As am I. However, I am all for allowing lapped drivers to regain a lap during a yellow.
as for the big ring;
Yeah, light damage for that round. I believe Beal already addressed this.
i still believe.. if you run full rules.. those are the rules, if you need to change the rules so people can bounce off the walls... then whats is realistic about that.
allowing lapped cars .. laps back on subsequent yellows is a great idea... IF we can actully keep track of whose a lapper, and what postion in relation to the leaders are they.
as for the big ring :
if it's a simple reason that people dont want to drive a 15 mile track with full damage... then maybe take the big track off, removing damge take away from the realism... i say this with nurburg as my absoute worst track and still willing to run full rules, ( i took the idea to learn all the other tracks rather then .. ONE huge one). i'll probably get damge on the infamous 1st turn, now count that the ring is a VERY narrow track... something everyone must deal with.
I know the ring has real history and prestiege behind it, but if the majority is to change the rules, then that particular track does not fit with this crowd.
i know this sounds like a dig to everyone that wants nurburg on the circut, i don't mean mallace, but i just dont think you should have to change the rules, to ensure everyone finishes while haveing fun. changing rules means it's not fun... if it's not fun... you should stop. tru test of skill is to finish burgring without hitting anything OR anyone. and consider the term "endurence".. in essence you can replace it with "attrition". what better test of attrition.. then full damage on the ring??!! 💡
i am looking forward to raceing with you guys and gals.... ofcourse anyone who wants to send a FR to me, i play about everynight.
one last thing... particular to me... i still cannot find a mic that will work clearly, i can hear fine, so long as only 2 or 3 people are talking.. anymore and things get staticy and phased out.... i have a keyboard.... will this be acceptable in order for me to participate??(pace car sounds like you want everyone to have a mic?)