GT4 WRS Week 149 : When The Going Gets Tough...

  • Thread starter Sphinx


Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
:: GT4 WRS Week 149 ::

:: Formula Gran Turismo '04 ::

:: Cote d'Azur ::

Race Details:
  • Mode: Arcade Mode > Time Trial > City Courses
  • Track: Cote d'Azur
  • Make: Japan > Polyphony Digital
  • Model: Formula Gran Turismo '04

Vehicle Specifics:
  • Power: (-20%) 713hp
  • Weight: (-10%) 495kg
  • Driving Aids: None
  • Top Speed: Any
  • Transmission: Any
  • Tyre Type: Racing – Super Soft

Week 149 Race Specifics:
No driving aids are allowed this week.

Stewards Comments:
Hold on tight!!!! (again)

Last of the stickies for a while. Enjoy whilst you can. ;)

Standard Clean OLR Rules:
  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • no contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • if you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty
  • no hybrids
  • no cheating of any kind
  • nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • save your replay ('Save Ghost Replay' icon)

Thread rules:
The following info cannot be discussed in this thread (they can, however, be discussed on MSN or via other private conversation methods):
  • lap time
  • any information which can be used to infer lap time

All submissions must be sent by PM to me (Sphinx):
  • you can submit only once per race
  • please include in your submission PM your division, name and final lap time
  • deadline is Monday 3rd March 9pm GMT
  • if you are unsure of the deadline try this site

Time verification:
Save your replay and keep it at least a full week after the time has been submitted:
  • all gold times each week will be required to submit a replay for verification
  • any submitted time is subject to a time verification request
  • when a time verification has been requested, the concerned racer must provide a replay before the next race deadline
  • failure to do so will result in the removal of the unverified submission from WRS results
  • video replays are not accepted, only .max, .xps or .sps files can be verified
  • Those who have .xps or .sps files, can they please convert them to .max before submission
Stopped at the casino first thing this morning, re-opened the bar tab and valet parking is available for all who run this week. I left a big tip last time we were here and they promised me you'd all get first class service! Just mention my name and you'll get a good seat.:cheers:

Sick, really Sick.:scared:👍👍
I remember watching the F1 race and racing the gt4 track at the same time on the TV with the split screen. It was pretty cool doing laps with the big guys of F1, at least in my mind. I'm sure I wasn't all that fast, but I seem to remember not being off the pace too much. The race is not untill May 22-25. When it comes around I will run some laps again with the big guys. Hmm, thats a good idea for all the tracks that gt4 has. I am very pleased with the power reduction. That is suppose to be a reduction, correct. Seems to even out the TCS exclusion.
Are we trying a test for the F1 officials to see how it works without the TCS? Now I really know where the worlds elite drivers are. Here at the WRS. :mischievous:

Looks challenging and fun. :scared: See you at the bar gtbadboy, first round on me.

Anyone know if you can use the black beauty's in arcade mode?
Week 149 Race Specifics:
No driving aids are allowed this week.

Formula Gran Turismo, Cote d'Azur, and NO aids... Auch :nervous::indiff::guilty:

Have to check if the Formula GT is available in standard arcade mode, as I haven't owned it yet in my current GT-mode game...
Sounds interesting... and tough! :scared: I never learned to drive this car properly, maybe it'll be this week 👍

Guys, remember the power is -20, not +20. Let's avoid useless mistakes :dopey:
The light jumps to green and the qualification has begun. The orange Spyker comes out of the box right away and enters the track to ensure some tv broadcasting time to please the sponsors.
He manages to stay out of the walls on the opening lap, but is far off pace on his cold tyres. On his second lap he's 1.5 secs faster at T1, but he brushes the wall coming out of Mirabeau. Although a bit of bargeboard falls off due to this manoeuvre, he can continue his stint.
After a few more laps we can write down 19.294 secs for sector one and 55.448 at split number 2 when he returns into the box, awaiting the first movement of the competition.
According to his mechanic he was running 320 gearing.
I've noticed, that the faster the cars are, the most grouped together the divisions are. (Div 1 at the top, Div 2, and Div 3 at the bottom) so I can't wait to see the time's they are going to pull out.

I know from past experiences that a slight difference in throttle input can make a second difference before the next corner from their insane acceleration.

This should be good.

EDIT: For example, I just did a "clean" lap, I was going to post up the splits just to get some going, and then, on the next lap, I beat that time by 3 seconds. Then, on the next lap I was ahead by 2 seconds but hit the wall halfway through. There's just SO much space for improvement.
George, I just had a case of Woodford shipped over! :cheers:


She's a handful that's for sure. I'll be anxious to see what Hekke can do with this beast. Hugo has already thrown down the gauntlet so to speak. It'll be an interesting week for us mere mortals just keeping this thing off the walls eh? :scared:

@ 340 and sloppy

This was the first track I really drove the F1 on when I got tired of B-Spec'ing for a loss in the Formula GT. Looking forward to this week. I think it's really gonna come down to the gearing.


@ 300
Not my cup of tea this week ...
Never mind! I'll be happy to do the Luxy-churn and meanwhile build my private gamesave.
Have a fun week all! 👍 👍 👍
Ive never used these cars in GT4 before.

