, months ago. There's no reason to tweet him regularly, it's not like he's gonna say "Well noted" or something...
I'm sure he (or PD) already noticed this thread.
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