◆ SNAIL [DriveTrain Challenge - DTC] Racing - Closed

  • Thread starter jobyone
What tires for Ferrari race ?
Tires will be as follows:

80's cars - comfort soft
MX-5/Miata - sports hard <---- @kendawg still needs to confirm
Evo vs STi - sports medium
Ferrari - sports soft

My final lineup:
RX-7 GT-Limited '85 396pp
MX-5 SR-Limited '97 369pp
Evo VI GSR '99 472pp
Ferrari GTO '84 528pp

Room up.
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Sorry I missed the first race but was fun being on track with you all.

I loved the GTO at Indy! The miata at Brands Hatch GP 80s seemed a bit spread out. One mistake and it was hard to make up the lost time.
Sorry for the non reply.
It has been a very busy week at work and I had to get up this morning at 5.
Welcome to my world son!

Thanks for everyone who came out to race, especially Jobyone and Joe for their first Thursday event.

@allyn27 - 63
@Kgffy - 61
88GTA - 55
@danfurey - 49
@jobyone - 49
@JoeW + kitten - 48

I loved the GTO at Indy!
I second that. The last lap or two were very tough with the tires worn but that car is so sweet.
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Messed with my tuesday lineup a little as I realized the Top Gear nominated "Worst car in the history of the world" might have a chance at redemption at Indy ;)

Question - are the group1/group2 PP splits of 850 valid for this week? If/When they are, how does that factor into the race night?
Splits are not valid for this week. Only when someone says something like..."I want to choose 1700pp for the total. But I want the first two cars to run at 1000pp and the second two cars to run at 700pp."

In this instance, the first two cars would run at a 500pp avg and the 2nd two cars would run at 350pp avg. Occasionally someone chooses this type of thing so we can run fast cars and slow cars on the same night...but it's much harder to choose a lineup ;)

SC430...good luck ;)
Please stop cutting corners on tracks. I'm not going to name names but we saw a lot of it last night on several occasions. It's forgivable if you make a mistake and brake late, it happens, but there was blatant corner cutting witnessed by more than one of us. All rules for SNAIL apply during DTC. Let's keep it clean and fun.
Please stop cutting corners on tracks. I'm not going to name names but we saw a lot of it last night on several occasions. It's forgivable if you make a mistake and brake late, it happens, but there was blatant corner cutting witnessed by more than one of us. All rules for SNAIL apply during DTC. Let's keep it clean and fun.
But... Bloodredsky is not racing with us anymore!!! :lol:
Splits are not valid for this week. Only when someone says something like..."I want to choose 1700pp for the total. But I want the first two cars to run at 1000pp and the second two cars to run at 700pp."

In this instance, the first two cars would run at a 500pp avg and the 2nd two cars would run at 350pp avg. Occasionally someone chooses this type of thing so we can run fast cars and slow cars on the same night...but it's much harder to choose a lineup ;)

SC430...good luck ;)

Ok, I see now in post 2 how the splits would work.

BTW @jobyone post 1 needs some updating with the track picks and post 2 is a bit dated. Not sure when they usually get updated though, not trying to bug you ;)
Ok, I see now in post 2 how the splits would work.

BTW @jobyone post 1 needs some updating with the track picks and post 2 is a bit dated. Not sure when they usually get updated though, not trying to bug you ;)

@kendawg can you run some laps at Brands Hatch GP 80's please:)
I will be traveling for over a week starting this Friday so I won't be able to run any events this Thursday or do any racing at all next week. If anyone would like to run something this Thursday and/or next Thursday, I would be more than happy to share any info or the spreadsheet I had been making.

On a different topic, I feel we should standardize our room settings as the most recent update has brought several excellent features like the timed "endurance" races and false start grid settings. I for one like the false start check, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea (@JoeW). It seems like most of the options in the room set-up are common sense, but having them clearly defined would have helped me the first couple of nights to run the room smoother.

Maybe we can update the 1st or 3rd post with the DTC room settings once we all agree on how the room should be set?
I don't care about false start checks...I was just bustin ya'lls balls :)
Oh trust me, I know. Back at you. :sly:

I just wanted us to decide on what we all liked best for the room settings and make it official. :gtpflag:
Yes...but if we go low I want to eliminate the NSX fest we had at Sarthe. So below 470 as a high. Maybe like 1700pp....

Should yield a high of 446 and a low of 404 on SH tires. Sounds good eh?

Guessing that is the final choice? Haven't seen anything since then about it....
I just hope it's not lame. Ken made the choice and he said he may not be able to participate. Maybe that's why he chose it? To curse us while he was gone?
1700pp, no split, sports hards and qualifying at Indy Super Speedway. Spreadsheet sign-up is accurate.

I just hope it's not lame. Ken made the choice and he said he may not be able to participate. Maybe that's why he chose it? To curse us while he was gone?
I'm sure he just wanted to spice things up. Have you invested in some sort of pet restraint or are you going to fight your kitten again tomorrow?
We have a dog too, but he knows my wife doesn't like it when he goes after the cats.

But cats no likey da squirt bottle ;)
****, I think I figured out how to drive MR cars. I've been chopping off the throttle when in turns or if I see something happen that makes the car go wonkey. This makes the problem worse and I've only figured this out until now. I guess I've been driving them like FR cars the whole time. I'm still testing this theory and it seems like it's working. To compensate for this, I've just been driving MR cars really slow up until now. Man, I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out.

Tuesday Race Night
(Event will take place in a friends only room)​

6/10/2014 at 10:00 PM EST/7:00 pm PST

This event will run with a combined PP of:
1700. All cars must be between 404pp and 446pp and tires will be sports hard.

The first two races will run with a combined PP of:
No split this week.

The second two races will run with a combined PP of:
No split this week.

Qualifying and the first race will take place at
Indy Speedway

If you would like to participate in the next event please post in this thread that you would like to take part. I will add your name to the list. You can also add your name and car lineup to the:

sign up sheet

Please send a PSN friend request by 9pm EST tonight to Ice_Warden in order to join the race lobby. Feel free to post any questions in this thread.
I know on the long track it takes like 1:30 in something like the Rocket we drove there awhile back. 50 secs is just completely off base on the big Brands Hatch track.

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