I just found something very interesting, but I doubt it's reality. It was posted by someone on the ABC Forums and it sounds very convincing. However, like I said, since I can't find any info on this "Roussau" character, I hereby proclaim it fake until proven real . . . or fake again.
It is up to you to determine the truth through your own research or thought
I recently found an interesting natuarlly occuring thoery found in our world that states everyone has a mirror image somewhere in the world. You may have heard of this. Roussau's genetic mirror theory says that everyone in the world has an exact twin somewhere, however according to the theory you never encounter this person, by laws of probablitly and other natuaral occuring phemnomen. Its the theory that was devised by a French Mathematician named Marseille Roussau in the year 1988. He used a series of numbers to explain his theory. Now I know you're not going to believe this but here goes.
4 8 15 16 23 42
Let me explain...
The 4 stands for 4 degrees of separation (not 6 or 7 as commonly stated. Roussau believed that everyone in the world was connected by four different people. So in theory could meet yourself by using four different people connected to you. Example: Your brother's, boss's, neighbor nephew, knows your mirror. Hard to believe, I know but keep reading.
The 8 stands for the eight continent, or the only place in the world where you could meet your mirror. He calculated it to be somewhere in the south pacific. Now we know its not actually as large as the other contintents but its used figurtively because everyone in all 7 continents could meet there mirror on the 8th universal continent.
The 15 stands for the chances of you acually meeting yourself on this place, as in 15 out of 4,815,162,342. Look at the second set "815." Ring any bells? Interesting huh?
The 16 stands for the maximum amount of people that could encounter thier twin all at the same time. Think about the number of main characters.
The 23 is the number of years apart your twin and yourself are. You are not the same age as your twin. By chance and probablity it takes 23 years exactly for the same genes that made you to be connected again to form another you.
The 42 stands for the maximimum number of years your twin and yourself can be alive at the same time. However people do die at diffferent times so thats why everyone isn't dead at 75. For example my twin was born on Sept. 6 2003 b/c i was born on Spet. 6 1980. Now that doesn't mean i will die in the year 2045, I could, but its not set in stone. My twin could die when he is 16, and then the whole thing starts over again.
This is all very complicated and I don't know how well I explained it but the connections with the show are too coinidental to not be real.
Roussau and his team (wife, included) went to the 8th continent. You can figure out how they died and why by the numbers and equations. It also fits with every character. You can predict when they will die. There are others on the island who are twins of the survivors, but have been there 23 years longer.
There is a book Roussau wrote 16 years ago in 1988 when he came up with the theory. Thats where I got it from.
i found what is below on IMDB and i had to popst it, im English so ive spoilt myself, so if you dont want ANY SPOILERS dont read it.(if youve seen series 1 then youll know most of it)
The black rock is actually a fairly large ship. It appears to date from the 1800s. Locke guessed that it was bringing slaves to a mining colony. It's fitted with skeletons, chains, and a box full of dynamite. Oh yeah, and it's miles inland.
Possible Explanations: Dr. Arzt suggested it was dragged in from a tsunami. But isn't it in a little too good condition for that to be the reason?
This one has already been explained pretty well. On an uncharted island, a large hatch is found by Locke and Boone. After some excavating, they blow the lid off with dynamite. The lid has the numbers written on it. It is approximately 40-50 feet deep. Inside lives a man known only as Desmond. Desmond had met Jack in a stadium years before. The hatch contains driers, artificial sun, computer, sound system, blender, and an extremely large supply of food. It also has a periscope of sorts and tons of guns. A timer is set with 108. Inputting 4 8 15 16 23 42 resets the timer. Desmond appears to inject himself with some sort of medicine every morning.
Possible Explanations: Perhaps...who am I kidding, I've got nothing.
4 8 15 16 23 42. These numbers appear everywhere throughout the show. 48 survivors, $23,000 reward for Kate, flight 815, the list goes on and on. What we do know is these numbers appear to bring bad luck to the family and friends of people who inherit them, all the while helping those who do find them. Odd, isn't it? And Hurley used them to win the lottery. That's a big no-no. The numbers were being broadcasted from the island. This broadcast attracted Danielle Rosseau and her team. The broadcast tower is near the Black Rock. The numbers date back to WWII, perhaps furhter. They've hit Hurley, Rosseau, Lenny, and some guy in Australia (I forgot his name.)
