[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince

Interested in some Grand Theft Auto RP? Me too. That's why I've decided to carry on my club from Grand Theft Auto IV to GTA V. I, or a selected handful of members, may create official rooms that will follow each and every member's character and what they do.

Not clear enough? Let me put it this way. This post will give information, requirements, a form, and concerns needed to participate in my GTA V role play.
If you are are interested in my club, please read this entire post and apply.

Note: Please note that that the game is rated M for Mature, so if you are under 17 please know that this role play WILL involve drugs, prostitution, shootouts, and other vulgar types. This, however, does not mean you cannot play if you are under 17, but you have been warned, and prepare to most likely get offended in one way or another.


This section is where events are dated. Any events planned will be posted here on either Sunday night or Monday afternoon. Check on this around once a week to see if you can be available during a dated event. I schedule events based on my calendar. If there is something in the way, I'm not going to put Grand Theft Auto first. i.e. "I have an appointment at 2:00, so I'll bump the event an hour."
Also note that the events don't start at exactly at the time listed. Normally, there is a 30 minute window between the times. I will add you as a friend on PlayStation Network and invite you to a chat room when I myself opens a lobby. Again, when I eventually get some moderators, they can host official groups. Myself or a moderator will then let everyone know in the chat room when the event begins, normally after about 15 minutes of setting up the lobby.

Any lobbies hosted without a moderator in them is considered not valid, as I wish to let each character grow as a club instead of having club members host lobbies and me not hearing about what occurred in said event.

You do not need a microphone to play. We use the PSN chat room for In Character (IC) and Out Of Character (OOC) chat. Though it is not necessary, you may find it easier to put [OOC] or something alike before your message. In character, when interacting and conversing with another player, let them know you are talking/interacting with them. If not, they probably won't recognize you.

My timezone is PST. That's GMT -7. Please convert this to your own time.

Planned/Current Events
GTA RP Event #147 - Friday, October 3rd @ 12:00 PM PST
GTA RP Event #148 - Sunday, October 5th @ 12:00 PM PST

Archived Events
GTA RP Event #142 - Friday, August 15th @ 1:00 PM PST
GTA RP Event #143 - Sunday, August 17th @ 11:00 AM PST
GTA RP Event #144 - Thursday, August 21st @ 1:00 PM PST
GTA RP Event #145 - Friday, August 22nd @ 12:00 PM PST
GTA RP Event #146 - Sunday, August 24th @ 12:00 PM PST


Pinkintron (hellraiser-14) - William Edward Young

Snorevette (GTP_Snorevette) - Marcello Fennelley

AstonMartinDBR9 - Jacob Cole
AzNTypeR (AzNImaboy) - Diego Brookley
BeAsTPkRIPPER (BeAsT_Pk_RIPPER) - Chandler Blackson
BurntBreadz - Jeffery "Jackle" Marston
DBeav12 - Christian Brookley
FIZIXDriver (FIZIX_Driver) - Naoto "Gavin" Koboyashi
GTDriver1230 - Marco Kane, Kenton Outway
imRioter - Dominic Riley
Jordz_Da_Best - Jay Suprano
Numbern9ne (Saarai) - Maria Munroe
RandomStaffieHD - Jacob Smith
SeanWelland - Harley Quinn
ShesSoYumi (x_Shes-So-Yumi_x) - Yumi Megami
StancedOut7 (StancedOut) - Alex Greene
Volchelkin - Craig Murray
Wavey2014 (PVFC-LAD-2013) - Adam
xJAMES_JRx - Anthony "Tony" Giovane

Queue List
Oockesshoek1 - Matt Farah
BARTH_98_ - Jeffrey Richman
KingSimeonTV - Simeon King
samurai8juicebox - Henrik Koenisaab
Pete2279 - Ryan White
BioBubbles - Justin Cross
Marcus F (THEINSANEKNIFER) - Marcus Flynn
BionicDerp - Tim Davids
afbarnes (TPDisney) - Alec Travellion

Banned List


1.) Don't 'stalk' other players.

