Who will not buy GT6?

  • Thread starter Jarnac

Will you buy GT6?

  • Yes

    Votes: 342 67.2%
  • No

    Votes: 28 5.5%
  • Will await independent post-release reviews

    Votes: 110 21.6%
  • Can you repeat the question?

    Votes: 29 5.7%

  • Total voters
If it comes out on PS3, I will probably get it.

Now if it's next gen... then it gets complicated. With the way things are going right now, I will probably be going with a box for next gen. Hopefully they will support logitec wheels too, cause I really don't want to buy a second wheel. If that wasn't the case, I'd probably own a box right now. The way it is now, I don't see the point in getting a box and Forza if I can't afford a wheel with it too. Controller racing just doesn't do it for me, unless it's an arcade racer of course.

This. I don't want to buy a second wheel either, but in theory our logitech/thrustmaster/fanatec wheels should work just as well as they did on the PS3. The DFP was a PS2 wheel, yet it is usable for the PS3.
I would definally get GT6 on release day as i've always done with every GT game since GT2.

They might not be able to improve a lot of things in time for a ps3 release but i'll be happy with a load more premium cars plus some new tracks and a decent a-spec mode this time around.
I'll buy it but I'm really not expecting much - GT5 with some new premiums (80% of which will be Japanese) and a fairly pitiful number of new tracks. Other than that I think it will be the exact same game. PD lives in a vacuum where all the progress made in the racing genre and gaming in general over the last 8 years simply don't exist.

I'm far more interested in Ferrari Legends, Project C.A.R.S. and F1 2012. But Gran Turismo, despite being an idiosyncratic throwback to the PS2 days, still gives me my sixty bucks worth of value.
Polyphony Digital have said that Gran Turismo Academy is “along our path from GT5 to GT6”, personally I am disappointed by the thought of GT6 so soon as I am still waiting for the satisfactory completion of GT5. GT5 was not, in my opinion, a good enough finished product at time of release, and is despite numerous updates, still is not.
Having played the first three GT games, I am now unlikely to buy GT6 as GT5 was so unsatisfactory in comparison to its predecessors.

Umm I'm sure you will buy it mate. I agree with you that GT5 is/was an unfinished game at release, but you have to be kidding yourself if you say you are not going to buy GT6. I will buy it for sure. I love Gran Turismo. Too much negativity on this forum. Lighten up dude. It's just a game.
This might require a new staff/leader
I agree. PD and Kaz are stuck in 1998. Good old days.

But life goes on.

In 2012 we pretend some logic in certain decisions.

100% not gonna buy if it comes for PS4 and it's not a super Racing Simulator with at least 12 new real life tracks, flag rules, livery editor, custom events, custom championship, custom classes, top class AI for GT mode, more RM models, no standard cars, etc.
Sell your Logitech and buy a Fanatec. 💡

Good idea but I don't think it would be worthwhile. Fanatec wheels, pedals and shifters are all sold seperately instead of being in one big bundle for convienience.
HKS racer
I agree. PD and Kaz are stuck in 1998. Good old days.

But life goes on.

In 2012 we pretend some logic in certain decisions.

100% not gonna buy if it comes for PS4 and it's not a super Racing Simulator with at least 12 new real life tracks, flag rules, livery editor, custom events, custom championship, custom classes, top class AI for GT mode, more RM models, no standard cars, etc.

This!! Without this, I will probably go with Xbox console as well when next gen come out. A true racing sim really needs flags.

You nailed it HKS racer!
I agree. PD and Kaz are stuck in 1998. Good old days.

But life goes on.

In 2012 we pretend some logic in certain decisions.

100% not gonna buy if it comes for PS4 and it's not a super Racing Simulator with at least 12 new real life tracks, flag rules, livery editor, custom events, custom championship, custom classes, top class AI for GT mode, more RM models, no standard cars, etc.