Very little is known about Danielle Rosseau. A bilingual French woman, she was stranded on the island about sixteen and a half years ago. Soon the members of her science team were killed off by a mysterious infection. That left her alone to give birth to her child, Alex. Alex was soon captured by the terrifying Others. After her teammates were killed, she found a communication tower near the Black Rock. She sent out a French distress message. Hmm, is French her main language, or did she assume they were in French waters? At any rate, Danielle is a different woman from when she first arrived. Giving birth to a child, having her baby kidnapped, killing her own husband, these have hardened her. Patrolling the island with a sniper gun and hiding out in an underground layer, she's always around, but just out of sight. The only thing that keeps Danielle alive is the hope that she'll see her child Alex again. And she'll do anything to make that happen.
The Others are perhaps the most mysterious of the island's secrets. From what Danielle says, they are people hiding in the jungle. They are the people who took her child away. Yet she never sees them. She can only hear their whispers. At first, nobody believes her. But then Sayid heard the whispers. And then Sawyer. And possibly Shannon before seeing Walt in episode 2 of season 2. Nobody knows who they are. But many believe that they are the people who kidnapped Walt and attacked Michael, Sawyer, and Jin at the end of ADRIFT. Because if these people weren't the others, that would mean there are THREE groups of people on the island. And that's impossible. But then again, on this island nothing's impossible.
In the Pilot Part 2, we are introduced to a polar bear. Yes, you read right. A polar bear. In a jungle. On a tropical island. Near the equator. Sounds kind of fishy. With all of that fur, how could they possible survive here. And more importantly, how did they get here? Also, Danielle seems to acknowledge their existence in SOLITARY.
Possible Explanation: Walt seems to be able to conjure up these little devils after reading a comic book.
From killing birds to making polar bears, Walt is something special. He's been through a plane crash, lost his mother, been attacked by a polar bear, and kidnapped. All in two months! Not only is he an excellent knife-thrower and one of the bravest kids you'll ever meet, but he seems to have another ability. When he is very mad, he can make things happen. When reading a book on birds and getting upset, one flies into the door of his home. When his dad burns his comic book with a polar bear, one appears. He mentioned sharks in the water before the raft set sail, and then one attacked Sawyer and his dad. And he knows something about the hatch. And after possible escaping the Others, he speaks to Shannon backwards. And it sounds an awful lot like, "Press the Button. No button is bad."
Possible Explanation: All I can say is maybe the island has a connection with Walt, like it does with Locke.
Locke's life sucks. Plain and simple. He had his kidney stolen by his own father, his mother's insane, he was paralyzed for four years, his sister died when she was a kid, he was raised in foster homes, and he has a jerk of a boss who's half his age. And he's bald. But something miraculous happened to Locke on this island. He found out he could walk. And what's more amazing is after putting on his shoes and realizing this, he got right up and helped Jack save others. Not much is known about this, but Locke insists that the island has given him a gift. And he's willing to repay the island. With whatever it asks.
A.K.A. Lostzilla. It's one of the most mysterious things on Lost. First appearing in the Pilot, it sounds like a bunch of machinery, a roar, and chains clanking. It bends only the tops of trees. It killed the pilot. In the finale of season 1, Danielle explained it's the island's security system. But the weirdest thing is this. It sounds huge and like a machine, yet it appears to be a column of black smoke. The only person to face it and live is John Locke. And he says what he saw is beautiful. But in the season finale it tried to suck Locke into a hole. Who knows what's up with this thing. Just don't get too close.
Briefly mentioned in the season finale, this is the area surrounding the Black Rock. This is where Danielle's team was infected, and one of them lost an arm. It's inhabited by a dark smokey thing which may or may not be the monster. It also holds a giant bird which appears to screech, "Hurley!" Marked by a black shirt, this is one place you might one to stay clear of