*EASY* things for PD to implement in GT5

  • Thread starter magawolaz
I tweeted him this thread once, months ago. There's no reason to tweet him regularly, it's not like he's gonna say "Well noted" or something...
I'm sure he (or PD) already noticed this thread.
It's to be sure. If GT6 comes around and we still have these problems, I'll know it's because he ignored it.

I'm like that :crazy:.
A test drive option in all dealerships to test out the selected car on the top gear track without opponents.
In the New Car Dealership, I would like to see not only a checkmark under every car you own (as is the case), but also under every color you own of a specific car.
I'd like to see an "Engine Run In Service" added to GT Auto, drop you car off & those 4 guys drive it 200 miles for you in the same time it takes to restore a chassis, full BHP for a few credits!

I'd like to see an "Engine Run In Service" added to GT Auto, drop you car off & those 4 guys drive it 200 miles for you in the same time it takes to restore a chassis, full BHP for a few credits!


Cool idea. But kind of a lazy way to break in your car you know what i mean. :)
Cool idea. But kind of a lazy way to break in your car you know what i mean. :)

I'd rather break in my car that way, than break my PS3 because of having to run cars in for online events organised by GT Planet members.

I'd like to see an "Engine Run In Service" added to GT Auto, drop you car off & those 4 guys drive it 200 miles for you in the same time it takes to restore a chassis, full BHP for a few credits!


Nice idea! Liking it! :)
Real Coastal / Rural, Point-to-Point tracks, not Toscana based, but real geographical terrain, famous landmarks, as DLC.
Maybe remove 3 out of the 4 save points while starting up GT life.

Large savegame (due to forced collecting MC/Paint at startup) makes the game load slow :(

A real implementation would be splitting up the savegame in multiple sections.
Savegame is too massive (6.5mb) so reading and writing is really slow. Splitting it up internally would solve that issue for many.
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How about a smoke: real/driftkid/off option, so those with half an idea of what looks realistic don't have to cringe at the sight of a slightly sliding tyre making a thick smokescreen.

And realistic suspension for the Mclaren f1 ROAD CAR!!

Plus a one-make race practice mode that you don't have to use the stock unmodified version in. (at the moment the a.i don't use your car, they use a stock version of it). Plus an a.i aggression setting for one-make-race. They're lame.
I apoligize if this has already been said, cause I admit, I did not read the whole thread, but how about two of the very first things you do to a car when you take it to the track? Brake upgrades, and tire pressures.......
Real Coastal / Rural, Point-to-Point tracks, not Toscana based, but real geographical terrain, famous landmarks, as DLC.

Probably a GT6 thing if then, but in the mean time a decent comprimise could be for PD to use the track creator and create some large Toscana tracks and just insert start finish lines for stages. I don't think it would be too difficult either in the mean time, to be able to have all the cars appear on the track in a Lounge or Open Lobby situation, all at the same time, but launch say 10 seconds apart, with the option of ghosting cars you catch up to.💡💡

Failing that, the ability to custom create our own tracks as we do now, but insert start finish lines for stage based racing.
If I would choose only one thing to be changed, then it would be this:

H pattern shift cars should shift with a time delay and not as fast as cars with paddle shifters. Also, revs shouldn't drop sharply but progresssively between the changes. This would make the whole audio experience a lot better.
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How about a smoke: real/driftkid/off option, so those with half an idea of what looks realistic don't have to cringe at the sight of a slightly sliding tyre making a thick smokescreen.

Plus a one-make race practice mode that you don't have to use the stock unmodified version in. (at the moment the a.i don't use your car, they use a stock version of it). Plus an a.i aggression setting for one-make-race. They're lame.

^ Both excellent ideas. PD sure doesn't need to pay us money for this thread, but they'd really be doing themselves and us a big favor by paying ATTENTION.

I know it's already been said, so apologies for repeating suggestions, but what drives me insane is that I can't get to my garage from Practice and Speed Test, and also that you can't then delete or manage the times set in the leaderboards / results.

It would be nice to be able to delete / group / minimise all the times from a particular car into one entry, so you can just see the best of that particular car and then have a direct comparison to other cars.

