So whats your take on the possibility of a livery editor in GT5?

to edit livery or not to!!!

  • yeah I think this will add to the game

    Votes: 353 71.2%
  • I think it's a bad idea / waste of space

    Votes: 32 6.5%
  • I might/might not use it and don't really care

    Votes: 111 22.4%

  • Total voters
United States
hey looky here it's a thread just for the livery editor debate!

Personally I think it will add to the game a fair amount especially replay value. Now the shop doesn't need to be as big as FM2's by any means but I think its time to add something like possibly in addition to the racing mods that we all hope will return.

take a vote and tell us what you think
Wow, way to completely make it as if I didn't want it at all. I said I don't think we need a full 1,000 layer one, just a smaller one. 👎
well I will add the an option to the poll if possible, in the meantime you can vote yes and explain yourself if you feel it's necessary.
having the selection of real world paint colors for production cars is plenty for me

I've painted my fair share of cars in NR2003 and personally I can tell you it's a neat feature, but I honestly dont care whether it shows up in GT5 or not

I've race against plenty of custom paint jobs in NR2003 and it kind of takes away from realisim. You got guys out there painting their stock car like a pimp mobile, or they have 'RAD RACER' painted on the side or some other unrealistic junk. I'd prefer to race against real cars with real paint.

But who cares I'm going to gloat and show off:

My painted Porsche Boxster car that I race online:


My Lewis Hamilton stockcar I painted that I sometimes race online:


A pimpmobile someone races online:


I don't want people painting glorious Ferraris like this

I love standard production cars, thats the thing I like about Gran Turismo the most. Although I do like buying two of the same car and tune one of them, paint editor will just add to tuning process as I can get the car to look as I like (nothing over the top).

I think it will add to the game (I hope the paint's are moderated online) but I wont lose sleep if it is not included.

Oh and like others I would like to replicate a few real life race cars, like the Bathurst 24h 427 Monaro's.
I'd probably use it for several cars for nostalgic racing liveries (Like black and gold for Lotus cars), but that would be it. No decals or anything...
I think an editor would actually make me want to buy the game and a PS3.
I really cant see PD compromising the core 'values' of GT for achieving aestitical 'prettyness'. so if they can add one at the sacrifice of performance im pretty sure they wouldnt.on that basis I'm all for a paintshop.

well put, I think despite screwing up in some ways, PD really does know what they are doing and they won't add more than the rest of the game can "handle" so to speak... Since we have Bluray and a decent HDD on every model PS3 I think the argument that this may take away from other parts of the game is somewhat moot, the only negative impact I can see would be a little extra development time which is just a drop in the bucket by now.
I've enjoyed making great racing paint jobs, replicating famous paint schemes and even establishing my own signature paint job that I would like to have when I play an online racing game. I have always wanted to make alternate paint jobs since GT1 as I 've always envisioned how well it will go with modifying cars internally for full blown racing competition. I don't wish for a Forza paint editor, I just would love a decent one that I'll enjoy using making one-off specials(like a tribute) or establishing team colors so I'm for it.
I would definately like making some custom paint jobs but no rediculous "pimped out" paint jobs for me. I think it would add alot to online GT5 on a more personal level you know, so say you race with some guy alot or whatever you dont say "O, drives a Red Viper", you say "Yah he is the dude that has a Viper with a sweet paint job." I think it would be a good option to have but not sacrificing other parts of the game, maybe they could release it as a download in the future if they can't do it in time.
You know where my vote went, didnt even have to "think" on it.
Adding a full fledged bigger paint/livery editor IS a must have option.
Heck make it 2000!! layers or a really in depth skin editor.
I "loved" the argument some folk are making about it, when we all know if PD was to include a very good system they'd be the first one's praising PD's "genius".
Besides i like the "hot rod" not pimped out version of that car, get it right.
The flames are a definite hit to the classic hot rods of decades past, a tribute even.To each their own.
It's almost like folk are pretending they are lords and barons looking down judging poor peasants.
I'd put an example up but why bother, Adding a large custom paint/livery editor (2000 layers at least)(or a very good skin editor) can only add to creativity and add to depth as when you would build say 3 of the same car for different types of racing/drifting/dragracing you would be able to completely design a car that fits that class. It would be so much better than PD's "race mod" as i remember there was quite a few of those mods that were just Fugly.
That option is no longer good enough, period.
However, if PD was to add actual licensed by manufacturers race patterns for their companies cars, that wouldn't be so bad, as long as the custom editor still existed.
Neither is giving folk a limited one simply to keep some folk that don't want to use it happy.
I remember the old GT4 photo mode argument and the saying that went like this, "IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT, DON"T USE IT", but we think it's a great idea,etc,etc.
I do not see how some folk can love photo mode as a great addition to the GT series but hate on an idea that would give freedom(somewhat) for the folk racing each other to truly stand out with their own designs or even tribute designs like replica race cars that exist.
Guess what, "If you don't like it, don't use it".
As for this option taking away from other areas, What other areas? What other options? When you have a 60-80 gig harddrive and the big blu-ray disks, when does all those folks whining like little children either not waning this idea or not caring if it's in but still nay-saying against it become just fanboy b.s.
That point is like anoher on here said moot.
Will i be upset it's not in the prolouge? no.
Prolouge is a taste of the final game, it doesn't have to have it included.
GT5 better have a very good custom livery editor, either in release or as a downloadable option/package.
But before that happens i want a much much better A.I. than what i've been shown so far.
I also will not settle for a weak professional mode physics engine.
It had better be an actual new physics engine (prefferably created or ripped off from one of the best PC sims out there).
I don't care about 1080p or great looking photorealistic cars/tracks, i care about the racing and how my car fits into it.
I do NOT want to build a race car from a stock car and have it look stock, that is just ignorance and completely kills the atmosphere of actually having made a race car.
We had one hell of a firestorm between two of my buddies- Dave A and *McLaren* on this issue. I'm not as critical of this because I know what kind of touch creativity can have. Think about this for a moment. Let me paint a picture for you...

