Jury to get back to search for Moussaoui verdict (AFP)

He gets life in prison, but not death. I would have preferred the death penalty, so at least one person would receive the ultimate punishment for involvement in killing thousands of innocent people. On the other hand, that's what Moussaoui would want, so he could be "martyred". Hopefully in prison, he'll get his ass kicked like a little ***** every single day.

Other opinions?
From what I've heard about this case, it wasn't just completely open and shut. If there's any doubt as to the level of involvement, I'd say commuting the death penalty makes sense.

I'm all for the death penalty in general, but from what little I know about this case, I don't think it applied here. His defense attorney said "He came to this country to die, and instead it's going to take him a lot longer to do it, and that's just fine with me." I think that's fine. The guy wanted nothing more than to be a martyr and instead he's going to be jailed and live a miserable life. I can't think of a worse punishment that our government is allowed to hand out.

From what his lawyer said, he's going to be mostly in solitary confinement during his prison stay.
I wonder how your average murdurer will react to being bunked next to a real life-cold blooded-kill-everyone-terrorist guy. But seriously, Moussauoi will have to be kept in solitary or all the other inmates will want to kill him.
Does anyone honestly think he will sit in prison and think about what he did? No not at all, I think they should have just killed him and been done with it.
The death penalty would be letting him off the hook too easily. I mean, a needle prick? Come on. The way he should die is not permitted by the U.S. Constitution, but maybe the inmates can make it happen. If he gets solitary, that's really a shame. Let that worthless sack of **** get what he deserves: endless beatings and a sore anus.
True enough, but I think the US's death penatly is far to leanent, people say it's inhumane, but so is killing 3000 people with a plane.
Yes I think he should get life because it'll be much harder then a few minutes worth of dying.
He's just some idiot who wants to be Al-Qaeda. Who knows why?
I think the death penalty is very humane, all they do is either shock you or poison you, its over in seconds. Nothing like in ancient times when they decapatitated you or burned you or something worse.
They don't give the electric chair as a penalty any more because it was said to be inhumane.
I really doubt that the prison in Colorado has a large Arab Muslim population.

they dont have to be arab to be muslim. In the belmarsh maximum security jail in London the muslim boys run it and the muslim extreme radical abu hamza is having a blast in there preachin hatred.
they dont have to be arab to be muslim. In the belmarsh maximum security jail in London the muslim boys run it and the muslim extreme radical abu hamza is having a blast in there preachin hatred.
Mmmmmm...our prisons are full of murderers and rapists, not terrorists, so I don't think it'll be an issue.
So you seem to think all muslims are terrorists!?
Yes, that is my stance. Let me say it loud and clear. ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS!!! TURN THE MIDDLE EAST INTO GLASS!!!! Phew, that feels so good to get off my chest. It's been hard to hold that in while I've pretended to be a tolerant, well-informed individual. Now I can really start to live!!!

*runs off to recruit lynch mob*

Perhaps you don't understand. There aren't many terrorists in our prisons. They are largely filled with with people who have commited violent domestic crimes. The vast majority of the Muslims in our prisons are converts who do not have extremist views, nor do they care to, as they've turned to religion for a "fresh" outlook on life. Rest assured, Moussaoui will not have fun in prison. Maybe your European prisons are a tea party, but ours certainly are not.
Not ALL Muslims are terrorists, thats racist. Sure I get scared whenever theres a funny-looking guy in a turban around, but many of those funny-looking guys turn out to be quite nice and less insane then people believe.
As for the part about Moussaoui not having fun in prison, I agree. Our prisons are filled with American psychos who'll probably not make good friends with him. Anyway arent all the terrorrists in some max-security prison in the middle of nowhere, getting molested by soldiers?
That was sarcasm, Rogue.

Anyways, isn't he supposed to spend the majority of his time in an isolation cell?

Thinking of it, that means that the guy will have to wait in isolation for his 78 virgins during the next 30-40 years?

You guys are monsters. 👎

*sends an email to amnesty international*
Anyways, isn't he supposed to spend the majority of his time in an isolation cell?
I hope not. He needs the real prison experience :sly:. I just hope nobody lets him commit suicide. He MUST rot in there for at least 40 years. Anything less is a slap in the face to all victims of terrorism worldwide.
I'm not sure, there are risks. He could be killed on the first month... and you see, some people actually learn to enjoy sodomy or pain.

I've never heard of anyone enjoying solitary confinement for 40 years though.
Oh, sarcasm. I wasnt sure. Carl if youll go back to the Israel thread you'll see my apology for telling you to shut up this morning.
I'd rather be with other people then in solitary, there's someone to talk to and fight with:D. Just kidding. I really dont wanna go to either one, solitary is boring as hell and youll get your ass kicked (most likely) anywhere else.
Washington Post Article
Facing transfer to the nation's toughest federal prison, Zacarias Moussaoui served up what may be his final legal surprise yesterday: The al-Qaeda conspirator said he was not involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror plot after all and wants a new trial to prove it.
What a ****ing asshole. He was continously taunting the country, the court, and the victims, and now, facing life in America's Big House, he decides that he was 'just kidding'? Coward. Piece of **** coward.

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