What does America have against Mexico?


I want to know why America spend so much time and money on something useless, like the Mexican border. It takes them only 3 minutes to break through it and it doesn't even cover the whole border. What a waste of time and money. Racism needs to stop! What the hell is up with America? They need to spend more money and time into schools. We stay spending money on useless stuff. I don't get this at all. I bet they're going to do something else useless, like put a border on the damn ocean.
I want to know why America spend so much time and money on something useless, like the Mexican border. It takes them only 3 minutes to break through it and it doesn't even cover the whole border. What a waste of time and money. Mexicans do a lot more work than we Americans do. Racism needs to stop! What the hell is up with America? They need to spend more money and time into schools.

I'm pretty damn sure there is a debate about this in the opinions forum. Search tool is a great tool.

anywho: it's not racism. If people we're illegally sneaking in from canada, I'm pretty sure We'd be doing the same thing.
It's not that they are making it over here, it's that they start protesting against america once they get here, if it weren't for that, we might not be building a better fence.

Mexicans do a lot more work than we Americans do.
What facts can you state to back up that or is it just personal opinion?
Racism needs to stop! What the hell is up with America?
It has more to do with money then Racism.
They need to spend more money and time into schools. We stay spending money on useless stuff. I don't get this at all. I bet they're going to do something else useless, like put a border on the damn ocean.
Would you like us to get in deep with the problems Illegal Immigration causes the United States Of America?
I have a problem with illegal immigrants, no matter where they come from. Race has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
I have a problem with illegal immigrants, no matter where they come from. Race has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Thank you! 👍 Next Question...

And about the border fence, it should be sealed up and made hard to get through. I don't see what it's such a big deal. We give money to drug addicts, give murderous food, water and shelter for the rest of their lives but we can't put a fence on a line to keep people OUT that shouldn't be here? come on.
Well people can go over it, bust through it, and go under the border. So yeah, the border is really helping... Either build it right or don't build it at all.
I even saw it on that show called bull....! It took only 3 minutes to break through, go over, and under the border. They proved how it barely helped to stop them...
Why bother making a thread like this if you’re not going to have a discussion about it...or are you just ranting? I've asked you to back up a few of your claims and you have choosen to ignore them so far.
I have zero problem with anyone of any race as long as they are here legally and are contributing to society in some way that is also legal. If you come here illegally, get on welfare, and do jack squat, get the hell out of my country...now. I don't care if you are white, black, latin, whatever, I don't care.

What America needs is better boarder security, like physical human beings that patrol. We should also ship out everyone here illegally if they don't agree to become legal within a very small grace period.

Also if you are planning to live here you should make an attempt to learn basic english. I won't hold it against you if you have a thick accent or even have poor grammar, but the fact that you are attempting to speak the native language shows you want to be a part of the society you are living in. Hell when I go to other countries I attempt to speak the native language even though I might not be great at it. I was at the Secretary of States office on Tuesday and there was a guy in front of me that asked for the driving test in Spanish...I almost had a kitten.

So I have nothing against Mexicans or any other "race" (there isn't any such thing as race, but whatever), I have everything against illegal activity and non contributing members of a society.
Fine then I WILL find a way to back that up, if it's possible. There is a show that proves this too, like I posted earlier. IT is called Bull....!
Penn & Teller's show is just their opinion...it isn't a scientific test.
I'll echo others that I have no problem with people immigrating legally for a chance at a better life.
What annoys me is when they abuse the system, for example a recent influx of fraudulent benefit claims.
However, if they are exiled or are fleeing major problems in there homeland, I'd rather they were here and safer.
TunerRvision, seriously. What are you even talking about here? You mean to tell me it's a good thing that illegal immigrants are here sucking up our government resources(that shouldn't be there in the first place) like schools, medical, welfare and social security? How is that helping the country in anyway shape or form. Americans WILL do the jobs, just not for the pay illegals will do them for.

Granted, adolescents in this country tend suffer from entitlement syndrome. But that's a symptom of the parenting in this country.

