Make a pit stop in The Top Gear Test Track
Where? It's called a test track and not a race track for a reason.
Make a pit stop in The Top Gear Test Track
I just remembered, and I hope I didn't mention this already.
Standard Cars in Photo Mode. They're much better looking now, and a number of them look like Premium cars in those previews before going into GT Life.
They look good from a distance, not so close up. That's why they're not in photo mode.
So give the same limits for standards in replay photo in photo travel.
They look pretty good in home screen demos...and its 800 (well more like 500 not counting regional dupes) more subjects to grace these amazing locations.
a little post-race telemetry wouldn't hurt, would it?
I like to review my lap times, competitor's lap times- and even sector times to see where I need to improve on certain parts of a track.
hazellnut134Add in the coffee break licence tests (gymkhana)! And if you complete them all, you unlock a cool car or something. You could create your own gymkhana courses, share them with friends, and set a reward in cr or a car.
Rally licenses with more rally events!
Go to the Honda Dealership in GT5. Then, open up the NSX menu. The default color is Championship White. Look at the 7-spoke wheels.
Not that easy, but still doable (my thoughts)
- Wet Top Gear Test Track (already exist in one of the license tests, but not sure if fully modeled)
- A shop that allows you to buy racing outfits/helmets (same as above)
- Custom event creator (more) (same as above)
- Unlimited paint chip usage (paint DLC will become useless)
- A fast forward feature for B-Spec (maybe requires too much resources to render the whole race at double+ speed)
- All the omitted Gran Turismo 4 tracks (could take some time, they need to re-texture everything)
First, none of these are "not that easy".
1) Wet Top Gear Test Track is no biggie. They don't have a totally different model for when it's wet. There are some graphic alterations and the physics are adjusted for wet driving, but the map is the same. They don't need to make a totally new track model for wet weather.
2) A shop for purchasing suits/helmets should take relatively no time and effort at all. This content is already there, so all they would be doing is creating a menu from which to purchase what is already included in the game (at least in the updated game).
3) The custom event creator would again be quick and simple, relatively speaking. Once again we're using what is already in the game. We're just selecting which tracks, what restrictions, how many laps, et cetera.
4) Unlimited paint chip usage should be the easiest addition thus far. All they have to do is make it so that they no longer vanish from our inventory when we use one. The janitor can program this in minutes.
5) Fast-forward requires no further resources; at least not in regards to rendering the images. It would double the rate at which it has to calculate the physics, however, but it wouldn't suddenly render at 120 FPS. Graphically, it would still be the same amount of work. They might have to fudge the math calculations a bit for double-speed so that the system isn't having to calculate the same amount of physics twice as fast.
6) Adding the old tracks is no big deal. There is absolutely no requirement for updating the textures at all. I never saw where they retextured the other older tracks like Trial Mountain, and I know for a fact that some of the Standard models were rocking the same textures as they did on PSX.
I like to use this as an illustration:[IMG]
Yes, that's GT5. I took it using the game's own photo mode (not Photo Travel, obviously), saved it to the hard drive, and uploaded it directly from my PS3 to Picasa. It has been altered in absolutely no ways.
The point is that if these textures didn't get updated, then we don't need the others updated for inclusion in GT5.[/QUOTE]
The idea behind "really easy things" is to extend already existing features to all the game
[SIZE="1"]- i.e. To be able to filter the garage by LMP cars, Rally cars etc. just like when you're in an online lounge -[/SIZE]
Also, note that what you quoted is in the "[I]Not that easy, [B]but still doable[/B][/I]" category, so I'm not saying it's impossible.
I'm no expert, but:
1) For a wet track you need another set of textures and make sure that (if it's a weather change track) they swap each other smoothly during the race. Also, I don't know if wet TGTT in that license test is fully modeled since you can't go around the track freely.
So yes, the track is the same but you need new textures for asphalt, grass, side track, skybox and new lightning.
2) You are probably right, but this is probably more like a design choice (the same as no paint shop, no standard cars dealership)
3) Well, consider that during this year and a half the community found several glitches/exploits for leaving a track and doing quink laps underground or cutting corners easily, maybe PD should check every track back again and make sure they are ok (well, they should have done that during beta testing :lol: but, you know, it's PD we're talking about).
Just look at the recently canceled TT: [url][/url]
But yeah, the tools are already there. Money and exp as rewards can use the same properties of online races.
4) Unlimited paint chips usage would clash with the actual paint system. Also, there's a trophy about collecting 256 paint chips, maybe that's why we'll never see a paint shop.