Sometimes the roleplay gets a little damp, which requires you to get into some unlikely social actions. However, refrain for getting carried away from whom you talk to. As in, don't get in a group of 10 people all deciding to walk on the docks at the same time, and coincidentally 'bump' into each other. it is not realistic and annoying.
If you notice someone in a certain area by themselves or two, you can come up with some scenario to get interactive, but don't be a pest.​

2.) No extreme killing sprees.

As exciting it may seem to you, it can easily ruin the role play experience. You can have shootouts with police, but it isn't logical to stand in the middle of a boardwalk and blast everyone with an RPG.​

3.) No Extreme weapons for your character.

Self explanatory. I'll see how far the gun limitations are, but in the mean time - don't make your character have an RPG, minigun, and whatever else. I think walking around with a 12-gauge shotgun, and pistol, and a Uzi is unrealistic and extreme already.​

4.) Don't drive unrealistic cars for yourself.

This one is pretty much self explanatory as well. A dead-beat drug dealer doesn't drive a Comet. It just doesn't happen.​

5.) Once in a while, stop for a red light, or get some gas at the gas station.

It really bugs me when someone is constantly weaving in and out of traffic and running red lights. If it's a street race, it's acceptable. But just flooring it to save time or whatever get annoying, especially if you crash your car and just go get it fixed immediately. Also, to make sure you have read the rules, put "I like chicken nuggets" somewhere in your application.​

6.) Don't kill anyone without their consent.

Self exploratory. Don't go around killing someone unless they say it is alright. Also, do not do anything to other member's cars unless they say it is alright as well.​

7.) Don't fix cars like magic.

If you get into a car accident, don't drive over to a LSC and get your vehicle repaired instantly. Give it some time, like a real accident, and leave your car there for a few days, or however long you think your car damage can be fixed.​

8.) Have common sense.

I can list rules forever, but most of them are common sense. I don't believe I have to post every little thing down, but that doesn't excuse you to act stupidly and say "It isn't in the rules!" Please, please, please! For the sake of the game, be far to everyone.​

9.) Don't be absent.

I try too keep this as active as possible. When a member of the club is absent for an extended amount of time without notice, I am highly likely to remove them from the club and allow someone new to take their place. If you do not join a single event in a period of three weeks without notifying me, you will be removed. If you do notify me, then you will not be effected.​

Please fill as most as you comfortably can. It will not only be easier to keep track of things, but also it makes me trust you more. If you are looking for help when making a character, check out this site. This will give you plenty of information on how you can build your character.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience:

In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Photograph (If available):

If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints, comments, or concerns, please message me.

Thank you everyone for reading and taking interest!
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 17
PSN: hellraiser-14
Role Play experience: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Minecraft, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, and countless others.

In Character (IC)

Name: Jeffery (Jeff) Willis
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Odd jobs that he can find - body guard for a day, delivery boy - anything to earn money.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Jeffery was just a plain ol' white boy, born in the long foothills between San Fierro and Mount Chiliad. His parents lived together in a small town out in the woods, with Jeff and his two other brothers, Willie and Henry. Jeff's dad only knew one way of parenting - being borderline abusive physically. Willie and Henry seemed to take it how it is, and maybe try and fight back their dad when they did something wrong - but Jeff always accepted the beating and was scared of his father. Sinse Jeff was the youngest of his two brothers, it was apparent it came natural that way. The mother tried to always be the peacemaker of the family when the father would work out in the woods, either hunting or chopping lumber. This was when Jeff was the happiest, besides spending the sunset near his "clubhouse" by a tree on a hill.

When Jeff was sixteen and both of his brothers out of the house and around town, his father became sick. Being short on money and transportation, there was not much to do to help Jeff's father with his sudden strike of influenza. Jeff and his mother stood by his side and supported him as much as possible when they weren't at work bringing home money. Just after two and a half weeks, his father passed. Having Willie and Henry out of the house for four years without a single visit, Jeff replaced his father's job to support his mother and himself.