Im put off by the lack of reality.

Plus im a bit :scared:

That is all.

First impressions are; Weeee!, then the rear steps out, oh 🤬 With the -20 power it's not to hard to handle, should be a fun week. If I'm not mistaken the tyres are always r3/r3 with this car no mater what you choose.

19.5 / 55.2 I'll be back soon with some proper (and hopefully faster) splits.
Ive never used these cars in GT4 before.

That doesn't hold me back this week :sly:

I'm terrible with this thing too, but there's a suitable moment for everything :dopey:
Does anyone else have trouble with downshifting in this car? I missed a gear going into the left after the chicane and ended up taking it in 5th :dopey: which sucks, oh well the week as just started.

19.163 / 54.676
Yeah you definately have to start your downshift earlier, there's 7 gears! I've always been confused with that. Sometimes you can downshift fast, sometimes the gear your in gets "grayed out" or disengages so you can't downshift or accelerate. It's hard to describe but I've missed many a shift through no fault of my own.
So I've been using a DS2 for the past 10 or so weeks due to myself thinking the motors for feedback were junk in my ancient DF. Well come to find out I grabbed the wrong AC adapter from my pile'o cables! Bam! What a crazy and huge difference. Yeah I know call me stupid but this is the week to have that throttle control. I noticed when going through the corkscrew right after t1 that it seems I am hitting the rumble from the feel of the vibration in the wheel, but when I watch the replay it seems I'm almost 1.5-2 feet off the rumbles. Anyone else getting that? Is it just the loading and scrubbing of the tires as you start to accelerate out of or maintain speed through the middle of the corner?

After one session (and what felt like monstrous feedback) I have some splits.


When I watched my replay I noticed that the tire selection is set to RM/RM which I definitely had on RSS's. I think there must be come kind of cross glitch from GT mode to Arcade mode in thinking there was only one tire selection. At least I know in GT3 you could only run RM's in GT mode. Just a heads up (although I am probably the last to know as I never drive this car.)

Also I definitely agree with the horsepower drop. I could go for a little tcs but it only gets a little out of control when it hits the powerband in 3rd. I just have to let off a little or shift a little early. This will get interesting trying to click off those tenths.
I noticed when going through the corkscrew right after t1 that it seems I am hitting the rumble from the feel of the vibration in the wheel, but when I watch the replay it seems I'm almost 1.5-2 feet off the rumbles. Anyone else getting that?
I think since that turn is so tight, the peices that make up the track simple can't make adjustments that small to suit the drop in elevation in a turn so small, leading to a "bumpy" part that isn't really bumpy.

If you can see it the car jumps around a bit, and I remember before when trying to drift that corner before on other cars, they would hop around at that section.

EDIT: For example, the steep downhill section on Trial Mountain is also a bit like that. Under heavy breaking, you can hear a "chirp chirp chirp" from the tires sort of "bouncing" from one slice of track to the next.
ok guys done a couple laps so far not a big fan on the car without TCS on a DS2

(1) 20.3 (2) 57.4 not great but hey what can you do lol
"GT4 WRS Week 149 : When The Going Gets Tough... "
"... the though get going"... I'm afraid I'm gonna give this week a miss. Tried the combo last night. I'm using a DS, and with no aids and a DS throttle is nearly impossible to control. Wheels keep spinning through second into third even with gearing to the max.

So I'm sitting this one out. Have fun you guys, and see you in week 150!
ok here are my splits - 26.142/ 1'10.063
Michael, WTF my mate? Did you take it in reverse or drive sideways? Better correct that T2 or you'll be at my Luxy spot for the first time in your life :)

I'm afraid I'm gonna give this week a miss. Tried the combo last night. I'm using a DS, and with no aids and a DS throttle is nearly impossible to control. Wheels keep spinning through second into third even with gearing to the max.
Same here, Bart.

ok guys done a couple laps so far not a big fan on the car without TCS on a DS2 (1) 20.3 (2) 57.4 not great but hey what can you do lol
Welcome to WRS, Stephen! If you want to be included in the Luxy leaderboard please post your full T-times so we know where you stand. Thanks! 👍

Leaderboard initialised
Ive had a 19.1 and a 55.7 (which doesnt make sense in itself :grumpy:)

And i dont like this kind of GT.

I am curious as to how it would work in a live LAN, but racing hotlaps; there are so many places i tap walls, or turn in too late, time after time, that it just gets annoying very quickly. :grumpy:

One thing i observed, trying Hugo's gearing, then trying Cmir's then trying Hugo's again, before going back to Cmir's, is that when the gears are taller (320+) the car slides more at the front, giving you a difficult arc to deal with on some turns due to the tight angles.
On a shorter gearing pattern (300) the car slides a little more at the rear, but that can be anticipated, and shifted out of, and therefore, it worx best for me, meaning i can get the nose in and get round the hairpins and chicanes faster.

This is not a statement that anything in actual fact "worx" well for me though, as the car is too much, and the margin for error; too great to be a fun thing to do this week.

I may have a go later on, when im not quite so :grumpy:, but i'd be suprised.

Good luck to all on the track, and watch out for those walls.

Oh and Mike, sort your T's out.