*EASY* things for PD to implement in GT5

  • Thread starter magawolaz
I'm still dreaming of 15'' Torq Thrust and Minilite wheels for standard cars.

No I don't want to DUB-out my Chevelle. But thanks anyway.
I'll update the OP soon.

List the make and model of the car that each paint item came from. The data is clearly there, or else it wouldn't be able to separate paints with the same name but different colors.

You can already figure out the make by sorting, but for the sake of organization, I'd like to know, for example, which Subaru my WR Blue Mica came from, or which Mercedes my Schwarz came from.
Ok, some already in the OP, so ill list
More aero parts (more choice of front bumpers and wings)
Better exhaust sounds (Miss those cool Viper and Lamborghini sounds)
On Endurance races, you can pit and switch to B-Spec Bob if you're tired or bored
Switch steering wheel side
Blurring when at high speed or moving around in cockpit view
Change steering wheels and dials
More wheel choices
Calendar for planning and reminders

These are the only one's I personally think are reasonable out of your post. The rest would need licensing, lots of modelling, or changes in the physics.
At least add the 2013 SRT Viper, PD! How hard is that?
Thing is, this thread was supposed to catalog all those things that require very little effort to be made.

With this I mean:
- more sorting options in garage/lobby
- ability to skip cutscene/animations
- ability to turn on/off single HUD elements
and so on.

(agreed, not everything in the OP is easy, I'll give you that. One day I'll skim through the OP and I'll clear up everything)

Now, modelling a car takes months. Recording audio samples takes days. Nailing the physics takes weeks.

So no, please leave cars and tracks out of this thread, especially if they are brand new things that require lot of time to be done properly.

On the other hand, things like Suzuka East or Tsukuba short are welcome because they are pretty much already in the game 👍
Ok, some already in the OP, so ill list some:
Engine swapping (V10 Corvette would be awesome)
Brands on the parts (Hennessey parts, JDM aero parts, Michellin tires)
More aero parts (more choice of front bumpers and wings)
More choice of performance parts, like Engine Stage 5 or Racing Flywheel
Adjustability of the number of transmission gears like 4,5,6,7
Fix some cars like the RUF Yellowbird and MP4-12C to better handling
Better exhaust sounds (Miss those cool Viper and Lamborghini sounds)
Add race-inspired liveries on a car
More Variety of RMable cars (at least 2 for each manufactuer)
Add some more A-Spec events like FIA-GT1 or American Le Mans championship
On Endurance races, you can pit and switch to B-Spec Bob if you're tired or bored
When looking to the left and right, you can see the car's side instead of just the road
Switch drivetrain
Blurring when at high speed or moving around in cockpit view
Change steering wheels and dials
More rim choices

Edited, some are ridiculously hard. Hennessey parts, Le Mans, and other brands need licensing and I wonder how much PD needs to spend to get them.
can't do any of those in a lunch break. You know, something really easy to do to the point they don't get revenue for it but still do it.
Pit Stop Time...like Formula 1

That would be really weird in a Le Mans car or a street car. Actually it's pretty weird in F1. It could work if you developed completely separate pit stop animations and timings for just the F1 cars and the FGT like they did for NASCAR. It might even be nice, they could do that for 4-5 different styles of race cars. But easy? Not by a long shot. Maybe in GT6.

I'd like it if they just gave all the cars fuel tanks and efficiency that resembled the real-world version's capacity. Not sure how "easy" that would be, maybe on the edge of being feasible if you had somebody with nothing better to work on. Might still be quite difficult though if you run into things that are a part of the basic format of all the races and not variables that are a part of each car. Meaning that for the obvious and simplified example, if YOURCAR's fuel tank is 100L and it depletes along with weight(and possibly changes weight balance) then it might be a workable change if there are no other problems --- but if FUEL_ENABLED is a race variable which means all race entrants have a 100L fuel tank that starts full and then depletes it might be impossible to correct.