Jeff continued to do this until he was 24. Still having not seen his brothers, and still living and supporting his mother. One morning, when preparing to work, Jeff does what he normally does and wakes mom. This time, after shaking and calling her name, Jeff's mom didn't wake up. She passed away overnight peacefully.

He only lived a year in that house after his mother died. Jeff couldn't live in a house, alone from his brothers and having both parents gone without thinking of them constantly. About 2 months before Jeff's 26th birthday, he thought he would leave his childhood memories behind to avoid sadness. He took the small amount of money he saved up from the house selling and the money under his mattress and took a ferry to start anew near Paleto Bay.

Jeff currently lives in an older RV in the Mount Chiliad State Wilderness, spending most of his time outside and away from everybody, just to meditate and think about life. However, money is getting tight. Not knowing how to earn more money besides small, cheap odd jobs, he considers to 'break bad' almost every day. Will he? Let's see.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He was typically the nicest around when he was growing up, but after having what happened to him take effect to much, he's grown quiet and sometimes even angry of how unfair life has become.
He doesn't know much about what goes on in Los Santos, but hearing about rich celebrities and teenagers complaining for some silly reason makes him annoyed. He's a metaphor - you have to crack the coconut shell to get to the goodness inside.

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Just going to post this imo.
The whole shotgun uzi and pistol isn't really unrealistic since well just look around in the news, while it is a bit powerful but it's highly possible. If it was a shotgun rpg and some granades then yea.
I think I might join this when GTA Online comes out. Until then, I'll keep an eye on this thread. I just need to come up with a character. Hmm...

Also, I do enjoy chicken nuggets. :sly:
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Yitzchak
Age: 24
PSN: Tinker_Gnome
Role Play experience: D&D, Battletech RPG, Pathfinder. I often play gnomes.

In Character (IC)

Name: Moshe Cohen

Age: 32

Job/Career/Money Source: Moshe is a marksman for heists and hits if the pay is good. He runs a successful property investment business, but the allure of hunting people never quite left him, often manifesting itself in vigilante style outbursts against drug dealers and pimps. He definitely has a somewhat misguided sense of justice.


Moshe was born on a Moshav in northern Israel. He served for six years in the IDF as a sniper in the Golani Brigade and then immigrated to Los Santos at the age of 24. He immediately started work in the financial industry, making enough on stocks and commodities trading to get into property investing, leaving his 9 to 5 to work for himself. He drives a beat-up blue Karin Rebel pickup. Moshe is almost never seen without a kippah, and suffers from a great sense of guilt from all the unkosher things he has done, but he can't seem to stop. Despite himself, he garnered a reputation in the underworld as a top-notch marksman. He never rolls on Shabbat and will turn down contracts if they happen on Shabbat or holy days.

Personality: Moshe is manic-depressive but keeps a cool head. He is known to be chivalrous and never harms women or children.

I hope that works.

I really don't like chicken nuggets in the slightest. There's no point in lying to everyone. They're salt and industrial waste.
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Just going to post this imo.
The whole shotgun uzi and pistol isn't really unrealistic since well just look around in the news, while it is a bit powerful but it's highly possible. If it was a shotgun rpg and some granades then yea.
I was thinking more about the fact of carrying it all on you. Pistol in your waist, knife on your belt or whatever is fine - but and uzi, shotgun, and a handgun on the side? Let me get my shopping bag to carry those in.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Yitzchak
Age: 24
PSN: Tinker_Gnome
Role Play experience: D&D, Battletech RPG, Pathfinder. I often play gnomes.

In Character (IC)

Name: Moshe Cohen

Age: 32

Job/Career/Money Source: Moshe is a marksman for heists and hits if the pay is good. He runs a successful property investment business, but the allure of hunting people never quite left him, often manifesting itself in vigilante style outbursts against drug dealers and pimps. He definitely has a somewhat misguided sense of justice.


