≣PURE | Super GT Cup - Congratulations to GT500 champion GTPGhost and GT300, PASM!Finished 

  • Thread starter Wardez

2:00.093 dirty
2:00.215 clean


2:07.236 clean


1:59.613 clean
Last edited:
Trying to join the room, but I am incompatible with jash. So I am unable to join a room when he is hosting. If someone else could host that would be great :)

Edit: managed to join now.
ok have all times will post grid in 15 , 20 mins

16 have qualified so it will be one lounge .

who is willing to host ?
I would be willing, but don't think my internet connection will be up to hosting.
Also, how much of a head start are we giving to the GT300's here?From my rough calculations it would be about 1-1.5 laps.

1. GhostDriver - 1:57.151
2. Lozzaiscool - 1:57.164
3. Michouw - 1:57.184
4. MSP Juju - 1:58.324
5. Jashugan - 1:58.818
6. XnfsFreakX - 1:59.613
7. Byggy -2:00.215
8. Dahlzi - 2:02.255


1 . Holty - 2:06.448
2. CamfromNJ - 2:06.973
3. Moleman - 2:07.109
4. Wiifreak - 2:07.236
5. KamyKaze - 2:07.394
6. SLC VR6 - 2:07.714
7. OL Apex - 2:07.993
8. Yaodrift - 2:09.414

Thats the grid of 16 , if anyone drops out then I will possiby race and can host .

If not we need someone to host.
remember : GT300's do 2 warm up laps, when GT300's arrive between the long right curve and the last chicane, GT500's start the warm up lap
I'm trying to get back in. GT6's servers are being ridiculously slow for me even though my internet is fine right now...

EDIT: Network incompatibility. Resetting my PS3 to see if it fixes it. If it doesn't go on ahead without me.