Note that I'm the first to say that paint system in GT5 is terribad, and again that was more like a design choice by Kaz. I really hope not to see it again in future GTs.
5) Again, it's PD we're talking about. Japanese developers, you know... You can't take this for granted :lol: And I'm not a programmer, but looking at how the game runs and the sacrifices it has to do in order to be playable without troubles, I'm scared there's something in speeding up the action that could cause problems to the game.
If there was no problem at all, I believe they could have added fastforward/rewind by Spec 2.0, instead of the actual "skip here, skip there".
6) Updated textures for old tracks is the least they should do. Hopefully, we'll start to see something about new-old tracks with GT Academy's Motegi.
Not sure what you want to prove with that pic, we all know standard cars are ba(aaaaaaaaaa)d.
But standard tracks are not THAT bad.
(as soon as I'll be able to reach my PS3 I'll try to take new photos on the exact same spot as the GT4 pics)
Still, legacy tracks should have been on the disc since day-one imo.
p.s. Pardon my engRish :S
I'll update the first post, thanks everyone for posting.
..... my point is why doesn't PD use all the features on, lets say, seasonal events..?
First, none of these are "not that easy".
2) A shop for purchasing suits/helmets should take relatively no time and effort at all. This content is already there, so all they would be doing is creating a menu from which to purchase what is already included in the game (at least in the updated game).
3) The custom event creator would again be quick and simple, relatively speaking. Once again we're using what is already in the game. We're just selecting which tracks, what restrictions, how many laps, et cetera.
4) Unlimited paint chip usage should be the easiest addition thus far. All they have to do is make it so that they no longer vanish from our inventory when we use one. The janitor can program this in minutes.
5) Fast-forward requires no further resources; at least not in regards to rendering the images. It would double the rate at which it has to calculate the physics, however, but it wouldn't suddenly render at 120 FPS. Graphically, it would still be the same amount of work. They might have to fudge the math calculations a bit for double-speed so that the system isn't having to calculate the same amount of physics twice as fast.
6) Adding the old tracks is no big deal. There is absolutely no requirement for updating the textures at all. I never saw where they retextured the other older tracks like Trial Mountain, and I know for a fact that some of the Standard models were rocking the same textures as they did on PSX.
I like to use this as an illustration:
Yes, that's GT5. I took it using the game's own photo mode (not Photo Travel, obviously), saved it to the hard drive, and uploaded it directly from my PS3 to Picasa. It has been altered in absolutely no ways.
The point is that if these textures didn't get updated, then we don't need the others updated for inclusion in GT5.
People just complain too much.
If they give us the GT4 tracks in Trial Mountain quality (reworked textures and GT5 lighting) I'll be happy already. And lot of people will.
I don't see a problem with "standard" tracks. Standard cars can be bad, the lack of cockpit view and the quality of the worse ones, but the tracks are O.K.
3) (Event Creator) Probably the most troublesome thing the community is asking for, besides tracks and cars;
... adding car filters, as those most probably are already made since it's the correct way to create seasonal events ...
...and things really really easy features to create...- More filtering options for the offline garage, like the online one
- Unlock those PhotoTravel locations we can see in the main menu background
- Wet Toscana-tarmac
- Add ghosts to the AMG Driving Academy
- Reverse layout for some circuit
...and so on.- An option to disable daily login bonus for paint and museum cards
- Better replay controls (such as L1/R1 to change car)
- Saving the menu order preferences
- Autosave to be optional
One of the things that I think trips up GT5'ers is thinking that this game is different from other games, that the usual economics of video games doesn't apply to GT5. There's very little money coming in from GT5 to PD. Even if they sell a few thousand copies a week it's probably just enough to keep the lights on and the staff paid. Kaz has zero incentive to put time and effort into the game if there isn't significant financial reward. Forget about the 10's of millions of $$$$ they made on the game in the first few months that's gone. I think some of you think it's banked and Kaz is going to dole it out bit by bit to improve the game and he's not. What you'll get is what you've got, the absolute bare minimum to keep you interested and that's it, nothing more.
There are so many smaller changes that could be done to make it look like PD is a whirlwind of activity and they are ignored going on 18+ months. Very few new cars. Who else was expecting many of the classic tracks to be revived in DLC? What a golden opportunity that just slid right on by.
Sure you may get some more DLC just to keep the fanboys happy, but the vast majority of original purchasers of this game have it collecting dust in their PS3 pile. You need only go online some night and try to find some street car racing, on circuits, on street tires at anything approaching realistic HP. Or a race car room not on qualifying tires.