What does America have against Mexico?

Warehouse jobs, sanitation, grocery workers, construction, janitorial, etc. These are jobs honest, hard working Americans could and wanted to do that paid mortgages, put food on the table, and maybe enough for a new car every 10 or 12 years. Not anymore.

People who claim Americans don't want these jobs really don't know what they're talking about. Today, it's hard to find a grocery bagger who if you say, "Don't crush my eggs, please!" who then wont respond with anything but, "No hable inglés, senor."

I just quit a grocery job because it was more important to speak Spanish than it was English. My supervisor could not speak English and I had to have someone translate for me. Horrible job, I refuse to shop there.

This is what America has against Mexico:

Illegal Alien kills three in drunk driving crash, 4th DUI:

Solid Lifters
How do you make a n with that ~ above it?

Funnily enough, I can't make the ~ alone. The ñ is alt+164

Solid Fro
I just quit a grocery job because it was more important to speak Spanish than it was English. My supervisor could not speak English and I had to have someone translate for me. Horrible job, I refuse to shop there.

I know it may seem beyond the point here, but ever considered speaking another language? I found it to be a very common thing for Americans to not speak anything but English, but some of these legal/illegal immigrants can and have to speak a second language to survive. Or at least should.

Personally, I don't think they should be given the job if they don't speak the language, I am in complete agreement with you on that. But again, if the person has an average knowledge of English, I will sometimes go the extra step and ask them to switch to Spanish... Kinda catch 22 thing I'm applying there... never mind me

Solid Fro
Illegal Alien kills three in drunk driving crash, 4th DUI:


The tragedy there is the fact that a drunk driver killed three in a crash, not that he was an illegal alien or not.
In America you shouldn't have to know how to speak another language to do the daily things you always do. Yes it is important to know another language because all it does is help you out in the business world (I for one know some German), but seriously you shouldn't have to speak anything other then English in America if you don't want to.
I am in agreement that if you live in the US you ought to speak English, and if you don't, you either learn it or get out. But the Latin Americans aren't the only ones who fail at this, yet they're appear to be singled out in this.
I am in agreement that if you live in the US you ought to speak English, and if you don't, you either learn it or get out. But the Latin Americans aren't the only ones who fail at this, yet they're appear to be singled out in this.

That's because we see and deal with them more than any other non-English speaking person. Besides, little old Chinese ladies don't bag your groceries or work at the recycling center, or work at the car wash, or work behind the counter at KFC, and so forth.
I am in agreement that if you live in the US you ought to speak English, and if you don't, you either learn it or get out. But the Latin Americans aren't the only ones who fail at this, yet they're appear to be singled out in this.
Because they are the most common immigrant. The amnesty bill that Congress has shot down, but the president is trying to revive, is talking about 12 million illegal immigrants. That is just the illegal immigrants, which means that there are even more Hispanic immigrants than that when you take into account the legal immigrants.

It is less apparent with other immigranst because there aren't as many and people from Western Europe and Eastern Asia typically have a greater opportunity to learn English as a second language and will at least seem to attempt to speak it, causing people to give them the benefit of the doubt.

When I go to my local McDonald's the manager is having to yell Spanish into the back, not German or French. A large proportion of Hispanic immigrants are coming here to escape conditions in Mexico and didn't have the opportunity to learn English and when they get here appear to not try to learn. This is across the board. I know I worked with some guys from Africa once and one had a habit of suddenly not understanding when it came time to clean up. So, it isn't just Hispanics. And I honestly believe teh labguage issue is less the fault of the immigrants than it is Americans with a liberal mindset that think making them learn English is unfair. They want us to post signs in Spanish and English and tell managers that they should learn Spanish to accomodate the immigrants. That is who you blame for the stereotype being placed on Hispanics, because they are the ones that make everyone else see bilingual English/Spanish signs and employers requiring it sometimes. They are the ones who had the original mindset of "poor Mexicans" that spread to somehow encompass all immigrants, even if they don't speak Spanish any more than they do English.
Good points, Foolkiller.

Diego, it's true that Latinos bear the brunt of this feeling because they are the dominant non-English-speaking minority, but it's by no means limited to them. I have had similar experiences with other nationalities - someone with an extremely limited grasp/ability in English being placed at the front counter in customer service-type jobs.

And, despite the popular stereotype, I will say that the vast majority of Americans would expect to learn another language if they moved overseas for any length of time. I certainly would. And I'd be apologetic to every native I spoke with until I could use their language well.
I'm going to sound a bit racist here, and I hope no one takes it the wrong way, but there are two types of immigration, other than the legal and illegal ones.

