◆ SNAIL [GT1 Championship] Series

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practise room open , will do the entire race , will start it soon`ish :)

edit. Need to take my pedals apart , hope I can make it in time :nervous:
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Never Give Up...
I've seen Jimmy Johnson, a lap down WIN A RACE!

I Wont Stop Racing because I'm a Lap Down and I WON'T RACE in GT1 Anymore.......
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Don't let one person getting mad rid you of any hope for participating. Things happen, people learn things, and people get better as a result. Just go and review the replay from an objective point of view, see what could have be executed better, and apply that to your next race. That's how people get faster and smarter.

Hoping to see you around.
Yeah thor just shake it off and pack that camaro for silverstone. We all get heated with each other at different times for different reasons but we move on and work through it. Ive had my share of dust ups with plenty of people around here but in the end we build a better community by understanding each other and making the adjustments to get along better on track.
Thor, you get back in here. Just 1 guy venting, and he can't help it.

However, there was a point to be made, for sure. IMO, the room is not the place to get excited over a driving issue.

Please let's share, but move on, too.
My race report after reviewing the replay:

Turn 1: What a cluster****. We ended up 3 wide going in after someone got a bad launch, I had to wait for the bottom of the track to clear and I think Scorpion turned into me and bounced off. There was even more carnage ahead.

Turn 3: Thor brake checks me...I presume to give back positions but he was on the racing line and I didn't see it coming. I lost a position that took me a few laps to gain back. So maybe 4-5 seconds that could have been avoided.

Lap 10: Tires were gone and I had thor and I think whitey on my bumper. I took 5 liters of fuel for good measure so I could keep the tank low the rest of the race. I came out behind Thor who appeared to have taken hard tires while I was still on mediums. It took a lap or so to get around him but the pace wasn't bad.

Lap 20: In for my second pit stop 50 liters and more medium tires

Lap 30: I was out front with bald tires and the leaders were coming up behind me. I did my best to stay out of the way but also stay on the track. I ran off and lost another 5 seconds. I made my final pit stop and took 50 liters and racing hard tires.

Looking at my closest competitors, whitey and scorpion, I really think it was tire wear that killed me. I couldn't run fast laps without burning the tires and the final lap on each set of tires killed a ton of time. Whitey pulled off the 2 stop strategy and there was no way I was going to do that. Scorpion just ran a better race and despite a late 3rd pit stop and that lap 1 debacle, still managed to beat me.

What would I have done different? I might have taken 25 liters of fuel at the first stop so I only needed 40 for the other stops. I think my fuel filler held things up just a little bit. I also would have made an earlier pit stop by one lap on at least one of the stints since the hard tires had slightly better wear. Other than that, I had a clean race with very little drama and I have a new love for this track.

This will likely be the last season I run the Mustang though. It clearly has no front grip. I'm going to start from scratch with my tune for Silverstone. The track has zero camber and that's only going to make the Mustang understeer even more.
I was the one inside you at turn 1 chuy and that was only because the track clogged up and i had nowhere to go so i found space and stuck to the track edge. The only reason i could 2 stop was i ran hard, hard, medium amd i still barely made it. That race was brutal. I was in a good position midway through but went off at turn 9 twice ending my challenge to the leaders.

I know gt1 policy is that no matter where you are you can fight for position with anyone anytime but i cant bring myself to do that. I was off strategy from everyone else stretching my hards to their limit and it didnt make sense for me to hold anyone up but thats just my personal style.
The accelerated tire wear for this series doesn't really leave you in a position to battle anyone that is on a different strategy, even if that strategy only differs by a lap or two. If you block, they're just going to start running into you. Every turn they're behind you the risk of you both wrecking increases. With some of the cars having higher power than others, its not like they can just pass you on the next straight. Slowing them for a turn or two, then taking a deliberately wider line or lifting and rolling into the brakes on the next turn to let them scoot by without a hassle will keep both of you running fast laps. If it's a legit battle, you'll be able to stay on their bumper conserve tires and fuel and overtake them at the next opportunity. If it isn't, at least they can pull you around the track for a few turns before they drive off into the sunset.
Turn 3: Thor brake checks me...I presume to give back positions but he was on the racing line and I didn't see it coming. I lost a position that took me a few laps to gain back. So maybe 4-5 seconds that could have been avoided.

I certainty did not perform a "Brake Check"! and I maybe should have waited for a better spot to allow you back by.

I Still will not be back, This mid-week racing is interfering with my performance at Work.
Someone Venting their frustration at me only made my decision happen NOW! and not down the road.
Ok, brake check might have been the wrong term. I didn't feel as though it was an aggressive move against me...but I had no way of knowing you were going to hit the brakes that early and had no way of avoiding ramming into the back of you. Just get off the track next time, or find a place that is off the racing line before you slow down, even if it is several turns later.
I certainty did not perform a "Brake Check"! and I maybe should have waited for a better spot to allow you back by.

I Still will not be back, This mid-week racing is interfering with my performance at Work.
Someone Venting their frustration at me only made my decision happen NOW! and not down the road.

I do understand you thor , I for one will miss having you around , I enjoyed the practise/racing with you (never had any issues / incidents with you) , I hope you will change your mind :cheers:
A Note to Anyone in or close to the lead;

If someone comes out of the pits 1 lap down and with no chance of wining and faster than you?

Let the guy go by, he just might just get back on the lead lap, he sure wont hurt you.!
Scorings done


Never Give Up...
I've seen Jimmy Johnson, a lap down WIN A RACE!

