Do you think PD listened to the fans?

Do you think PD has finaly listened to the fans

  • yes

    Votes: 63 39.9%
  • no

    Votes: 47 29.7%
  • maybe

    Votes: 48 30.4%

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From the looks of the most recent GT5 video... no... the AI looks straight out of GT4... or 3... heck out of any racing game in which the AI drives on rails regardless of whether a human player is in the way.... very poor showing.

Currently I'm playing GT4 and the A.I. is basically on a set track, they try to force you off of it if you are on it. I haven't seen that yet in GT5 videos.

Also, every racing game has the A.I. is on rails feeling because that is just the nature of computer programming.
....are you kidding me...

That Ai is completely reworked. and they do not like they are not driving on rails...there actually over taking not just staying behind, there spinning out, there going faster through turns. you will see what i mean when you play the game.

Did you watch the recent video posted? First you see the human driver bumping against an AI driver at about 4 min. Now that is the human drivers fault, but the AI car acts as if nothing is happening, you can almost see the computer blindly trying to follow the best racing line, ignoring someone else is already on it.

But skip that, the human driver gets sideways shortly after this and guess what? The AI just piles into him. First 2 or 3 cars stack up and all just rev their way through him, no attempts to break and go around, backup, let the sideways driver clear out. It looks like a little kid on a pushing a tyco truck through some debris, he wants to go in a straight line, something stopped him? Does he bother to figuire out what and make some effort to go the right way? No just push straight on even harder.

Then when the human almost gets clear more AI cars stack up. watch the replay at about 4:10. You see the human sideways and stuck, 2 AI cars burning rubber with their cars jammed right up against him and you see the red car come down a long straight and do what? Slow down? No. Stop? No. Drive aruond the pileup? No.

Full speed WHAM right into the pileup.

Now in all fairness this did clear the pileup, but I think we can all agree that is not a good dynamic AI.

That is AI on rails if you ask me.

Basically from 4:00 to 4:25 of that video sums it up for why I think the AI is a total let down.

Now go do that even in Forza 1 or Toca Race driver, guess what? A big pileup usually results in the cars slowing down, breaking, trying to avoid the crash... you know what drivers would do...

Sure they had AI quirks as well, but the AI running headlong into a pileup was done with a long time ago.

I have always been impressed with how Toca Race driver AI runs. Races usually break apart into 2 packs like real races do, and when you are in the thick of it you really feel like the cars are responding to where you are as well as each other and the track.

If this video accurately shows how the AI handles a pileup, I would say PD dropped the ball on the AI based on that alone. And I strongly suspect that while perhaps better, the normal racing portion of the AI will still acknowledge other AI cars, but not the human ones very well.

PD always says they reworked the AI, and it does get better in some respects, but it's just inexcuseable that in GT5 they still do the lame "plow through a pileup" routine. I remember in GT3 I was sure this would be done with, and I spent hours testing it, putting my car in different places on the track and just getting hammered by essentially blind cars.

GT4 came along and I was sure this would be remedied... I tested again and got smashed again by cars coming down a long straight, with me sitting still and them making no attempt to dodge me.

Looks like PD did it to me again!

This is not the real racing simulator, this is more like a driving obstacle course with moving obstacles.
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Currently I'm playing GT4 and the A.I. is basically on a set track, they try to force you off of it if you are on it. I haven't seen that yet in GT5 videos.

Also, every racing game has the A.I. is on rails feeling because that is just the nature of computer programming.

It never feels as good as racing against other people, but some games do it MUCH better than what I am seeing here and MUCH better than GT4...

Both Forza's do a better job at collision avoidance than what we see here, and if you race Toca Race driver, while much more arcady an experience, the feeling of intelligent racing AI is really there.

I am not trying to start a fanboy war here, seriously, give Toca (at least Toca 2 and 3, never played 1) a try and see if you don't feel the AI is much better at dynamically handling situations.

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