"Easy" can be a difficult thing to assume in a complex program. And then there's testing the things for unforseen problems.
How about the cars with two different paints? For example, the bugatti veyron usually has the black covering the back and down the hood and another color, like red, on the doors. So how about cars similar to the veyron (acura DNX, buick special, etc) could have the option to paint either color separately?
If cars had different fuel tank sizes, in long races, the cars with larger tanks would have the upper hand.
They could implement an additional tuning part adding race-grade standard fuel tanks (120 liters?).
By the way, fuel load should also be selectable.
They could implement an additional tuning part adding race-grade standard fuel tanks (120 liters?).
By the way, fuel load should also be selectable.

Definitely, for qualifying in leagues I shouldn't need a full tank.
- Option to record online pre-race session with or without the race.
- Photo Travel for all cars (since standards have been improving and it wouldn't hurt)
- Off/On option for WRONG WAY sign
- Shake effect settings (it's too sterile right now)

- Option to turn on the gauge lights (for the rate of speed and RPM's to be visible at all times) - it's a MUST and another one that wasn't added to the list :/ even though it's been pointed out before
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1. Real time tire temps (degrees fahrenheit) for all four tires on the HUD. Should display temps for the inside/middle/outside of each individual tire as well to massively assist camber settings. Will be very useful in seeing how a tune balances the car as well as how a tune helps or hurts tire wear

2. Licensed racing apparel like helmets, gloves, helmet visors, suits, shoes, and custom color for each.

3. Wind Tunnel to test drag coefficient of each car

4. Brake Fade

5. Real fuel tank sizes for each car (66L for Ford GT, 82L for NASCAR). Can turn this feature on or off

6. Proper pit stop time for each car (4 seconds for F1, 15 seconds for NASCAR, 60 seconds for Le Mans.) Can turn this feature on or off

7. Ability to take just right or left side tires in NASCAR

8. Restrictor plate as a tuning option for NASCAR

9. More realistic fuel mileage and tire wear (both should last much longer)

10. Time as a measure for race distances online and offline, 1 minute - 24 hours.

11. Ability to join an online race already in progress from the pits, or driver swaps

12. Detailed race report that can be saved after online and offline races . Complete results (time behind leader, average speed and session time) laps led, fastest laps, pit stops, penalties, etc

13. Ability to rent high speed servers from PD to host lag free private or public online events
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1. Real time tire temps (degrees fahrenheit) for all four tires on the HUD. Should display temps for the inside/middle/outside of each individual tire as well to massively assist camber settings. Will be very useful in seeing how a tune balances the car as well as how a tune helps or hurts tire wear

2. Licensed racing apparel like helmets, gloves, helmet visors, suits, shoes, and custom color for each.

3. Wind Tunnel to test drag coefficient of each car

4. Brake Fade

5. Real fuel tank sizes for each car (66L for Ford GT, 82L for NASCAR). Can turn this feature on or off

6. Proper pit stop time for each car (4 seconds for F1, 15 seconds for NASCAR, 60 seconds for Le Mans.) Can turn this feature on or off

7. Ability to take just right or left side tires in NASCAR

8. Restrictor plate as a tuning option for NASCAR

9. More realistic fuel mileage and tire wear (both should last much longer)

10. Time as a measure for race distances online and offline, 1 minute - 24 hours.

11. Ability to join an online race already in progress from the pits, or driver swaps

12. Detailed race report that can be saved after online and offline races . Complete results (time behind leader, average speed and session time) laps led, fastest laps, pit stops, penalties, etc

For changing 2 tires in NASCAR, we'd need to have more realistic tire wear, in NASCAR, the inside tires don't wear as much as the outside tires and can go more stints than the outside tire (on Ovals). In GT5 terms, the insides wear almost as much as outsides.
I'm still dreaming of 15'' Torq Thrust and Minilite wheels for standard cars.