The first is the Latin American immigration: people who seek a better living in the US (or any other place), but who didn't live badly in their respective coutnries. They are well educated,and as such, integrate into the community, pay their taxes, speak decent English and in short, are an asset to the community, and more importantly, the fact that they're bilingual helps their subsequent generations be more apt for better jobs... ideally.

The second is the F'ing Latin. These are the immigrants nobody wants. They are the poor, lowest level of the social strata and typically are looking for easy money and the chance to milk the government teat. They don't integrate, but instead, stick together (they usually arrive into the US in large groups) and create ghettos, because of this, they rarely (if ever) speak English, and most of the money they make is sent back to their countries of origin.

I used to be part of the first group :), and although being able to relate somewhat to the second group, in general we'd also loathe them for being such lazy bastards.

EDIT: Sorry for the F word, but there's really no other adjective I can use for describing them.
In my opinion the United States itself is at fault on the language thing and the only way to fix it is to have a national language. All may think that yes we do but in truth we don't. Pass a law that states that English is the language we are to use, then and only then we (people in the USA) can complain about others not speaking English. As far as other people coming into the states to work I don't find that as bad as some of the big companies sending the work that's here to other countries so the owners of the company can have more millions of money. The town that I live in seems to try to run off all the good paying jobs so they can have their "Wal-Mart's" for tax money, they even give these stores a big tax break so they will locate here. How do they make up for the tax breaks: simply they raise the taxes on the people that are trying to make a living here, and to think this country was formed because our forefathers didn't like the taxes we had to pay to England.
I am in agreement that if you live in the US you ought to speak English, and if you don't, you either learn it or get out. But the Latin Americans aren't the only ones who fail at this, yet they're appear to be singled out in this.

Agreed, I can't stand people from Asia that don't learn the language either. I don't care if you speak broken English, as long as you are attempting to speak it I'm ok with it. When I travel I try to speak the native language as best as I can. When I go to Germany I'll talk to someone as long as I can in German and then when I lose them I'll say "Du specht English?" or "Ich bin ausslander und speche nicht gut Deutsch",
We get German tourists in my store a lot, and I always do my best to help them in English and in German. I always make not that "Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut," but I can usually do the numbers and colors fine... Quite frankly, thats all that matters at Steve and Barrys...

Its the Hispanic immigrants, legal or not, that drive me crazy. They don't even attempt to learn English (at least the large Vietnamese and Eastern European population speaks some broken English), and end up translating through their seven year old kids.

...I hate that...

Then we try to tell them the store is closing. They neither understand, nor choose to understand (we don't know). We had employees (white) who could speak Spanish, but in many cases these immigrants didn't want to deal with that.

Side note: I have been known to get mad at these customers and talk to them in German, just to see how they like it...
I worked at a Finish Line shoe store for a while and I would get Chrysler employees from Germany in looking to buy Nike (they pronounce it Ni-Ike) and I would do my best to help them in German when they had a hard time with an English word...one guy was so impressed he bought $300 in shoes.
Its the Hispanic immigrants, legal or not, that drive me crazy. They don't even attempt to learn English....
Because we coddle them by putting up Spanish and English signs everywhere. If you went to a country and 90% of things had stuff in English and peopel were told they should try speaking English to you instead of the other way around what incentive do you have to learn?

I think they should learn, but like I said, I put most of the blame on liberals in this country for telling the rest of us we should learn Spanish. Why do Hispanics get special treatment? The same reason why there is an amnesty bill being tossed about, 12 million votes (plus however many legal Hispanic immigrants). If the illegal immigranst are given amnesty God help the politiocian that opposed the measure.

Side note: I have been known to get mad at these customers and talk to them in German, just to see how they like it...
I learn it works best if you use a loud, gutteral voice and spit a lot like you're angry. I've also been known to cuss people out under my breath in German, so even when they do hear me they don't understand and I just say I was practicing my German.
From my experience, I think out of all the Germans I've met, only one didn't speak English. Most western European countries (except for Spain, and to an extent, France) have very good English programs in school and the people learn it at early ages.

Keep in mind I live in the Canary Islands, the #1 international holiday spot for Germans, Scandinavians and #2 for Brits, so we get lots of people from all over.
Found this...

Friday, June 29, 2007
Meditations on Immigration Reform

In 1986 the Congress of the United States of America passed a comprehensive immigration law, otherwise known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act.

In 1986, the Senators of these United States and the Representatives of these United States stood in front of the people of the United States and declared that this new law was guaranteed to control our borders.