Moshe was born on a Moshav in northern Israel. He served for six years in the IDF as a sniper in the Golani Brigade and then immigrated to Los Santos at the age of 24. He immediately started work in the financial industry, making enough on stocks and commodities trading to get into property investing, leaving his 9 to 5 to work for himself. He drives a beat-up blue Karin Rebel pickup. Moshe is almost never seen without a kippah, and suffers from a great sense of guilt from all the unkosher things he has done, but he can't seem to stop. Despite himself, he garnered a reputation in the underworld as a top-notch marksman. He never rolls on Shabbat and will turn down contracts if they happen on Shabbat or holy days.

Personality: Moshe is manic-depressive but keeps a cool head. He is known to be chivalrous and never harms women or children.

I hope that works.
You are missing a vital part of your application, please read the rules again and correct your mistake. :)
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You are missing a vital part of your application, please read the rules again and correct your mistake. :)

Oh really? Maybe you could be so kind as to actually tell me what exactly that missing part is. :rolleyes:
I might look into this as a way of extracting more fun from Online. I'll keep watch on this thread. I may apply when I'm done with the story.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Darren
Age: 15
Role Play experience: The Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect

In Character (IC)

Name: John Sando
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Formerly a Sergeant in the Liberty City army. He now is a criminal, performing heists to gain enough profit to keep himself afloat.
Personal Vehicle: Elegy RH8

John has had a troubled past. His mother died during childbirth when he was born, however the father couldn't care for him. He was adopted to Ben and Fiona Sando, who named him John. When John was 17, he applied to join the Liberty City armed forces, who accepted him into the army instantly. This was partly due to his experience with guns, his father was the owner of an Ammu-Nation, so he had John firing guns when he was 13. He served there for the next 6 years, where he met his future best friend, Thomas. When he was on shore leave, John inadvertently became Liberty Cities Most Wanted criminal due to Thomas accidently framing John for a crime he didn't commit. Knowing there was an entire police force wanting him dead and his best friend betrayed him, he fled to Los Santos in search of a new beginning and the true chance to live the American dream.


Up until his betrayal, John was a very friendly person who was always willing to help out and a very approachable person, making no clear indication of his true past. Now however, he has become very paranoid, believing that everyone he meets will betray him at the first chance they get. One has to really get his trust in order to get the old John back.

PS: I love chicken nuggets.

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Oh really? Maybe you could be so kind as to actually tell me what exactly that missing part is. :rolleyes:
That would just defeat the purpose of why I placed that little bit in the rules, no?

That's stupid.
It's a pinch to see if you've read the rules and care to even bother with them. It doesn't matter if you dislike chicken nuggets. It's a test.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Darren
Age: 15
Role Play experience: The Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect

In Character (IC)

Name: John Sando
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Formerly a Sergeant in the Liberty City army. He now is a criminal, performing heists to gain enough profit to keep himself afloat.

Solid - accepted!
Now, this is still a rough patch for me right now - I don't know 100% how the online mode is going to work, so things might not go completely according to plan. However, I'll just keep in mind to add you to my friends list so I can go ahead and invite you to a lobby (assuming it will work like that) when the time arrives.
Screw it, I'll apply.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: SK
Age: 20
PSN: Street-King-07
Role Play experience: Next to none. Only really light RP in GT5 cruise rooms.

In Character (IC)

Name: Dario McAllister
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Freelancer

Dario was born in southern Los Santos where he had to endure a rough upbringing. His Scottish father was a chronic alcoholic and his Italian mother was struggling to make ends meet in a dead-end job at Cluckin' Bell.

When Dario was 16, his mother and father were gunned down by some Vagos gang members in a hit-and-run, which caused Dario to go into a spiralling depression. He resorted to violence against gang members and took cocaine stolen from Ballas drug runners. He was arrested numerous times for drug and firearms offences and spent a total of 7 years in prison.

When he was released at 23 years old, Dario pledged to rid himself of his old life and earn himself a decent living. He got a job as a trucker at age 24 but became dissatisfied with the company he worked with and his only merit was his speed at getting loads delivered. He quit after 15 months and became a freelancer, hiring himself out to companies in part time jobs in various locations across San Andreas. For the previous 6 months, Dario has been roommates with his friend Daniel Sullivan up in Del Perro Heights. Dario's daily driver is a red DeClasse Premier whilst his friend Daniel owns 9 other cars, only occasionally letting Dario borrow them.

