Public school is a joke though, it didn't prepare me for college one bit and I was in very upper level classes. The few "gen ed" classes I had to take I didn't show up for most of the time and when I did I would listen to my MP3 player, read a novel, or sleep. I walked out of high school with a 3.9 GPA and I didn't even try. Now in college I have to actually do work (not complaining) and I'm only getting a 3.5 GPA.
Public schools spend their money so foolishly that it's sad. In my history class out text books still had maps of the Soviet Union in them, this was in 2004. This is coming from a school in Oakland County, Michigan, one of the 10 richest counties in America.
A similar thing happens here. The public schools are generally underfunded, but spend it poorly and with little accountability when they get funding increases.
Apparently, if they spend less than what they are allocated, they get less the next year, so there is an incentive for them to waste any left over money to ensure next year they get same/ more