In 1986, these Congress-critters stood in front of the citizens of the United States who had put them in office, and whom they were sworn to serve, and they solemnly promised that this new law would stop employers from hiring undocumented -- illegal -- immigrants.

The cost of this, they murmured piously, was that the United States would have to grant amnesty to the estimated three million illegal immigrants who were "hiding in the shadows" at the time.

Do this one thing, they promised us, and we will control the borders. Amnesty for no more than three million, and we will stop employers from hiring new illegal immigrants.

They lied.

Don't bother with protestations -- the Congress lied to the American People.

Oh, not about what would come to be called "la amnestia" -- no, on that the Congress of the United States went above and beyond their call of duty.

No, Congress lied about controlling our borders. And Congress lied about preventing employers from hiring new illegal aliens.

Now, twenty-one years after the deed, the Senate of the United States, in their colossal arrogance, believed that the American people had forgotten that they had been lied to in the past about "immigration reform" -- or believed that those of us who did remember would happily forgive Congress for lying to us about "immigration reform" in the past.

Surprise. A whole hell of a lot of us have neither forgotten, nor forgiven Congress for lying through their snaggle teeth to us back in 1986.

I seriously doubt if any Senator would deign to stoop to reading this little blog, but just in case one stumbles by, here's bit of advice -- no charge: Try not lying to us in the future.

Now, you're going to hear a lot of lies and bushwa in the fallout of this little experience in basic courtesy -- both from Congress, and from their Media lapdogs.

You're going to hear that without "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" that America will not be able to control her borders.

The person who says that is a liar. Border control is an integral part of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" that was the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act.

You're going to hear that without "Comprehensive Immigration Reform", that Federal Law Enforcement will have no ability to deal with illegal immigrants.

The person who says that is a liar. Federal Law Enforcement has all the powers and directives they need to deal with illegal immigrants -- an integral part of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" that was the Simpson-Mazzoli Act of 1986.

You're going to hear a lot of dire warnings and predictions of American helplessness in the face of illegal immigration because the Senate didn't pass "Comprehensive Immigration Reform".

I will guarantee that a check of the U.S. Code will reveal a Federal Law to deal with just about any dire situation -- passed by Congress -- and ignored by Congress.

The American People trusted the American government to control our borders in 1986. Congress lied to us. The American People trusted the American government to control immigration in 1986. Congress lied to us.

Stop lying to us -- enforce the laws you already passed, show the People on the United States a good faith effort to enforce the laws YOU ALREADY PASSED -- THEN come back to us and float your Z-Visas, your touchback provisions, and your amnesty by and we'll see who salutes.

But -- BUT -- until the Congress of the United States of America stops lying to the People of the United States of America about immigration laws, don't expect my support for any new immigration reforms.

And nothing but the back of my hand to those Senators who decided they could walk another pack of lies past the American people with no challenge.

The whole thing boils down to how well you're represented by your Senators, and your House member as well. Personally speaking, I'm pretty much fed up with the majority of them, and while some may have their redeeming moments from time to time, most of the time they just drive you crazy.

My two most-hated representatives in all of Congress: Nancy Peloci and Dianne Feinstein, both liberal nutjobs, both completely out-of-touch with mainstream America. You've got to love it when one pushes to cut funding in Iraq and the other has the guts to say the Chinese do a better job building cars than Detroit.

I heard an interesting idea while down in Florida: Somehow we ignite a movement with the people to basically have a vote of no confidence in our representatives, and actually hire some folks who intend to make a difference in our country for once...
I heard an interesting idea while down in Florida: Somehow we ignite a movement with the people to basically have a vote of no confidence in our representatives, and actually hire some folks who intend to make a difference in our country for once...
I brought this up in the "If Your Country Went to Pot" thread, but I will requote it here.

Declaration of Independence
"WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness--That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."
It is an idea that started this country and I think I would vote no-confidence for about 75% of Congress, if not more.

I also like this idea that I found on the Kentucky Libertarians page:
In order to grant voters a full range of choices in state and local elections, we propose the addition of the alternative 'None of the above is acceptable' to all ballots. We further propose that in the event that 'None of the above is acceptable' receives a plurality of votes in any election, a new election must be held in which those who were on the ballot are ineligible.
I don't know a single voter that wouldn't support this idea. Imagine how many incumbents would lose their jobs that they held for multiple terms. I'm willing to bet you would suddenly see a controlled border if this idea were to go through.
I also like this idea that I found on the Kentucky Libertarians page:

I don't know a single voter that wouldn't support this idea. Imagine how many incumbents would lose their jobs that they held for multiple terms. I'm willing to bet you would suddenly see a controlled border if this idea were to go through.

👍 rep+