Dario's goal for the future is to hopefully settle down with a beautiful wife and start a family in Paleto Bay.


Dario tries to forget his old life but the thoughts still linger in his mind making him very apprehensive of anyone who looks at him funny in Los Santos. When out and about, he's a very sociable person who enjoys meeting new people and having a laugh over a cold beer.

PS: I like chicken nuggets. I once ate a box of 20.
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Screw it, I'll apply.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: SK
Age: 20
PSN: Street-King-07
Role Play experience: Next to none. Only really light RP in GT5 cruise rooms.

In Character (IC)

Name: Dario McAllister
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Trucker.

Interesting character - Accepted! I'll keep in mind to add you to my friends list so I can go ahead and invite you to a lobby (assuming it will work like that) when the time arrives.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Ryan
Age: 15
PSN: Dooglers8
Role Play experience: You already know I participated in the IV club.

In Character (IC)

Name: Marty Burkhart
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: White collar business.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Marty Burkhart is Lenny Burkhart's (from the IV club) cousin. Like Lenny, he was born in Alderney in the early nineties, in fact, he lived across the street from his cousins, and the family was close-knit. He has three other siblings, an older brother and two younger sisters. Marty wasn't necessarily a trouble-maker on his own, but he often hung out with a more rebellious crowd in school. As his parents would put it, he went down the wrong path, taking recreational drugs, getting in fights and receiving numerous traffic violations for street racing. Just before his senior year of highschool, Marty's dad got a lucrative job offer in Los Santos. This only made Marty's vices worse. He longed to see his friends and family back East; he just wasn't fitting in with the crowd in Los Santos.

This lead to a depression that ended abruptly when his attempted suicide, driving into a gas station as fast as he could, was interrupted by a minor accident at a stop light. As both drivers got out and traded insurance information, the other driver, Nick, couldn't help but notice that Marty was that new kid at school. After both cars were towed away, the two had a nice chat over some chicken nuggets at the Burger Shot across the street. It was here when Marty decided that maybe Los Santos didn't suck ass, as he put it. Through Nick, he met a whole circle of other people who didn't really suck ass either. His grades started improving, he became happy and he graduated with decent GPA.

Marty promptly went to university, majoring in business, and graduated four years later with a respectable GPA. That isn't to say college life was hard for him, particularly financially. He worked nights at Cluckin Bell to pay the bills, and even had to sell his beloved Futo when times got tough. He now has a well paying, albeit a bit generic, job in the business world, and he lives in a small condominium in Los Santos. He drives a silver Karin Apostrope, which he just finished paying off. He's currently single. He does miss the old days when he could race around with his friends from light to light, not caring about the consequences. Weed was a lot cheaper back East, too. Despite his current stability, those old urges still come to him every now and then.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):

Marty's a pretty nice guy. If you've got weed, he'll become your friend quickly. He's not really the type to hold grudges, and he doesn't tend to get angry too often. As long as you don't mess with him, he'll treat you right.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Ryan
Age: 15
PSN: Dooglers8
Role Play experience: You already know I participated in the IV club.

In Character (IC)

Name: Marty Burkhart
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: White collar business.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Always a great story, always accepted!
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 23
Role Play experience: GT5, GTA IV, and other games

In Character (IC)

Name: Paul Fujiwara
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Wheelman/Courier
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Paul Fujiwara is from the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, Japan, born in the late 80's. The oldest of the two children, and having graduated from the Kogakuin University with an Associate's degree. He grown tired of the humdrum life in Tokyo, and decided to leave the country and move to the U.S and stay with an uncle who had a place in Vice City, little did Paul know, that his uncle's "place" wasn't exactly anything he had expected.