If PD and Kaz are stuck in 1998, then how did they get there in the first place 💡 ? Have they invented the time machine and haven't told the rest of the world about it :sly: ?
If PD and Kaz are stuck in 1998, then how did they get there in the first place 💡 ? Have they invented the time machine and haven't told the rest of the world about it :sly: ?
How did they get you here making these lame jokes? That's the question.

Oh and for the record, they probably used a glitch at the Nurburgring. You know. :)
Good idea but I don't think it would be worthwhile. Fanatec wheels, pedals and shifters are all sold seperately instead of being in one big bundle for convienience.

You do know you can get one of their wheel value packs, one of which comes with the Fanatec CSR wheel, Elite Pedals, and CSR shifter and that all three are delivered together? That's what I got.
Let see.

Would you buy the next game in line from a vastly disappointing one ??, one that was released after much delays and seemed unfinished and short on content in most areas. Would you buy this game from a developer that promises much and delivers very little while seemingly allergic to connecting with their customers ??

If the answer to that is an unequivocal yes you need to stop .. drinking .. paint.

If GT6 comes out and is an amazing product then of course I will buy it. But right now, after my GT5 experience ?? .. not a hope. Polyphony need to raise their game far above what it is now for me to pre-order.

I will wait and see. And hope.
I'll buy it Day 1.

Anyone else sick of people complaining that GT5 isn't finished? Seriously, what game is anymore? We've received more updates for GT5 than I have EVER seen for any other console game. People are just never happy and always want something to complain about. Honestly, it sounds to me like Gran Turismo just isn't the game for you. Maybe you should try something else.

Well said, I totally agree. I can't think of any other game in history that gets as much support from the developers as gt5
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For me GT has been a love hate relationship. GT1 was a breakthrough game. The PS2 versions were evolutionary rather than revolutionary. GT5 has flat out shown that the GT series has stagnated. I got suckered into GT5 on the basis that I figured SURELY by now they've improved AI as well as collision physics (not talking about showing damage, but strictly a realistic handling of the impact of your car against walls or other cars). Sadly, despite the computing power of the PS3, Polyphony STILL couldn't get it right.

GT6? Certainly won't pay full price unless it's clearly demonstrated that the game has gone through a complete overhaul in terms of AI and nonlinear physics. Why pay good money for the same rudimentary physics I played back in the 90s on the PS1? Personally I'm banking on continued development in the Forza and Codies camps.
Umm I'm sure you will buy it mate. I agree with you that GT5 is/was an unfinished game at release, but you have to be kidding yourself if you say you are not going to buy GT6. I will buy it for sure. I love Gran Turismo. Too much negativity on this forum. Lighten up dude. It's just a game.

How's he kidding himself? I know I'm not buying it, at least not right away. And if PD hasn't shown in GT6 they learned from the many things GT5 lacked, they aren't getting a penny from me. Plain and simple. Deciding not to buy a game with your money is not negative or uptight.
HKS racer
I agree. PD and Kaz are stuck in 1998. Good old days.

But life goes on.

In 2012 we pretend some logic in certain decisions.

100% not gonna buy if it comes for PS4 and it's not a super Racing Simulator with at least 12 new real life tracks, flag rules, livery editor, custom events, custom championship, custom classes, top class AI for GT mode, more RM models, no standard cars, etc.

Slow down.. I think you're expecting something different then what you'll most likely get, you and I both know that. I think you're trying to turn the GT series into something it's never been and most likely never will. I can't determine if I'll buy GT6 or not, we have next to no info about it, so making the decision to buy it or not already is really pre-mature. Gotta laugh at those who bought a PS3 just for GT5, I'm sorry but you have nobody to blame but yourselves, buying a console for one single game before it even comes out makes no sense whatsoever to me.. And I have a feeling this is part of the reason many people are a bit skeptical about GT6..
Forza will not stop improving. If they had the WRC, SuperGT, and NASCAR licenses they would have nailed them and implemented their rules and such. More importantly, they know what people want. If they heard that people want IndyCar in Forza or GT, it would be more likely to be included in Forza, as Turn 10 will try to get the IndyCar license.

