I'm still dreaming of 15'' Torq Thrust and Minilite wheels for standard cars.
No I don't want to DUB-out my Chevelle. But thanks anyway.
Yup. Extending this a bit by allowing us to choose between rim sizes of 13"-23" (yes that should be big enough on any car...) depending on the vehicles would be a really nice addition, oh well, it takes time programming this and deciding/licensing which car gets which sizes so... this is getting away from topic, let's just hope it will be possible...
Some plain things I'd love to have and would spend hours using:
Remote Racing without PS3 having to be turned on/in Remote Racing stand-by mode - it's non-economical and I don't like to overuse my PS3. If GT's website had an automatic mode doing something like the famous widget is doing I'd be running remote races all day!
(I know Remote Races are meant to be actual 20 minutes races that you can experience/watch but seriously... I can do that offline in B-Spec mode too, not much of a difference for me, despite the offline thingy at least kinda being a challenge. If the race automatically starts with randomly picked drivers from my friendlist and ends 20 minutes later, than starts again with different randomly picked drivers and so on and I get my money in the end I'm happy.)
In addition to the (in the opening post mentioned) added sort options
in the online garage using the same as offline (Purchase Date, ...)
having the ability to switch to small car thumbnails in garage online would help a lot. Since we can't access the menu we get into when we're about to select a car offline, where we see it big in front of the dark background and most importantly
see the statistics of the vehicle we should at least be able to see this in a small preview thumbnail like when you change view in offline garage.
I have destroyed about 20 pretty-rare-to-get 0/0/0 cars that way already - for example when I had 2 Ford GT LM Race Cars '69 (yes, that 20 million thing two times!...) and one
is was never used I'd like to know which one before I select it, drive it, than leave the lobby, go back to garage and suddenly see that both my old '69 GTs are used now!
Option to turn off cockpit shake - I've seen this mentioned ages ago in a random thread by somebody saying there was no cockpit camera shake in Prologue and linked a YouTube video which showed that, it looked so much more... relaxed. Some people including me might like that, especially when cruising, and adding or deactivating a visual effect shouldn't be too difficult to add as an option.
And PD... in case you're reading this, don't make the mistake of adding that to the general options. Add it to the quick options that can be accessed in pause menu, please... Thanks.
Total playtime and more information about the player available in the game's statistics would be nice too. Look at Rockstar Games for example, the GTA and Midnight Club titles have very detailed statistics, why can't we get that in GT too? Things like total playtime, total earned/spent money, less general things like highest ever reached speed and so on would be interesting for any GT player - and of course, yourself too.
Not everyone might like to share these information though, as well as the ones previously shown already. An option to disable others to see how much money you have for example would be nice.
Something rather unrealistic for GT5, but still rather small additions that would change a lot:
No matter how much time this takes because of the licensing trouble it might produce, who wouldn't love to drive their cars with custom, either funny or realistic, license plates! If PD does their job well on this it could be very interesting, you could have Asian countries' plates used on Asian cars, European cities' and countries' plates on European cars and so on. All that combined with the ability of modifying them as far as we like - that would be awesome!
900° steering animation
They've tried it in Prologue Beta versions and failed quite badly, lots of glitchy very very fast movements, indeed it doesn't seem to work to be animated during racing... what if we had a cruise mode? It would be perfect to use for such, look at Driver San Francisco, it's maybe not build for cruising but still, the driver uses the steering wheel 900° all the time.
Turning Signals would be a nice addition too (including all movements and sound...), together with the 900° steering this would be something good to have in a free drive/cruise mode, but all that concludes to a really big addition, at least a new game mode... so I better stop now.
The only thing I've read in the opening post I would not like to happen are used Premium cars. Some people, including me, love to collect miles on special cars they really like, the problem is, when you do this on a standard car, 2,000 miles on the clock mean nothing. It looks like you just bought the thing with that mileage already on it and that's it. You can't prove you've actually driven the miles. When it's on a Premium car though, it's at least proven that a human has driven this distance!
I'd love to keep this. Because showing off my barely modified IS-F which got ~6,000 miles (not too familiar with miles, I use km) is quite impressive usually, while my TVR Cerbera Speed 12 which I drove 1,800km on Route X online doesn't impress myself too much, since it had 200km on the clock when I bought it... it didn't have that 'fresh' feeling telling you 'this is all done by myself', know what I mean? I know it's stupid.
Sorry for the long post and, especially, the very long sentences. Gotta work on that.
In case I did any mistakes, feel free to correct me 👍