Once the plane had finally touched down in Escobar International, he was greeted by his uncle who had barely changed at all from the times he had visited in the past during Paul's childhood. The uncle had given Paul a tour of the tropical, sunny Vice City, allowing him to take in the sights and such. Paul was blown away by the large mansion his uncle had owned, 3 stories high, a large pool in the back along with a boat dock, it was a monstrosity of a house.

Several months had passed, Paul had learned that his uncle owned and runs an exquisite luxury/exotic auto dealership, which also took online orders and sent the cars to different parts of the country. Paul was interested in delivering the cars, having taken professional driving courses and handled large vehicles well, he was confident in transporting the cars all the way to Los Santos. However, after making the trip, his uncle had called and told him to stay for a few days in LS at his apartment, not realizing he would be staying there longer than he had expected. He had found all his belongings sitting in the front of the apartment's doorstep the next morning, with a note explaining that something had happened back in Vice City, and it was best for him to stay in Los Santos for a while until things have quieted down on the East Coast. However, after settling down again on the West Coast, he had landed himself a job rather quickly as a courier, driving either his uncle's Black armored Declasse Granger, and a Red Declasse Sabre Turbo he had bought himself, after finding a generous hefty amount of money in his account, presumably from his uncle.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Quiet and Observant, Paul regularly keeps to himself and rarely talks much. He sometimes smokes, usually 1 or 2 cigarettes every 3 days or contemplating about life, usually Redwood or Debonaire would suffice for him. He will get annoyed if bothered, although you generally would stay on his good side. And, he prefers Burger Shot's nuggets than Cluckin' Bell's.
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Glad to see this is back! :P

Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 16
PSN: Katiegan
Role Play experience: Done a lot on other sites, was a mod in the IV club, do a little bit of RP on GT5 too sometimes.

In Character (IC)
Lori Harwell
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Mechanic
Personal Vehicle: Ocelot Jackal
Bio: Lori was born in Liberty City and lived in Dukes until the age of 12. Her father was a decorated war hero, risking life and limb in Iraq and Afghanistan, and her mother was a cleaner at the Majestic Hotel in Star Junction. Her father was a keen car enthusiast, and when he was on leave from the army, he would work on their Karin Intruder, adding various cosmetic and performance modifications and showing Lori how he did it. Occasionally, Lori's father would take her to car meets and shows with the Intruder, and introduced her to the modified car culture. Lori was fascinated and always looked forward to the meets and shows, and used to organise her own little meets with her toys.

When she was 12, her father was killed in action in Iraq, leaving both her and her mother heartbroken. The income from her mother's job wasn't enough to support the two of them, and Lori was forced to go and live with her aunt and cousins in Mirror Park, Los Santos. It took Lori a long time to adjust to LS life, resulting in her getting into bother at school. She mixed in with the wrong crowd and ended up committing petty crimes and bunking off school, and ended up leaving high school with no grades. This caused her to stop and think, and remember her time in Liberty City and how she was a well behaved young girl, and what made her happy. She went back to school to get her grades and went to college to study motor vehicle work, and got a job at a garage near her home in Mirror Park. With the money from this, she bought herself an Ocelot Jackal and decided to get back into the modified car culture that her father introduced to her. She is now a fully qualified mechanic living and working in Mirror Park, and often attends car meets and shows, just like she did as a child. However, the reckless side of her from adolescence still lingers and she can sometimes commit those petty crimes again.
Personality: Being a mechanic, Lori is friendly and socialable. She lost her confidence when she moved to Los Santos, but after getting her qualifications as a mechanic, she gained her confidence back. She can sometimes be short-tempered however, and is a nasty piece of work when she is angry, but her anger never lasts for long.
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Out Of Character

Name: Adam
Age: 32
PSN: Fullertron
Role Play experience: None

In Character

Name: Clifford Walden
Age: 40
Job/Career/Money Source: Park Ranger / Officer / Attendant

Bio: Cliff has been working in security for most of his adult life but, this has been very stressful on him so he decided a new career was needed.

Now he spends most of his time looking after the green spaces in and around LS and its helped him realise that life doesn't end at 40.

when he hangs up his uniform at the end of the day, you may find cliff hanging out with the cool kids smoking weed, drinking and partying.

