GT4 WRS Week 149 : When The Going Gets Tough...

  • Thread starter Sphinx
Sweet times there Michael :sly: (and I noticed Steven gave you 10 seconds on the leaderboard ;)

I'm surprised that I'm still 1st on the board. Probably I'll be able to beat this time by over 1 second easily at the end of the week, and the really fast guys will be even faster.

About downshifting, my main problem is the chicane, I often take it in 4th gear :crazy: (by the way, I don't use 1st or 2nd gears). And I only chose this top speed because it suits the actual top speed before the chicane, not by any particular strategy concerning cornering.
:boggled:Michael, WTF my mate? Did you take it in reverse or drive sideways? Better correct that T2 or you'll be at my Luxy spot for the first time in your life :)

Same here, Bart.

Welcome to WRS, Stephen! If you want to be included in the Luxy leaderboard please post your full T-times so we know where you stand. Thanks! 👍

Leaderboard initialised

cheers bigracer ill keep that in mind for the furture still dont know if im gonna post a full lap time yet its hard work with DS2
This one could hurt, gotta wear a cup for this one I see....not a fan of the track but I just love the car, try to make time for it. But honestly, superb idea to do -20%HP Jerry 👍

Time to pad out the bottom rungs ....


Talk about racing a hornet in a teacup ... this is definitely my least favourite track and I'm not liking the car much either :banghead:
Lol guys my splits were just a field note lap, like i was driving on a sunday. Shades on grin on my face and waving to the crowd :D
But honestly, superb idea to do -20%HP Jerry 👍 Jerome

Here, here :cheers:
This combo seems a lot easier than the week 138 Renault 5. Once I got the feel of the car, which seems to have none (I even set the wheel at 100% ffb), I could sink into the seat, headphones on, lights off, and go. I can't wait to get some hour long sessions. I first started with 330 gearing. I talked with georgetheracer and he ran 410. I tried it and liked it in the tight esses after T1, the first chicane and right after T2. The 410 allows less shifting in those areas, but its slow. I went back to 330.
I think its a cool combo Sphinx.

First T times

Off to the bar.:sly:
I might even make an appearance this week!

Super GT's are at Monaco, as ICS mentioned. I agree, good fast lap practice.

new board edit post 41 48

Last night while gamesavebuilding I reached more silver licenses than bronzes for the first time in my GT4 life. Nice.

EDIT Kenny thanks for the nice & instructive words. I hope to one day be as good a Div3 driver as you are now mate. You're a pal! :sly: 👍
I've already reached my personal goal for this week: I've managed to run a ful lap without touching any walls!! Splits:

T1: 20.701
T2: 58.824
Last night while gamesavebuilding I reached more silver licenses than bronzes for the first time in my GT4 life. Nice.

Good job Steven. Sometimes the moon and planets are aligned perfectly. Sometimes not. Sometimes you got it, sometimes not. I think its the new TV.
I've been working on my game save a little here and there since chukabilly and I wiped out a bunch of memory cards. I've only started on licenses and completing them in Gold. My first time around was with the ds2 and no skill. I went through the licenses as fast as possible to get on with the game. I had maybe a Gold, some Silvers and mostly Bronze. Now I still have no skill, but I have the dfp. I'm at 41 Golds now. Licenses are a good way to get the skills needed to compete. I usually go to the licenses if I'm having trouble with a certain track or part of a track. Running a track for a week straight should give me the ability to know the track, but sometimes the way I drive a section of track may be wrong. After a week of bad habits, its hard to shake.

As for week 149, the hardest part for me is that the car is wide. I drive using the cockpit view. I judge the distance to the walls with the speedometer and tachometer. This week the GT's tires are about an actual 6 inches (15 cm) wider on each side than usually on my TV.
Licenses are the best way to start playing GT4 and to get used to the game. When someone gets gold in all licenses, then he's ready to face most challenges in these race series. If he can't get gold, watching attentively the demo or downloading a good replay are highly suggested things to do 👍
What a rush. I wonder how it feels to run this race in rl :scared: It's my fav to watch on the tv when I get the chance, although I could do without all the rich cats in their caviar filled boats :P

Anywho I have some free time today so here is the start of my 3rd session.

19.346 (19.0x) / 54.218 (54.1x)
Theres some good times coming from u guys i best step up a little bit lol but the tight track with the TCS off is still giving me problems
O.K. I'd better get to making some phone calls and such to earn my keep. This will do for now....

19.093 / 54.027

Lost about .1 from my best finishing sector but at some point you gotta just hold on to get a clean one 👍
I don't think this car is easy to do a safe strategy at the last sector. To go safe, we have to slow down a lot, losing so much time that it's impossible to keep a competitive time. So, it'll be make or break for every corner :mischievous:
Fair enough, I lost excactly .114 off my best last sector because I made a quick lift after the right at the pit stop and I broke just a tad more going into the last right then I usually do. Both to make sure my first 54.0x was a clean one 👍 I'm sure I can scrap up some more time here and there, I just wanted a banker.
Marginal improvement ... still have no idea what I'm doing corner to corner ... feeling my way around at best.

New splits:

T1: 18.947
T2: 53.955

Still tenths to take. I like this combo, the speed and all the walls so close make you feel like you're driving in a trance or something...:boggled: And getting a perfect line though tabac really feels nice (when it happens:scared:).
Another quick few laps and managed to shave off another .8 at the line.

I have added a new thing to my WRS routine. I had just started to get used to the shift points and was getting better with the throttle control. My best so far was a t1 of and a t2 of and at t1 I was ahead by almost 2 seconds. I cranked the wheel to the left and pulled it off the table and the car went into the wall. So now everytime I stop for any reason, I check the tightness of the clamps for the wheel. I' post some splits once the wife lets me get a few clean laps in.
Cool combo this week :D

I agree with Kenny - I use the same cam and the guages to judge the car width and it took some time to get use to it, but I found a bit of a groove and managed a few clean laps in my first real session (10 laps last night AFTER stopping at the bar does not count, in my book) :dopey:


With lots of room to improve - and I can really get addicted to these city track combos!

Ron and Kenny - I have you in my sights :mischievous:

made another clean lap...

and have shaved abit more time off which im pretty proud of since i couldnt even drive to start with lol...

Splits T1 > 19.660 T2 > 55.108
I might sit this one out, I've had no desire lately to go wrestle that F1 car around this tight course.

But maybe not, I guess we'll see.
I went back for another session after dinner -


Starting to feel it come together. Like Kenny said, the run in week 138 makes this a little easier.
board updated

Well done Steve on posting your first full t's 👍

Oh and PS: since Quiksilver's name is Steve I humbly suggest that in future I will be referred to as Steven :lol: thanks!
Cool combo this week :D

I agree with Kenny - I use the same cam and the guages to judge the car width and it took some time to get use to it, but I found a bit of a groove and managed a few clean laps in my first real session (10 laps last night AFTER stopping at the bar does not count, in my book) :dopey:


With lots of room to improve - and I can really get addicted to these city track combos!

Ron and Kenny - I have you in my sights :trouble


Yea, those laps don't count, not a car you want to drive after a few Woodford's eh?:scared: I'm sure you and Kenny will be running in no time.

Won't be hard to catch me this week, I feel like the "Pinball Wizard," all I can do to get a couple of clean laps in, but we endeavor to endure!!:crazy: She's a real handful that's for sure.:nervous: