Week 102: RCNG-102... Tuning

  • Thread starter Kent


Staff Emeritus
United States
Southern Louisiana
Hello again!
This week we are going to play around with tuning front wheel drive street cars!
Good luck cause they can be tricky.

The Car: Any Front Wheel Drive Car With Any Level Of Modification (No Xsara)
(This means there are only 2 limits on the race... No Xsara and Only Front Wheel Drive Street Cars!)

The Track: Deep Forest Reverse

The Race: Hotlap

The Rules:

1. You must have 2 tires on the track at all times.
2. The rumble strips are considered part of the track.
3. No wall riding or touching.
4. No cutting the grass or short cutting.
5. No hybrids
6. No cheating of any kind.
7. Save Your Submitted Lap Replay

Time Discussion: All "T" Times.

The deadline: All Times Due before 00.00hrs Central Standard Time (New Orleans, Louisiana, America), Tuesday the 8th. (Same as 06.00hrs London. Tuesday the 8th.)
The World
My Time Zone

Send all final times via PM to Me. (GoKents)
Remember to include your division.

When submitting your final time please include the Car name and HP level.
This includes other prize cars, such as the TRD Celica and the Spoon Civic Type R?? Just making sure...

Otherwise... this should be interesting.. despite being the exact oppisite of MR cars :D
This includes other prize cars, such as the TRD Celica and the Spoon Civic Type R?? Just making sure...

Otherwise... this should be interesting.. despite being the exact oppisite of MR cars :D

The ITR and Spoon CTR should be the pick of the bunch id say. gonna go do some runs and see what happens.

the TRD celica isnt anything to rave about.
Yeah, all those cars are allowed. :D

However, I don't think the spoon civic can keep up with this bunch. ;)

Either way those are the 2 to beat. :mischievous:

I might even give this one a try... Not sure though... My British Literature class is kicking my butt!
And to make matters worse I have recently started in on mastering Ace Combat 5! :lol:

Still, I will give this a try. :D
Till I get some laps in...
Btw, hope you all enjoy the race!
Well, we all know I love Toyota, so I'll see what I can do.

And Kent... this combo is either gonna make me a genius for FF setup, or hate them with a passion. Deep Forest, had some fun setting up MR cars on sims there, extremely tricky surface, and with this kinda power and FF... should make for some fun.
I would guess they are, if the Spoon Type R is :P

Just did some runs in my TRD Celica... I'm so rusty with FF...

T1 - 22.850
T2 - 50.591

I've got wheels smoking all over the place :P Gonna have to work on the settings, but FF isn't my specialy (silently hopes someone posts settings to work off of :dopey: )
well ive been going back to my liscense tests to gold them (PAL version) So far got all gold on B and A nearly all on IB (stupid 6,7 with the ruf is giving me hard time) and ive done about 5 on IA. Im a bit sick of it atm so im gonna have a few runs in the TRD, ITR and what ever else that i think may be good.

Took the TRD out for a strap

T1: 21.345
T2: 47.612
hi i'm new to this, and i'm not a registered racer yet, but i am considering. a question i have however is, for the track Deep Forest Reverse, do we run our car in simulation free run? or arcade mode free run and load our simulation car? or does it not matter?
arcade mode free run, and use our sim car. BTW its deep forest reverse 👍
Is there any difference between the honda ITR and the Acura ITR?
Is there any difference between the honda ITR and the Acura ITR?

You can tune the Honda to about 100 hp more (maybe even more), so I would go for the Honda :sly:
Hugo Boss
You can tune the Honda to about 100 hp more (maybe even more), so I would go for the Honda :sly:

And, IIRC, the Honda is lighter and has better headlights ;) :lol:
And, IIRC, the Honda is lighter and has better headlights ;) :lol:

In my town somebody has got a Teg, and everytime I overtake it (doesn't happen that often with my 55 hp Polo :D) and I look in my mirror, I feel sorry for the car that it doesn't have the Japanese headlights :indiff:
Those round lights are so ugly! :ill:
i just switched to the Honda ITR after running a decent lap in the TRD and improved my time by .6 :) the 478hp Honda ITR is my car of choice so far.