Being from a security background, Cliff is not to be crossed. He has extensive I love chicken nuggets, combat, weapons and driving training and has learnt to fly a helicopter for his rangers job.

Personality: laid back chap with a mean streak towards those that cross him or one of his friends / colleagues.
I got my copy in the mail but i havent got to play it yet as I've been busy working on a car. My ongoing project is soon finished and I will get some more time on my hands to play and get known with the game. Really looking forward to this and your whole idea seems pretty interesting so I will defently come back to you guys with a character, dont look at this as a aplication as I yet haven't tasted fried chicken. You will hear from me in about a week or so. Just out of curiosity, the name and the story of each character is all fiction right? Like I said, I haven't even got my hands on the game lying home waiting for me..
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Justin
Age: 21
Role Play experience: GT5, GTA IV, and other games

In Character (IC)

Name: Paul Fujiwara
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Wheelman/Courier

Glad to see this is back! :P

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Katie
Age: 15
PSN: Katiegan
Role Play experience: Done a lot on other sites, was a mod in the IV club, do a little bit of RP on GT5 too sometimes.

In Character (IC)
Name: Erin Rochester
Age: 22
Job/Career/Money Source: Engine Builder & Offroad Racer


Out Of Character

Name: Adam
Age: 32
PSN: Fullertron
Role Play experience: None

In Character

Name: Clifford Walden
Age: 40
Job/Career/Money Source: Park Ranger / Officer / Attendant
Would be nice to see a new RPer join. Accepted!
I'll give this a shot, but my PS3 is in my basement and my Wi-Fi doesn't reach it. I should hopefully have my PS3 back where it was soon.

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Blayne

Age: 15

PSN: Turbotwin01

Role Play experience: Skyrim, Minecraft RPG Servers, GT5 Cops Lobbies.

In Character (IC)

Name: Blake Robinson

Age: 23

Job/Career/Money Source: Former Professional Race Car Driver, Now Is A Street Racer.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Blake was originally a small town kid who lived in Canada. His father ran a small construction business and taught Blake little bits of knowledge on cars and trucks. Blake was a professional racer at just 21 and was near the peak of his career when suddenly an Italian racer by the name of Vincenzo Ricardi came in and took his job right under his feet. At 22 he moved to Los Stratos in hopes of a job but could never find one in the unstable economy. He eventually got into crime and now does odd jobs with his driving skill (trucking, delivery, getaway for heists, etc) and street races often. He also likes Chicken Nuggets :D

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Blake is a polite person (Because he is Canadian :P), and is willing to assist his friends in many things. But if you piss him off, he will hold a grudge. He prefers intellect over strength and is pretty smart. He automatically is kind to strangers and will usual help those in danger or trouble. He is still depressed from his racing career falling apart.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Carl
Age: 12
PSN: Volchelkin
Role Play experience: I done a bit of roleplay on PMC (PlanetMinecraft)
Extra: I'll just go ahead and say that while I may seem young, like, really young, i'm mature enough to go ahead and follow the rules properly. I love roleplaying and i'd never try to ruin one. I also like chicken nuggets.

In Character (IC)

Name: David Foley
Age: 32
Job/Career/Money Source: David is a criminal, he relies on robbing places to "earn" money.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): David was born in Liberty City. He had a kind mother and father, and two younger brothers to look after. He also had a younger sister, who had went missing at the age of 14. The only problem was, David had a lot of people to whom he owed money, and with how things were going currently, he would never earn enough money to help out his family AND sort out his debt. There was also the fact that his family knew nothing about how he made money, which was robbing banks, liquor stores, etc.
Some of the people he owed were dangerous men, and could take out him and his family in the blink of an eye. David thought, the only thing he could do was get away from them. So he talked with his family, and moved to Los Santos where he has some friends to get him started. Now, alongside trying to earn enough money to stay afloat, all he wants to do is forget about his past life and move on from crime.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): David is a rather friendly man, who does whatever he can to help if it doesn't mean harming his friends or family. Although, the friendliness can fade away once he starts owing people. Then, he'll do anything to raise enough money.

