Live GT5P Chat Today on PS Boards (Transcript Posted)

  • Thread starter Vonie

Check out the PlayStation forums today at 4 PM PST for a live chat with the US producers of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Due out tomorrow at retail stores and via download on the PLAYSTATION Network this Thursday, this PS3 exclusive is set to raise the bar once again in the racing genre. Come ask the producers questions about the game, or just read along. You will need a PlayStation Underground Registration and Forum Handle to participate. Click here for more info:


EDIT: Transcript now available!

Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood moderator DR

I hope they get grilled. These guys are the reason why GT has in the past never been allowed to be a full sim. They are also the rason why the US version of GT1 was faster than the PAL version, they didnt think people would understand a sim racer and asked PD to speed it up for the US release.

I am sure they are up to the same tricks, pushing for a more arcade experience.
I hope they get grilled. These guys are the reason why GT has in the past never been allowed to be a full sim. They are also the rason why the US version of GT1 was faster than the PAL version, they didnt think people would understand a sim racer and asked PD to speed it up for the US release.

I am sure they are up to the same tricks, pushing for a more arcade experience.

Why though?

Thanks for clearing it up.

I will be there with bells on.


You're welcome :)

I suggest jotting down some questions. Plan on seeing repeat questions, yours may not be asked.

The way it works is this: You type in a question, the moderating team determines whether or not to let the question go through. Questions like, "what's the release date?" "how may tracks does Prologue have?" or "will Prologue have damage shipped with the discs tomorrow" probably won't go through ;)
Here is a question I want someone to bring up please:

Is there a chance that any future patches will add a photomode to GT5: Prologue?
I hope they get grilled. These guys are the reason why GT has in the past never been allowed to be a full sim. They are also the rason why the US version of GT1 was faster than the PAL version, they didnt think people would understand a sim racer and asked PD to speed it up for the US release.

I am sure they are up to the same tricks, pushing for a more arcade experience.

Then talk to the guy and complain. I hope they don't do arcade.
You're welcome :)

I suggest jotting down some questions. Plan on seeing repeat questions, yours may not be asked.

The way it works is this: You type in a question, the moderating team determines whether or not to let the question go through. Questions like, "what's the release date?" "how may tracks does Prologue have?" or "will Prologue have damage shipped with the discs tomorrow" probably won't go through ;)

Oh... Don't worry. I have many questions. :sly:

Are they planning on working on improving the smoke effects/tire squeal sounds? (worst ever sound of tires losing traction)

What are their plans for the online penalty system, since it has caused so much controversy among GT fans?

Do they have any plans on adding "aero" kits into GT that will effect aerodynamics and downforce? (I'm not on about silly body kits, only those that can be functional)

What can we expect from the downloadable content? Tracks? Pack of 5 cars? 10 cars? Physics tweaks?

and a few hundred others...

Someone should ask what the status is on dynamic weather effects, a dynamic day and night cycle, tire wear, fuel loss and night races.. and if this will be all available in online racing as well.
Here are the screencaps of the conversation. A little tedious but better than nothing...

I'll update this post as it continues.

I'd recommend reading it all though. Only the good questions have filtered through. :)

Edit: You will be able to read the whole conversation afterwards in text form when someone posts the full transcript. Check post #42
List of interesting thinsg:
-NA version only plays against other people with NA version. Time trial en drift is global.
-"beyong the Apex" is blu-ray exclusive
-GT5 is coming no earlier then summer 2009
-They are working on adding features for the online part.
-They're working on getting/trying to get Bugatti in the game.
-They really want to add more F1 cars in the game.
-More to come on updates in due time. Every update will be quite memorable.
-PD has custom built a lot of their tools for creating graphics. beauty and perfection is the only goal.
-producers read through a lot of blogs and forums to see what fans (and haters) have to say.
-There will be some sort of ability to transfer game or/and cars to GT5.

And now i'm going to bed :)

edit: G.T, you didn't miss anything, the mclaren question was the first question ;)
Here are the first 5 screencaps of the conversation. A little tedious but better than nothing... I missed the first few minutes though.

I'll update this post as it continues.

I'd recommend reading it all though. Only the good questions have filtered through. I asked about the weather so let's see if that gets answered. :)

I got into the chat room late, so this helps, but there is a MUCH easier way... Under the "FILE" button, select "VIEW TRANSCRIPT" and it shows a text version of the entire transcript.

Unfortunately, I logged on late. If you haven't logged out, please post the entire transcript! Thanks! :)
None of my questions were accepted. I can't understand why? Perfect grammar, no curse words, good questions about Prologue. They all came back saying they weren't about Prologue (which they were, and labeled as such), or contained bad language (which is rubbish. Nothing even resembling such).


I got into the chat room late, so this helps, but there is a MUCH easier way... Under the "FILE" button, select "VIEW TRANSCRIPT" and it shows a text version of the entire transcript.

Unfortunately, I logged on late. If you haven't logged out, please post the entire transcript! Thanks! :)
Ahhh, ok. I didn't realise that.

For some reason it doesn't load for me, but I'm sure someone else will do it. :)
None of my questions were accepted. I can't understand why? Perfect grammar, no curse words, good questions about Prologue. They all came back saying they weren't about Prologue (which they were, and labeled as such), or contained bad language (which is rubbish. Nothing even resembling such).



They only answer the easy they answered being able to transfer the progress form GT5P 3 times....

Some questions are a Joke and it extracts no valuable info from the; like "what do you drive????" or "supported audio format!?!?!?" and they answer it. Hows that related to the game?????

I asked about if Macau will be in? or live weather? How the game will work with SONY's HOME? and they refuse to answer it.
They only answer the easy they answered being able to transfer the progress form GT5P 3 times....

Some questions are a Joke and it extracts no valuable info from the; like "what do you drive????" and they answer it.

I had some really well thought out questions. I see you at least made it into the chat, with one question.