If you knew you could hire someone for 3$ an hour less, would work longer hours and couldn't complain to any government organizations about the situation, wouldn't you hire them?
There are millions of Americans that work their but off to put food on their tables, and your saying its Americas fault that illegal immigrants cross our borders and take that money right of our hands, how dare you.

If you come to this country, and work hard to become a productive member of society, then i support you all the way, but ill be damned to have some illegal, for example, come into this country pregnant, then mooch of our welfare, and bitch about our society and government like they own the place.

The times I do sympathise with illegal immigrants is when they've fled from a country where they're being persecuted. I mean, who can blame them. But I doubt all the immigrant problems you have regarding the Mexican border are due to that. I do agree with Ultrabeat, sometimes the legal ones can be as much of a problem as the illegal ones, we get a lot here who don't speak English, don't want to learn english, will never get a job, don't want to get a job and they get given a house, and benefits to live off. We have homeless English people, and the immigrants get given a house before them. They take houses an benefits and they don't give anything back. Ofcourse, that's not all, there's a lot that come here, and do work, they do something at least. I know and I have worked with a lot of people from all, so it's not a tirade against immigrants, just thoes that as Ultrabeat said, abuse the system.
*snipity snip*
If you want to read it, it's only one post up. Scroll up there, lazy jackass.

And if we can personify the problem.

If Abu Hamza hates England so much, why the hell is he here?
What does America have against Mexico?

Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Budumtish!

I want to know why America spend so much time and money on something useless, like the Mexican border. It takes them only 3 minutes to break through it and it doesn't even cover the whole border. What a waste of time and money.

Gotta do something to secure the borders. We can't simply allow countless people to walk across unchecked. It's a national security risk as well as a huge financial problem given the current state of government forced "charity".

Mexicans do a lot more work than we Americans do.

Uh... by what metric?

Racism needs to stop!

The only racist I see around here is you... when you say that mexicans do more work than americans.

What the hell is up with America? They need to spend more money and time into schools.

Always a popular choice.... too bad it never helps. But part of the reason we have trouble with public schools is that so many of them are full of illegal immigrants.

We stay spending money on useless stuff. I don't get this at all. I bet they're going to do something else useless, like put a border on the damn ocean.

Yup... because that would be just exactly like the border at mexico... just exactly the same... can't see a difference.
I am not Mexican or from the US (legally, racially or culturally)- but I do have friends and family in both, so I get the views from all sides! :)

I find the whole thing rather ironic, considering that Arizona, California and Texas used to all belong to Mexico.:sly:

Incredibly, I have met several people from the US that were completely unaware of this fact?! :dunce:
Is this not a part of basic History education at US schools? particularly if living in these states? :confused:
They never stopped to wonder why all their cities, towns, regions had Spanish names? Los Angeles, San Fransico, Santa Fe, Santa Monica, etc etc etc are all Spanish names! :dunce:

Like it or not, the fact is that the US invaded Mexico and stole their land. A lot of Mexicans still feel that the land is rightfully theirs.
And regardless of wether or not you agree, history sems to back them up. 💡

Check out this article:


NOTE: This article is written for/ by CONSERVATIVES - the same people who typically support George Bush and promote tighter border security!:rolleyes:

It would be absurd to expect the US to say sorry and give it all back to Mexico. Even to someone who rightly believes the land should rightly be Mexican, this is not realistic/ logical/ likely.:indiff:
A lot of time has passed, and a lot of things have happened since.
If more people in the US had a greater awareness/ understanding of where Mexicans' point of view is coming from, there might be less tension and greater acceptance. 👍

What I can't stand, and what really infuriates me though, is the way SOME (predominantly white I must say) people from the US treat Mexicans.:grumpy:
I have personally witnessed immigration and customs officials at LAX (LA's international airport) treat anyone that looked like they were Mexican with open disdain and rudeness!! :mad:
Worse yet is the way some US citizens visiting Mexico treat Mexicans!! :mad:

That crap is just not on. Not only do they unfairly treat perfectly good, hard working and LEGAL people like they were yesterday's rubbish, they also help to give the US and it's people a bad name! :irked:
If more people in the US had a greater awareness/ understanding of where Mexicans' point of view is coming from, there might be less tension and greater acceptance. 👍

Really? You think if we just understood their point of view we'd be fine with it? I don't think so - because we SHOULDN'T be fine with it.
The Americans did not steal the land from the Mexicans, the Spanish from Spain did that a long time ago. It's not the Mexicans land, it's the United States land, we got it through military force yes, but how do you think most land is taken? The Americans weren't nearly as bad as the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and other European powers.