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I'll give this a shot, but my PS3 is in my basement and my Wi-Fi doesn't reach it. I should hopefully have my PS3 back where it was soon.

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Blayne

Age: 15

PSN: Turbotwin01

Role Play experience: Skyrim, Minecraft RPG Servers, GT5 Cops Lobbies.

In Character (IC)

Name: Blake Robinson

Age: 23

Job/Career/Money Source: Former Professional Race Car Driver, Now Is A Street Racer.
Accepted! Also, RPing Skyrim is fantastic.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Carl
Age: 12
PSN: Volchelkin
Role Play experience: I done a bit of roleplay on PMC (PlanetMinecraft)
Extra: I'll just go ahead and say that while I may seem young, like, really young, i'm mature enough to go ahead and follow the rules properly. I love roleplaying and i'd never try to ruin one. I also like chicken nuggets.

In Character (IC)

Name: Michael Foley
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: He relies on robbing places to "earn" money.
Well, I haven't had a lot of good experiences with, quite honestly, anyone under the age of 13 or 14. But since you included what you were supposed to, I guess you're accepted. However, I personally do think that 12 years old is really, really young, but hey - not me to judge just yet.
Also, curious as to why you chose Michael as your character's name - one of the main characters in GTA V is named Michael.
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Well, I haven't had a lot of good experiences with, quite honestly, anyone under the age of 13 or 14. But since you included what you were supposed to, I guess you're accepted. However, I personally do think that 12 years old is really, really young, but hey - not me to judge just yet.
Also, curious as to why you chose Michael as your character's name - one of the main characters in GTA V is named Michael.
Yeah, I think I can see why you haven't had a lot of good experiences with them. I know the reputation kids have on the internet. Swearing, immaturity, bad grammar and spelling, things like that. It's alright though, you can trust me to be mature. Also, the Michael thing, Michael was the first name that popped into my head. I've changed it now, since I see why it's strange. Thanks for accepting.
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience: have been in other RP groups and RP in most free roam games.

In Character (IC)

Name: Jerry Kenward
Job/Career/Money Source: Tow truck driver
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Jerry spent living most of his life living in downtown Los Santos with his 2 sisters and brother. His parents were often busy with their work managing the shipping port. Jerry never took interest in ships or boats; instead he would walk through town admiring all the fancy cars people were driving and chicken nuggets. Sometimes he would get a ride in his uncles tow truck and go around looking for illegally parked cars and trucks.

After many years of not doing anything with his life he left home and moved south of downtown Los Santos, where he got a job giving out parking tickets. He did that job for 5 years and moved on to tow truck duties.

Jerry is now 34 and for his future he doesn’t have any major plans except possibly opening his own truck/garage stop. He doesn’t plan on having a family or anything since he prefers to be alone but doesn’t mind being with friends.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He isn't a very aggressive person but can get annoying if bothered. He also isn't very laid back, once he starts a job he is confident and plans on finishing it.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience: have been in other RP groups and RP in most free roam games.

In Character (IC)

Name: Jerry Kenward
Job/Career/Money Source: Tow truck driver
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Jerry spent living most of his life living in downtown Los Santos with his 2 sisters and brother. His parents were often busy with their work managing the shipping port. Jerry never took interest in ships or boats; instead he would walk through town admiring all the fancy cars people were driving and chicken nuggets. Sometimes he would get a ride in his uncles tow truck and go around looking for illegally parked cars and trucks.

After many years of not doing anything with his life he left home and moved south of downtown Los Santos, where he got a job giving out parking tickets. He did that job for 5 years and moved on to tow truck duties.

Jerry is now 34 and for his future he doesn’t have any major plans except possibly opening his own truck/garage stop. He doesn’t plan on having a family or anything since he prefers to be alone but doesn’t mind being with friends.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He isn't a very aggressive person but can get annoying if bothered. He also isn't very laid back, once he starts a job he is confident and plans on finishing it.