It's race day at Suzuka. Sixteen racers are ready to hit the track with their wonderfully-tuned cars. It's a race pitting some of the finest Japanese cars. The cars are among some of the best cars in Nihon. All drivers are ready to race this event like it's a pro event. But these cars don't really look all that creative. Some may have a custom rear wing, but nothing in the way in terms of a car that truly reflects the personality of each driver. Yes, that guy loves his rock music, but his car looks as dull as the other 15.

In other words... it won't make the racing better, but it is a way to further design your own dream car or dream race car. The ability to have a dream in mind for a certain car and be able to execute it (even in a video game) is nothing short of sheer satisfaction. Even the automotive realm has a love of making cars theirs even in design. I've praised the possibilities of making custom liveries as well as painting up a car however you please because who wants a perfectly-tuned car... that looks like an average car straight from the dealer or Used Car lot? I haven't played Forza Motorsport 2, so I can't really comment on the things *McLaren* mentioned in regards to more customization than racing in that game.

Two parties wouldn't care much about this- most muscle car lovers and those opposed to tuner cars. We may have all heard of the saying that stickers add horsepower. Some just like plain cars that let horsepower and performance speak rather than fancy graphics. That's fine. There are car fans who are like this. I always say not to assume "rice" with something like this. Fancy graphics don't have to bring issues of "riced" cars. That's even if someone makes a creative paintscheme with neon green without trying to look too much like a tuner car. If adding sponsors to your car were in GT5, who wouldn't want to take their road car and make it into their own race car? I do miss the Racing Modifications because those modifications shown that I'm willing to take a regular street car and make into a race car. Otherwise, I just have a regular car that can be bought from some dealer that doesn't look like (on the outside) I have my own personal ride. I would have the same-colored car as someone else. It's a personal touch of mine which shows that it's MY car and that it's MY own race car.

I'd welcome this. Designing a dream car adds to fun away from racing. I'm sure PD wouldn't require you to jazz up your car. This is as optional as online play or going against another gamer in split-screen or WAN play.
I voted for the third option, simply because I'm content with the paint options on the cars as it is. Sure, I might want to turn a Honda Insight into a race car, but I wouldn't use this feature that often. Just my opinion.

I think it should be fine.
Enough to make it more unique during online races :)
As is usual with most polls - not enough choices.

I would use a livery editor for one thing only. I want to make 1960s era race cars - that means in most cases - a single body color of my choice, but most likely in the national colors - British Racing Green, American Blue, Italian Red, etc.