GT just includes the cars and the tracks with perhaps a single special event with unique rules for these series. PD listens to their fans, but they don't bother adding the things people want until after the game's release. PD is slowly losing ground, and eventually GT will not be the dominant console racing sim. Forza will overtake (no pun intended) GT and Sony will lose console sales because of so.

I will buy GT6, so long as it is on the PS3 or later into the PS4's lifespan, not a PS4 launch title like everybody wants it to be.
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Forza will not stop improving. If they had the WRC, SuperGT, and NASCAR licenses they would have nailed them and implemented their rules and such. More importantly, they know what people want. If they heard that people want IndyCar in Forza or GT, it would be more likely to be included in Forza, as Turn 10 will try to get the IndyCar license.

GT just includes the cars and the tracks with perhaps a single special event with unique rules for these series. PD listens to their fans, but they don't bother adding the things people want until after the game's release. PD is slowly losing ground, and eventually GT will not be the dominant console racing sim. Forza will overtake (no pun intended) GT and Sony will lose console sales because of so.
Neither GT. In fact GT have improved much more in this generation than Forza did since their first game.

Forza have not nailed none of the racing rules in their games so it's not different than GT in that regards.

People wanted a lot of things in GT5, some were there since day one and others were patched or still are being patched. Forza players are still waiting for some of those basic features since Forza 2, so I don't see were are you seeing the loosing ground and future overtake. First they still need to match what the actual GT5 is offering as a unique package. No one knows how GT6 will be specially if is going to be developed under a new more powerful hardware.
Neither GT. In fact GT have improved much more in this generation than Forza did since their first game.

Please expand. Except the basics (graphics,physics, cars and tracks) what has improved/innovated since GT1?


All seems remarkably similar to me.
If it's for PS3, yes.
PS4, then the probability is lower. I just bought my PS3 2 years ago, and that was when it was at the price drop promotion. For some reason, I feel that Sony will pull the same, embarrassing E3 price reveal as with the PS3. And with the PS4, who knows how much that thing costs?!
GT6 has to do a sort of change for the better if it will be on the PS4, (even for the PS3) and it really, really needs to work on those duplicates, inconsistency of graphics, collision physics, damage, and AI. To me, livery editor is a bonus, but it would raise the replay value.
In conclusion, GT6 better be really good if it's on the PS4, but it should still have the same standards (not cars :P )if it was on the PS3
So... Kart racing and the track creator then?

Edit: Oops, sorry...wasn't for me....

Ah yes....Track creator needs to improve if it will come to GT6. As for the Go Karts, they should give them a proper racing season. They should do the same for the others, like NASCAR, Super GT, DTM, whatever they might include.

So basically Karting, very weak damage on 200 of the cars, dynamic time/weather on a select few tracks and very limited course maker. Oh and online, but that's hardly innovative, more expected.

Meanwhile Forza already had damage, it already had a livery editor. One of which GT still doesn't do. Forza 2 introduced leaderboards across the whole game, something which GT doesn't do. FM3 introduced cockpits for all cars, something GT still doesn't do in whole.

Oh and each game introduced a new career mode, as the above videos showed GT has stuck to the same basic formula since the very first game. Oh, except making it even worse with a poor level system.

Another example:

It really is quite sad.
Sad and happy at same time that I am not the only person who considers GT5 unfinished.
I do enjoy playing GT5, but ..
I am serious that having heard how good GT4 is (having not played it) and knowing how good GT3 (in particular), GT2, and GT1 are, I will be insulted by GT6's release - even, and perhaps even more, if it is a fantastic game incomparable in every detail to any driving/racing game/simulator before - unless the almost innumerable, and mostly easily (for experienced professional programmers such as Polyphony Digital) corrected, criticisms so many of us have of GT5 are resolved.
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