People in the US treat Mexicans so poorly because a large percentage of us come across many illegal ones, we are expected to bend the language rules for them (seriously I wanted to punch the guy that got the driving test in Spanish), and the illegal ones protest against Americans. If you don't like this country why in the hell did you come here illegally in the first place?

I've been to Mexico once and I will NEVER go back as long as I live. The Mexicans treated me pretty poorly and they tried to beg and scam every dollar I had. Maybe if Mexicans would treat Americans with respect we'd return the favour.
Really? You think if we just understood their point of view we'd be fine with it? I don't think so - because we SHOULDN'T be fine with it.

Fine with what? What 'it' are you referring to?
I'm just saying that greater awareness and understanding promotes greater acceptance of people, rather than a simplistic dismissal of so called 'foreigners'
What I can't stand, and what really infuriates me though, is the way SOME (predominantly white I must say) people from the US treat Mexicans.:grumpy:
I have personally witnessed immigration and customs officials at LAX (LA's international airport) treat anyone that looked like they were Mexican with open disdain and rudeness!! :mad:
Worse yet is the way some US citizens visiting Mexico treat Mexicans!! :mad:

That crap is just not on. Not only do they unfairly treat perfectly good, hard working and LEGAL people like they were yesterday's rubbish, they also help to give the US and it's people a bad name! :irked:

Far be it for me to defend racism. But why don't YOU look at it from the American's point of view? You said the Americans should look at it from the Mexicans point of view, so why not the other way around?

Personally, I detest the actions of all illegals. I know there are some, a select few, that were under life threatening situations. But that's the exception. I also despise the way our government is handling the problem. But that's for another thread. Man, I could go on about that one for days. :D

Fine with what? What 'it' are you referring to?
I'm just saying that greater awareness and understanding promotes greater acceptance of people, rather than a simplistic dismissal of so called 'foreigners'

Actually, that would be greater knowledge produces greater understanding and then possibly acceptance. But either way, why should we tolerate illegal aliens at all? Why should we respect a government (Mexico) that tells us we need to refine our immigration laws where it's impossible for a foreign born person to even own coastal land in their country?
I used to be vehemently anti-illegal-immigration, but I’ve recently revised my opinion the other way.

My big argument used to be the drain on social services – they’re not paying for any of it, yet using at least some of it. A few weeks ago I realized two things though:

1) That’s an inherent problem of social services (which shouldn’t even be set up in the first place), irrespective of whether or not illegal immigrants use them.
2) The only reason they don’t pay into it is because they’re criminalized, by definition. If you de-criminilize them, they won’t be forced to work off the books, thus they’d actually pay taxes into the system.

I can’t see any drawbacks to opening up the border and legalizing everybody. You free up police and National Guard resources, you don’t spend money on a stupid flimsy fence that they’ll get around anyway, and because they’re de-criminilized they’ll pay taxes like the rest of us. And they’ll assimilate better because they won’t be afraid to send their children to public schools, and they won’t be forced to live “down low” with other illegal immigrants.

[edit]: Wow, 10 new posts in this thread were made while I was composing mine! :lol:
Opening the boarders and just letting anyone come in to the US is a bad idea. Yes there would be decent people but you'd be also bringing in a bunch of riff raff that would clog up our prison system. Not to mention the influx of guns, drugs, and other things we don't want in the country. This area is not set up for something like that the way the Europeans are.
The Americans did not steal the land from the Mexicans, the Spanish from Spain did that a long time ago. It's not the Mexicans land, it's the United States land, we got it through military force yes, but how do you think most land is taken? The Americans weren't nearly as bad as the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and other European powers.