The only other things on the cars are stripes - 2 white on American race cars or white paint around the nose flowing back along the car. Number circles - white with black numbers, and if allowed very small decals for support companies.

Here are some examples.


A Scarab and a Chaparral.


And 2 D-Type Jaguars.


And a Ferrari, a Scarab, a Chaparral and a Lotus.
Cute, but doesn't reflect our current racing Era where sponsors are part of the design. Paintjobs are made to reflect the uniqueness of the car and driver and sponsors are placed at convenient places. Design is Everything.

Take a "riced" car, put racing tires on it and remove all "neons" from it and you pretty much get a race-looking car.

Forza2 got it right.
Its time GT gets on the same boat.

As is usual with most polls - not enough choices.

I would use a livery editor for one thing only. I want to make 1960s era race cars - that means in most cases - a single body color of my choice, but most likely in the national colors - British Racing Green, American Blue, Italian Red, etc.

The only other things on the cars are stripes - 2 white on American race cars or white paint around the nose flowing back along the car. Number circles - white with black numbers, and if allowed very small decals for support companies.

Here are some examples.


A Scarab and a Chaparral.


And 2 D-Type Jaguars.


And a Ferrari, a Scarab, a Chaparral and a Lotus.
As a photomode addict, I'd love to have it, but I won't diss the game if ot doesn't, since the graphical level is so high that I have a base for years of non-dull shots.

But being in the game, I'd use it for sure. Whether for shot taking of unique cars, or even for online racing, where it would be awesome to instantly recognize someone you know by the car he's driving. Even for a small sticker or different colored stripe.

I'm totally against pimp cars and stupid paint jobs (although they are sometimes present even in real-life racing), because I prefer to keep it simple and sober. It's (imo) much cooler and more realistic.

I sure hope, if it comes down to having the livery editor (as it seems it will, at least for GT5) not to see cars with porn or something like that racing online, that's just sick. So they better have a screening of some kind of the participants' livery before races take place.
I'm in the "don't care" camp. I won't miss it if it isn't there and if it is I might play with it, but I would rather spend my time driving/racing. At most I may throw a small FK on the car just so I am identifiable, but that would all depend on how it looks.

I prefer the look of stock cars so to me a livery editor is far from a necessity, and if my time is spent tuning and improving my times while someone else is busy pouring creativity into their car that is only better for me in the end.

Skill > Style. I look forward to saying, "Your car looks good in my mirrors."
But winning with style is even better. :)

Like I said, for online racing I'd just do minor things to it that would keep it basically stock, only identifiable (sp?).
I'm sure there is a sort of 'anything *insertcurrentracinggamehere* can do, GT5 can do better' attitude in the PD camp. And I'm guessing they'll carry most of it off. :D
I for one, love the livery editor in FM2.
Although I don't make designs as extravagant as the ones in that link, I like to apply pin stripes and unique touches like that. Just something to seperate my car from the others.
I, too, love the livery editor in FM2. Not only can you make extravagant designs to cars but you can also make a few not so extravagant designs just for a few laughs when racing others online. :lol: Here is an example of my not so extravagant design in it's early stage. The finished product looks a lot "crappier" than this.



I wish they would've allowed me to throw on some rims in the rear and kept the donuts in the front. That would've completed my work of art.
Looks like one of our own posted in there, Tedehur has a beautiful Dino on that list...

Anyways, good point about the "we can do it better" mentality especially considering they pretty much made this type of game popular
I think it would be awesome, assuming that online races can be set to allow/disallow for custom-painted cars. It'd be more of a feature suited for car collectors/customizers really.... like, if you can sell your cars to other gamers online, it'd give people reason to buy YOUR car over all the other people trying to sell the same vehicle.
And as I've said - I'll use it for one and one reason only - single color cars, maybe some stripes, maybe some colors around the nose going back.

And number circles and little or no logos.

That's my take on it. I expect if I get a livery editor, it damn well better to be able to paint my car how I want it to look - not how some other person thinks I should paint my car.

If you don't like my car, don't paint your car that way - I'm not going to stop you.

But don't expect me to make my car look like a kids toy.
As long as it's impossible to make a vomit-inducing candy-coloured kaleidoscope out of any car (especially the Ferraris) that looks like it belongs in The Fast and the Furious, then I'm cool with it.

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