And not being able to quickly change cars when wanting to compare lap times and 0-60 etc, is just, well, typical GT5 in a way - tedious! Same as kicking you out of the the dealerships or UCD after buying a car, or wanting to quickly do an oil change, or the mess that is paint and wheels, and the mess that is your Garage, lap delta, info on what condition your engine and body rigidity are in so you can make a decision whether or not to overhaul / restore them, etc, etc, etc...

Anyway, like I said, all been said before. If half of what was said in this thread was implemented then GT5 would be a much, much better game / experience. And like the thread is titled, you would think this would be fairly easy to implement, and in my opinion time much better spent than modelling a Mini Countryman or yet another Nissan...
Hey everyone :) I updated the opening post, and I also gathered every wish into "groups" for ease of reading.

I noticed some of the things in the OP got patched in the last updates (coincidence, sure): we finally have names/flags on cars in online races and penalty on turn 3 on Deep Forest.
If you see something else in the OP that got patched in the last months that I missed, let me know.

As always, I don't know if we'll get even 10% of the things listed in the OP, but at least is a good starting point for GT6 lol
Is this an easy change?

I think that existing A-spec could be improved with a couple of simple changes. 1. adjust the AI - as we already have B-spec, which shows that there must be 40 levels of B-Spec Bobs. I reckon that adjusting the ability of the opposition AI is probably possible? The second, isthat the PP bonus could be implemented from the seasonal, with the baseline being that of the average, or the highest car or from a given figure (wouldn't take too long to work out what that could be).

Have started again a couple of times, but tend to just do seasonals, especially since the PP bonus. Challenge to see how low a pp I can use to still win with, creates much more motivation to replay - particularly with the more interesting races. The only issue then, is what to do with the credits

Lift the maximum for credits ...

... and add levels 41 onwards. It would be easy to award an unpaintable car in a speacial colour when each level is reached. Or create another range of special cars (we've had academy, stealth, chromeline and the next could be cars in range of DLC chrome paints, and you get the paint chip??)
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From OP

-Ability to turn off or change the music in GT Auto and Used Car Dealership and in prerace menu

turn off menu music and that'll fix that.
Rumors like 2 More Engine and Turbo levels, Brake Upgrades including Ceramic Carbon Brakes, Intake and Exhaust Upgrades, Drivetrain Upgrades like Triple Clutch and Racing Flywheel, 2 More Tires like Racing Super Hard and Racing Super Soft, Additional power improvements, etc.
I have one small idea. Forza motorsport has it almost correct.
Ability to race against purchased dlc vehicles.

We already have seasonals that have taken place on SPA, so why not race against dlc cars too? In Forza, they can put you against any car whether or not you've purchased that dlc or not, & I think that's a bit unfair. So if you have purchased the Honda HSV-010, you should have to race against it in Super GT events.

Also, they could add any purchased dlc cars to the arcade mode too, instead of having to waste space on your favorites list.
In Garage an option "Drive car". This will take you directly to your favorite track (to be set in options). When you're done with driving you're sent back to garage menu.
- Increased drag from added downforce (beyond what 2.09 did). Low downforce tunes still aren't a good option unless you're using PP regulations (where you can add power with decreased downforce). Ideally, a low downforce tune and a high downforce tune should produce the same lap times on a track like Spa or maybe Monza.

- Increased drag on the Toyota GT-One TS020

- The ability to NOT change tires when you enter the pits.

- Adjust the grip of the tires based on how much they are worn. Currently, if your tires are completely worn, you basically don't have any grip. There's no way that is realistic. I think the tires should have some grip (40% of it's full grip?).

- Add all of the PSP downloadable, standard cars in the Used Car Dealership.
- Add all of the PSP downloadable, standard cars in the Used Car Dealership.

The only thing adding more duplicates to the UCD would accomplish is make cycling through the UCD to find a car you are looking for even more of a chore than it already is.
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"Incoming Voice Chat Volume" -- possibly adjustable for individual members of a lobby(to either boost or lessen), but the priority is overall volume which also needs to be added to the in-game pause options menu in order to be useful.