I Wont Stop Racing because I'm a Lap Down and I WON'T RACE in GT1 Anymore.......
JJ has the lucky dog and cautions we don't.

A Note to Anyone in or close to the lead;

If someone comes out of the pits 1 lap down and with no chance of wining and faster than you?

Let the guy go by, he just might just get back on the lead lap, he sure wont hurt you.!

That's true
Hello everyone, I would like to know if it's possible registering to participate in this series. I have just joined SNAIL, I've submitted today my TT for new members so I'm awaiting to be placed on a division.
Hello everyone, I would like to know if it's possible registering to participate in this series. I have just joined SNAIL, I've submitted today my TT for new members so I'm awaiting to be placed on a division.
Let me know when you are placed and we will get you figured out

Welcome @Sinuhe to the GT1 championship.

We are the TUNING SERIES wing of SNAIL! Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join SNAIL [GT1 Championship] series:
Step 1:Learn and follow The Good Racecraft Guide and SNAIL OLR.
Step 2: Send a Friend Request to GT1Championship on PSN and wait for an invite to the club.
Step 3: Purchase the car you will be racing for the current season we are in.(#3)
Step 3: Choose your number, colours and claim them on this thread
Step 4:match the specs for the division you are in.(#2) (pending)
Step 5: tune your car!

Remember this is a TUNING series and have fun!
Well to do 12 hours time in 50 actual minutes is roughly 14x time change i think. Not sure what the actual available setings are so ill check later on and verify and report back with a final value.
I think we used 15X time progression at Bathurst to simulate 12 hr race, it won't take long to figure out just run it for 10 mins see what the clock reads and go from there
I've got a question for you GT6 veterans. 2 weeks ago when i first started practicing for Big Willow, i was easily in the low 15's on hards. By race night, my best laps on mediums were low 15's and my laps on hards were mid 16's. After the race i went to GT Auto to see if the body had deteriorated but it was still green. Did i just get considerably slower or does the body deteriorate enough to make a huge impact before it says anything. Ive got about 900km on the car after the race and havent changed oil or done anything to it since buying it.
I've got a question for you GT6 veterans. 2 weeks ago when i first started practicing for Big Willow, i was easily in the low 15's on hards. By race night, my best laps on mediums were low 15's and my laps on hards were mid 16's. After the race i went to GT Auto to see if the body had deteriorated but it was still green. Did i just get considerably slower or does the body deteriorate enough to make a huge impact before it says anything. Ive got about 900km on the car after the race and havent changed oil or done anything to it since buying it.
Things like track temp can affect your car's overall pace. Were you practicing in the late afternoon? I think the race was held in the morning hours.

Also there are simply days where you just can't drive fast. It happens to everyone.
I've got a question for you GT6 veterans. 2 weeks ago when i first started practicing for Big Willow, i was easily in the low 15's on hards. By race night, my best laps on mediums were low 15's and my laps on hards were mid 16's. After the race i went to GT Auto to see if the body had deteriorated but it was still green. Did i just get considerably slower or does the body deteriorate enough to make a huge impact before it says anything. Ive got about 900km on the car after the race and havent changed oil or done anything to it since buying it.
Yeah track temp has a difference in your lap times like bambi says. What i usually do for these longer endurance races is i have 1 car with no oil change and just do laps with it and 1 brand new car with 0 miles for race day. So it's all fresh and all good. Maybe it doesn't make that much of a difference really but it's just the mindset for me knowing I have a fresh car and don't have to worry about it.

Some days you have off days. We all get them including the faster drivers across GTPlanet.

I just want to state I'd be more than willing to help some drivers out in the Pro or Pro Am with tips, tuning ect. Don't be afraid to ask. I want everyone to compete out there on the track to have more fun each week.

Looking forward to Silverstone this Wednesday :cheers:
Yeah i figured it was just me and maybe i fell into a "safe" rhythm. The body deteriation thing is a mystey to me though so just wanted to be sure that wasn't a factor.
I also suspect something is up with lap times in an empty lobby vs at least one other driver. Last season I would get stuck shooting for a lap time with others in the room, making changes, etc, etc. When everyone called it quits I'd stick around and nail an amazing lap. The next night with the room full I didn't come close to repeating those laps.
GT6 is odd, and many factors play into LT's. Same as some cars benefit from an oil change while others suffer. Body degradation is another odd one some cars can actually be faster with a body ruined while others have to have it done after like 500km's
I also suspect something is up with lap times in an empty lobby vs at least one other driver. Last season I would get stuck shooting for a lap time with others in the room, making changes, etc, etc. When everyone called it quits I'd stick around and nail an amazing lap. The next night with the room full I didn't come close to repeating those laps.

I think when rooms get closer to capacity. There is more delay which in turn starts to effect lap times ( braking is slightly delayed sliding is exaggerated etc etc )

That being said we were still able to hit 14.00? Which was right around what we were doing with low room totals. I know I just contradicted myself here just thinking about it as I type.
I think what also plays into the lag and slower laptimes. When there are a few people in the rooms running slow internet or using wifi instead of a hard line. All of these combine somehow to create the problems being described. I'm just not sure how exactly.

Come to think of it:
In qualifiers in practice we would be faster hitting 1:13's. Where as in the race qualifier the top 3 were 2-3thenths off the expected best lap times. So there is definitely something to all of this. Most of what I'm saying here is thinking out loud.
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