T1: 21.180
T2: 47.345

and hugo if you would be so kind to post some settings for this as i have no idea how to tune FF cars it would be greatly appreciated :).
and hugo if you would be so kind to post some settings for this as i have no idea how to tune FF cars it would be greatly appreciated :).

No problem, but I won't be running it before thursday so you can start experimenting yourself ;)
Interesting choice of car, I'll probably put in a run later today. But I'm currently split between whether I should drive the Honda ITR, or join flat out in the full mod Mini.

And out of curiosity Kent, how far are you in AC5? I'm right now trying to unlock all the planes, and trying to buy full squadrons of them all.
Replying to an earlier question...
Any car is cool, just no xsara! :D

Regarding your question EvO...
Pretty far. :D
Beat all normal missions with (S).
Beat all Ace missions with (S).
Unlocked and obtained all planes.
Unlocked all paint jobs except for a select few.
(that includes almost every last one but for now I just can't recall which planes I don't have a third paint job for, but it's only like 3 planes)

Any way,
I'm going to run a lap or two before school. :D
Back afterwards to give the updates.
TRD Celica here I come! :mischievous:
Ran few laps with my CTR

T1 0'22,407
T2 0'48,667

Atleast 1.2 seconds will betaken off from that T1 and from T2... i think i can shave atleast 1.6 i think... Need to improve my settings little bit, LSD is waaayyy off and stabilizer havent been touched.. Springs will be needing some fixing too.
I know what car I'm gonna tune this week.
FF, 178hp.

I know what you mean Flat-out, twice in 3 weeks we get a golden opportunity to run the fully modded Mini. But..... its then the same race as Week 77. I'm certainly going to give it a shot to see if 20-odd more weeks of WRS racing has improved my skills at all!

I'm also pretty proud of sitting in the top 5 of your dynamic stats page, and I want to try and keep it that way! Sadly the Mini is just not likely to grab a top 25 finish with the increased volume of WRS participants lately (which is a great thing 👍 )

Decisions, decisions, its a great opportunity to run something that's never been run before too. I'll have to check Famine's exhaustive stat list to see which cars have never been used in the WRS.
I know what you mean Flat-out, twice in 3 weeks we get a golden opportunity to run the fully modded Mini. But..... its then the same race as Week 77. I'm certainly going to give it a shot to see if 20-odd more weeks of WRS racing has improved my skills at all!

I'm also pretty proud of sitting in the top 5 of your dynamic stats page, and I want to try and keep it that way! Sadly the Mini is just not likely to grab a top 25 finish with the increased volume of WRS participants lately (which is a great thing 👍 )

Decisions, decisions, its a great opportunity to run something that's never been run before too. I'll have to check Famine's exhaustive stat list to see which cars have never been used in the WRS.
Yeah, I feel exactly the same hesitation but I haven't been practising hardly in the past weeks and I'm not proud anymore of my twenty-oddth position (:( I was 4th back in week 84). So I'll drive the Mini for a big part of the week, but perhaps I'll submit a time in a faster car. It won't be a terrific time anyway.
So far managed a few laps in the Spoon Civic Type R. Going to try the Honda ITR too..

T1 0'22.075 (seen 0'21.8XX)
T2 0'48.709 (seen 0'47.9XX)

Hope to see clean consistant laps with T1:s of 21.X and T2 of 47.X with a bit more practice..

BTW, if there is any FF settings guru out there I could desperatley do with some pointers! :) I suck at doing the settings on a FR car, but here I have absolutely no idea.. :dunce:

This is great. I recently put together a save with every front drive car in the game (dont ask me why) so I have so may cars to choose from. I need to put some miles on my civic type R. if I can get it up to 450 hp It'l be at the same power to weight ratio as my Integra type R. I'll be using either of those. But even if i use the best car in the game, My generaly sucky tuning will ensure I dont do as well this week.
Inferno, im not sure but i think the CTR cant go all the way to 450 hp. I have driven my CTR in and it has only 447 hp. It might go 1 or 2 hp up more but lets see..
FWD, man what a change of pace,
so far with the ITR,
after 5 test laps and no setup changes, except gearbox and diff, hope to find about half a second on the first split, and maybe up to three quarters on the second