Yeh yeh, Spanish from native Mexicans, US from Spanish Mexicans
how far back do you want to go? Aztecs from Mayans, etc etc etc
Its a common theme in history- that's why I said that it was stupid to think that the US should give the land back - that's not the issue.

The issue is about understanding history to promote greater understanding of other people's views/ promote acceptance.

People in the US treat Mexicans so poorly because a large percentage of us come across many illegal ones, we are expected to bend the language rules for them (seriously I wanted to punch the guy that got the driving test in Spanish), and the illegal ones protest against Americans. If you don't like this country why in the hell did you come here illegally in the first place?

1. There's no excuse for treating others poorly.
2. The Spanish language has been/ will be a big part of the US history and culture. They were speaking Spanish in California before English.
Having said that, it SHOULD be compulsory for ANY immigrant to ANY country to learn the native language if they intend to live there?
3. If the situation were reversed, you were poor and jobless, I bet you would go over a border to a richer country to get a job and send money back to your family.

I've been to Mexico once and I will NEVER go back as long as I live. The Mexicans treated me pretty poorly and they tried to beg and scam every dollar I had. Maybe if Mexicans would treat Americans with respect we'd return the favour.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, and I hope that one day you change your mind and give it another chance. I agree they should have never treated you badly. But if each side is telling the other to behave properly before they do, nothing will ever happen.
Plenty of people in the US LOVE going to Mexico and have great experiences. I understand that the towns/ cities close to the border are completely different to the rest of the country- if you only went to a couple of places (particularly those near the border) I would say you got a very limited taste of what Mexico has to offer. It would be like me going to NY or LA and saying I hated the crime/ pollution, and the rest of the country sucks, so I'm not going back.
Opening the boarders and just letting anyone come in to the US is a bad idea. Yes there would be decent people but you'd be also bringing in a bunch of riff raff that would clog up our prison system. Not to mention the influx of guns, drugs, and other things we don't want in the country. This area is not set up for something like that the way the Europeans are.

:confused: Your entire nation was built on opening up the borders and letting anyone in!
The US is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse places on the planet, and is all the better for it!!!

You don't need mexicans for guns - the US has plenty of those already.

Drugs- if the US didn't want them, no-one would import them! People in Mexico and South America don't have a drug problem- they can't afford it.
Its the US that has the drug problem. Even if you somehow managed to get rid of all the supply in the Americas, the demand in the US would simply cause the supply to start elsewhere!

Its simplistic to blame all your problems on foreigners- its also crap.
(going off topic now)
I used to be vehemently anti-illegal-immigration, but I’ve recently revised my opinion the other way.

My big argument used to be the drain on social services – they’re not paying for any of it, yet using at least some of it. A few weeks ago I realized two things though:

1) That’s an inherent problem of social services (which shouldn’t even be set up in the first place), irrespective of whether or not illegal immigrants use them.

True. But the fact remains that we have them and it is a problem.

2) The only reason they don’t pay into it is because they’re criminalized, by definition. If you de-criminilize them, they won’t be forced to work off the books, thus they’d actually pay taxes into the system.

Nobody would hire them if they paid taxes and worked on the books - they might as well come legally. The only reason these people have job is because American workers are at a disadvantage due to the burden placed upon them by the government.

I can’t see any drawbacks to opening up the border and legalizing everybody. You free up police and National Guard resources, you don’t spend money on a stupid flimsy fence that they’ll get around anyway, and because they’re de-criminilized they’ll pay taxes like the rest of us. And they’ll assimilate better because they won’t be afraid to send their children to public schools, and they won’t be forced to live “down low” with other illegal immigrants.

Aside from security concerns, entitlement programs, and black market labor, I don't see a problem with it either. But those are big issues.

:confused: Your entire nation was built on opening up the borders and letting anyone in!

Not even close. You familiar with Ellis Island? That's where people went to become documented LEGAL immigrants.

Our nation is not built upon the notion of letting everyone in. It is built upon LEGAL immigration.