Do you think PD listened to the fans?

Do you think PD has finaly listened to the fans

  • yes

    Votes: 63 39.9%
  • no

    Votes: 47 29.7%
  • maybe

    Votes: 48 30.4%

  • Total voters
United States
Paperorplastic/ manherollen
For me, yes. with "private races" and open lobby's it seems like PD have finally come into the new ages. Also the all new physics engine. excettera
you can't really say they listened to the fans just because there are private races now, it's just a normal thing to do

and honestly, they have no reason to listen to the fans because they have their own vision and that's what they are doing, they know the game is going to sell anyway
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its not important to listen fans for private rooms..Nowadays demos have that feature..It must be any game..

I have to wait tomorrow for more information.

weather changes, day night cycles, damage etc..
WE Want
No, when your fans have to hope for something that is standard in every other game something is really wrong.
I think it's really to early to tell, lets wait till we have more details before we judge whether they listened to us or not.
Although as Joey said it might be too early to say I think that what we have heard so far as been quite underwhelming and confusing. I personally am very interested in a livery editor which has been promised but nothing has ever been seen from it.

Really PD could take a leaf out of Forza's book and give a little bit more official info so we dont have to keep picking at things which may or may not be true. Pretty much everything about Forza 3 was revealed in one go (such as features).

Ya most of what we've heard and seen has been underwhelming but maybe GT isn't as close as all of us seem to think.
Ya, anyone can say anything about anything, it doesn't make it true...especially when dealing with marketing and large companies. I think PD is listening to the fan, I just don't think they can deliver what we are expecting them to just because it's not at the right level of completion yet.

Many people assume we are getting the game in 2009, and if we are that is wonderful, but we are almost into September and if there is going to be a 2009 release PD and Sony better step up their marketing.
PD couldnt give a stuff about us, the dissapointment of late and the lack of news (the only features we have seen were promptly took down) are testament to that.

hell even turn 10 have a pr guy that actually speaks to the fans to acknowledge their existance, even if he is a prat.
Definitely a no, PD seem to have a very disappointing attitude towards the people who will eventually make their game a success (ie those who will be playing it.) Not only through the policy of not giving out information, and not including features that many fans seem to want.
Really PD could take a leaf out of Forza's book and give a little bit more official info so we dont have to keep picking at things which may or may not be true. Pretty much everything about Forza 3 was revealed in one go (such as features).
Yes, two months prior to release. You're also forgetting that TGS is when we always get Gran Turismo blowout news. If we got everything at GamesCon, TGS would be an anticlimax. You know news is going to be held back for TGS, and it's going to be the meaty stuff, so grumping, especially from you, is puzzling.

You guys might as well get used to this kind of thing unless a certain company which keeps stealing Kaz's concepts and crowing about them as if they created the formula... *gasp* dies.

Sorry Kaz says a lot of things that never come true.
Jordan has said something, if you recall.
For me, yes. with "private races" and open lobby's it seems like PD have finally come into the new ages. Also the all new physics engine. excettera

PD didnt have to listen to the fans for private meetings. One lap of prologue online would have done that. So i think we all should thank the punters for this one :)
Most of you wanted private lobbies? done.
Most of you wanted damage? done.
Most of you wanted a new physics model? done.

Especially the latter takes ages to implement, and they did it.

News-wise PD is too quiet for most of us, but as GT fans we know by now that PD likes to keep things under wraps and as a suprise.. that has been that way since GT1.
I'm going to wager that private lobbies, damage, and a new physics model would have been done whether fans were asking for it or not. They had to have those things to stay competitive in the racing game genre.
Forza seems to listen to theirs fans abit more - just look at their customization features, damage and their website - if they get their physics and graphics right( lights are still awful) they would challenge GT
all I really wanted from the main sim mode is them to change the fuel and tire wear usage which was very lame in gt4, like 6 laps on the ring in many pitstops, so lame.

gameplay wise, I wanted cockpit view, damage, lobby system for online, rally courses to be stages instead of tracks, and real world tracks like spa and monza...instead of the same old boring tracks or fake tracks.

If they've added Spa & Monza and more real world tracks, I'll be happy...if its the same fake gt tracks, with just nurburgring, lemans, monaco and seca....I may not even buy since I've ran those tracks so many times in GT that they are no longer fun, plus the first two are so long as well its not fun to drive after like 5 laps.
I don't know whether they listen to the fans or not.

Quite frankly, when it's a driving enthusiasts game made predominantly by driving enthusiasts, they shouldn't need to anyway! I've seen plenty of games where giving the players what they wants doesn't do the game any favours anyway - you've often just pleased one vocal part of the playerbase at the expense of upsetting the other half.

Private races, damage, etc were no brainers and prove nothing - but if you prefer to believe that they are hanging on the forum-going community's every word, fair enough :)
Well I don't really have the feeling they listen to fans. i voted for yes but it's also a maybe. They listened to the fans and included damage. I don't think they did really want to include it. It was a late thing and delayed the release date. Fans said they were missing it and because other racing games also have ot, they included it. But still, to my opinion, it woould be a shame if only selected cars have in-car-cameras and damage. Damage is not the biggest problem, but the camera. I will miss it when it's not included in every car. I want more info now. :D
Voted No. I'm hoping so at least.

I want the experience that Kaz wants to provide and not that of ze internets'. He gained my trust with GT1 and I appreciate his mission and the hard work he and the PD team put in.

I wouldn't have gone up to the late Stanley Kubrick and told him to include some scenes in one of his upcoming movies because I think it will be good, and that he should listen to me because I'm going to buy a ticket and watch his work when it's done.

Edit: Just wanted to add, that in general what I meant is that they should have full creative freedom, and fans idea's and requests should act just as a source of inspiration, and not be used to exploit markets and reach numbers, even if they don't agree with them.

Just incase I'm very wrong: No livery and other tack please Kaz :)
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From the looks of the most recent GT5 video... no... the AI looks straight out of GT4... or 3... heck out of any racing game in which the AI drives on rails regardless of whether a human player is in the way.... very poor showing.
From the looks of the most recent GT5 video... no... the AI looks straight out of GT4... or 3... heck out of any racing game in which the AI drives on rails regardless of whether a human player is in the way.... very poor showing.
....are you kidding me...

That Ai is completely reworked. and they do not like they are not driving on rails...there actually over taking not just staying behind, there spinning out, there going faster through turns. you will see what i mean when you play the game.

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