No I don't want to DUB-out my Chevelle. But thanks anyway.

Yup. Extending this a bit by allowing us to choose between rim sizes of 13"-23" (yes that should be big enough on any car...) depending on the vehicles would be a really nice addition, oh well, it takes time programming this and deciding/licensing which car gets which sizes so... this is getting away from topic, let's just hope it will be possible...

soon. :sly:

Some plain things I'd love to have and would spend hours using:

Remote Racing without PS3 having to be turned on/in Remote Racing stand-by mode - it's non-economical and I don't like to overuse my PS3. If GT's website had an automatic mode doing something like the famous widget is doing I'd be running remote races all day!
(I know Remote Races are meant to be actual 20 minutes races that you can experience/watch but seriously... I can do that offline in B-Spec mode too, not much of a difference for me, despite the offline thingy at least kinda being a challenge. If the race automatically starts with randomly picked drivers from my friendlist and ends 20 minutes later, than starts again with different randomly picked drivers and so on and I get my money in the end I'm happy.)

In addition to the (in the opening post mentioned) added sort options in the online garage using the same as offline (Purchase Date, ...) having the ability to switch to small car thumbnails in garage online would help a lot. Since we can't access the menu we get into when we're about to select a car offline, where we see it big in front of the dark background and most importantly see the statistics of the vehicle we should at least be able to see this in a small preview thumbnail like when you change view in offline garage.
I have destroyed about 20 pretty-rare-to-get 0/0/0 cars that way already - for example when I had 2 Ford GT LM Race Cars '69 (yes, that 20 million thing two times!...) and one is was never used I'd like to know which one before I select it, drive it, than leave the lobby, go back to garage and suddenly see that both my old '69 GTs are used now! :ouch:

Option to turn off cockpit shake - I've seen this mentioned ages ago in a random thread by somebody saying there was no cockpit camera shake in Prologue and linked a YouTube video which showed that, it looked so much more... relaxed. Some people including me might like that, especially when cruising, and adding or deactivating a visual effect shouldn't be too difficult to add as an option.
And PD... in case you're reading this, don't make the mistake of adding that to the general options. Add it to the quick options that can be accessed in pause menu, please... Thanks.

Total playtime and more information about the player available in the game's statistics would be nice too. Look at Rockstar Games for example, the GTA and Midnight Club titles have very detailed statistics, why can't we get that in GT too? Things like total playtime, total earned/spent money, less general things like highest ever reached speed and so on would be interesting for any GT player - and of course, yourself too.
Not everyone might like to share these information though, as well as the ones previously shown already. An option to disable others to see how much money you have for example would be nice.

Something rather unrealistic for GT5, but still rather small additions that would change a lot:

No matter how much time this takes because of the licensing trouble it might produce, who wouldn't love to drive their cars with custom, either funny or realistic, license plates! If PD does their job well on this it could be very interesting, you could have Asian countries' plates used on Asian cars, European cities' and countries' plates on European cars and so on. All that combined with the ability of modifying them as far as we like - that would be awesome!

900° steering animation
They've tried it in Prologue Beta versions and failed quite badly, lots of glitchy very very fast movements, indeed it doesn't seem to work to be animated during racing... what if we had a cruise mode? It would be perfect to use for such, look at Driver San Francisco, it's maybe not build for cruising but still, the driver uses the steering wheel 900° all the time.
Turning Signals would be a nice addition too (including all movements and sound...), together with the 900° steering this would be something good to have in a free drive/cruise mode, but all that concludes to a really big addition, at least a new game mode... so I better stop now.

