So whats your take on the possibility of a livery editor in GT5?

to edit livery or not to!!!

  • yeah I think this will add to the game

    Votes: 353 71.2%
  • I think it's a bad idea / waste of space

    Votes: 32 6.5%
  • I might/might not use it and don't really care

    Votes: 111 22.4%

  • Total voters
You can't argue about taste in general, and discussing art on a forum like this is not something many, including me, would find entirely appropriate at least in the GT5 section.
In one of my previous posts i showed the BMW Art Car by Frank Stella, here's a similar BMW 3.0 CSL Art Car i also really like and it is both unconventional but also appears more like a normal livery instead of that M1 Warhol.
Not sure which artist is responsible though, but it looks great at least to my eyes. ;)

I saw all of those bmw "art cars". Not a pinnacle of automotive livery design, but I appreciate it for its originality.
This CSL is much more thought out(although maybe too colorful;)), than that Warhol assault on the eyes, which looks like a motivational exercise for retarded children.:yuck:

p.s. Hereby, I apologize to all the retarded children used as an analogy up there.
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My favorite CSL design is the white one with the black grid and other random things on it (I for the life of me cannot think of what the livery is called).
no luck after a half hour search. I checked the thread i used it in for a paint competition but i guess i removed the pics from flickr (back in the days i didn't have a pro account). and i got rid of all my forza 2 stuff from my HDD, so i guess i'll have to make it again on fm3. Wasn't a very long or hard paint, only took a total of about 6 hours or so.
GAH! I was looking forward to that... now I guess I'll have to go through the trouble to make my own.

By the way, that is a snazzy Beemer. Still holding out hope we can make those ourselves in GT5...
I saw all of those bmw "art cars". Not a pinnacle of automotive livery design, but I appreciate it for its originality.
This CSL is much more thought out(although maybe too colorful;)), than that Warhol assault on the eyes, which looks like a motivational exercise for retarded children.:yuck:

p.s. Hereby, I apologize to all the retarded children used as an analogy up there.

There are only a few BMW Art Cars i really like, i used the example mainly to show the wide-range possibilities a livery-editor might offer.
Would love creating original and unconventional liveries but not necessarily arty ones just creating something not seen before but still plausible as a racecar livery.
Although a paintshop would probably be enough for me, i get increasingly excited as mentioned before by the possibilty of creating my own racing team and it would be truly great if these ( livery-editor/paintshop ) were combined.
So i can paint my road cars in colours not available, like an F40 in Giallo Fly, and have my racecars in a personal paintscheme or livery.
What I'm most excited about I must admit is the integration PD's going to take on the whole team builder and that specific aspect of the game in relation to paint jobs or anything livery related (if we get it, that is). I'm really curious to see what approach they're going to take on that. It should be pretty awesome knowing PD's quality of work :P
Gran Turismo has been a series known for simulating the driving experience:

Accelerate here.

Slow down here.

Overtake here.

Draft here.

Turn left.

Turn right.

But what about the inner-artist in us all?

What if Gran Turismo 5 appeases the creativity within us all?

Shade here.

Fade there.

Color here.

Design here.

Brigthen there.

The scent of rain is heavy in these airs.

So never leave your canvases outdoors.
Okay, that's IT!! Tomorrow, I'm setting up Forzaq 3 and working on some darn cars! :D
Forzaq 3?

Can I borrow that from you when you're done? Sounds like quite the game. :P
I got it from Turq 10. Spequial Ediqion! :lol:

Anyway, "Gran Turismo 5" has been dropping hints that us car artists will be happy when E3 rolls around, so here's hopingq... :sly:
I like the first two there but that last one with the tacky textures, not my cup of tea at all.

I've always wanted a comprehensive livery editor in GT and would love the ability to do up a road car over time to a race spec level car in parts and body with my own race livery on it. That would be awesome.

If they do have any form of of a livery editior in GT5 it'd want it to be pretty fleixble and full of features to really make things look perfect not some slapped on half arsed feature with limited control. If thats where it heads then I prefer they leave it out for now until they do it right.

Knowing how Kaz and PD are detail and quality I'd imagine it wouldn't feature in the game this time around, even though it would be sweet.

They seem to have their hands pretty full just touching things up atm, like AI and such.