The only thing I've read in the opening post I would not like to happen are used Premium cars. Some people, including me, love to collect miles on special cars they really like, the problem is, when you do this on a standard car, 2,000 miles on the clock mean nothing. It looks like you just bought the thing with that mileage already on it and that's it. You can't prove you've actually driven the miles. When it's on a Premium car though, it's at least proven that a human has driven this distance!
I'd love to keep this. Because showing off my barely modified IS-F which got ~6,000 miles (not too familiar with miles, I use km) is quite impressive usually, while my TVR Cerbera Speed 12 which I drove 1,800km on Route X online doesn't impress myself too much, since it had 200km on the clock when I bought it... it didn't have that 'fresh' feeling telling you 'this is all done by myself', know what I mean? I know it's stupid. :crazy:

Sorry for the long post and, especially, the very long sentences. Gotta work on that.
In case I did any mistakes, feel free to correct me 👍
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miky_magawolaz!! Epic pic is epic! LOL!

You are AWESOME for updating that OP again. Check your gifts in GT Life this weekend for something extra sweet. We appreciate the hard work you've put into this ultra-important topic.
lol, thanks mate, you are too kind! It's my pleasure 👍

Ultra-important topic, maybe, yeah... I hope it's not a waste of time :lol:
I'm sure PD staff lurks GTplanet, so I'd love to see a new GT5 update with some of the things mentioned in this thread.

If not, I hope they'll take notes for GT6.
Hello magawolaz. Could you be specific in letting us know which features we mentioned you decided to add to the main list and if not why?
Hello magawolaz. Could you be specific in letting us know which features we mentioned you decided to add to the main list and if not why?
Well, I added most of the things mentioned in the thread. If I skipped something is either because 1) they are not "easy", 2) I missed it :lol: :ouch:

I'll tell you more: I just updated the first post by separating every feature requested in three lists.
Now there's a "no-brainer" list, a "easy" list (with easy tracks) and a "not-that-easy-but-still-doable" list.

In the "no-brainer" list I want to list every feature or every fix that takes very little amount of time to be done. (and that should already be in the game :grumpy:)
For instance: autosave to be optional; ability to skip cutscenes/animations; More sorting/filtering options.
These things do not require extra coding, they are all already in the game; PD just need to give us more options. How many times we saw garage-filters in certain Seasonal Events that are not available for us in Garage or lobbies?

In the "easy" list there are things still easy to do, but that may take some time to be done for either techinical reasons or design choices.
For instance: paint preview in GT Auto. We all know that real-time painting change is doable, since it works in the Premium dealership, but I'm sure this is more of a design choice by PD (= Kaz) - because in real life you can't have a "preview" of a car you want to paint. (unless you use some software/photoshop-thing)

In the "Not that easy, but still doable" list you can find all sort of things that require extra-modelling/coding/testing, such as: new career/events, more RM, more rims, ability to create teams, 900-degree steering animation etc.

I hope this post will be of help to you all.
Apologies for any grammatical errors
I'd be shocked if this hasn't been mentioned yet, but just in case: neutral and reverse should be individual gear positions instead of non-existent and a separate button, that way it would be possible to add a clutch button for people with two thumbs and make it easier for DFGT/P users to reverse.

Also, for god's sake, please fix the clutched shifter mis-shift thing! If the stick is in position, make sure the car is in gear, not mysteriously in neutral just because you revved the engine when changing gear (as most people do on rev-matched downshifts)!
Just a couple of small things what have always bugged me.

Make the (P)Shelby Cobra 427 interior black. At least for cars that aren't red. It's a strange car all round but the red floor looks ridiculous.

Make the (P)Cevrolet Camaro Z/28 look factory correct. The grill and headlight bezels should be silver and the tail light panel should be body color. The black-out treatment was reserved for 396 cars. The standard version looks right.

Adjust the weight distrobution of the '05 and '07 mustangs. It's currently 65/35 F/R but should be closer to 55/45.

Adjust the weight distrobution of the '70 Challenger. It's 50/50 but should be more like 58/42. The passenger side hood emblem is missing as well.

P.S. Thanks to magawolaz for taking on this project. Seems like a lot of work. And thanks to Polyphony Digital for making a great game and supporting it for nearly two years.
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