◆ SNAIL [GT1 Championship] Series

  • Thread starter Jakedog23
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Sorry I didn't show up last night. No real excuse other than being lazy and watching live music online. :lol:

I'll try to be there tonight... maybe. :boggled:
Hey guys, I'm still around. I will probably miss the rest of this season, but I hope to get some PS3 time soon. I'm pad racing on GT Sport when I get a chance now.
Hey guys, I'm still around. I will probably miss the rest of this season, but I hope to get some PS3 time soon. I'm pad racing on GT Sport when I get a chance now.

If you are on the ps4 maybe we can get a project cars room going here or there. I am finally getting acclimated to pcars and just now diving into the online racing. Nothing serious for now, just getting comfortable. Pcars is under $20 so no reason not to give it a run at this point. Only downside is that going back to gt6 is a bit disappointing now. Endless grip and the sounds which never bothered me before now stick out so much.
Whitey, you should host tomorrow. I'm going to be rolling in just in time to race.
I can be a backup host. My internet has good speeds but gets spotty randomly so i wouldn't be the optimum host.
I can be a backup host. My internet has good speeds but gets spotty randomly so i wouldn't be the optimum host.
I should be good however we do have a storm system moving through calgary tomorrow I'm hoping by racectime it's past. If not the high winds could cause trouble. I'll keep you all posted. Expecting 100km/h + winds !!
You can remove me from the driver list. Most of my racing is in DiRT Rally on PC now.

Great list of tracks. Enjoyed the DB9 after I got enough miles to understand it.
Sorry for making a bit of an ass out of myself after the race. Everything was clean and fair, just hard defense and high emotions. I get it, I can talk a bit much and it's hard to tell when I'm being sarcastic/funny, a lot of it can come off the wrong way. I'm very passionate about my racing and it's important to me. Anyways, just something I'm still working on personally. I'd like to be a more relaxed and likable person for the future. See you all for Suzuka next time.

@chuyler1 it looks like the other drivers just kept ramming you until they got past. A lot of rear bumper contact in SNAIL events, despite the rules and hype. No weaving, brake checking or late line changes from you at all.
Yes, it was quite annoying. I know that's not my style of overtaking. The early laps of the race I was in the opposite role and I stayed clear of everyone's bumper and went from 6th to 1st with my RM tires while others were on RH. In the end, it only hurts the overtaking driver. It slows me down when I get hit from behind. When it happens the first time, a precedent is set and I expect it every turn, which means I'm going to brake earlier and leave grip available for the push. However I can't expect to hold drivers up indefinitely so I usually yield complete access to a faster line around the outside. I could have been far more aggressive than I was here if I wanted to...but that usually just leads to me getting punted off track and incident reports getting filed. As it was, Illtrick's pass would be considered a bump and run by SNAIL spec racing standards...but we're not spec, and I wasn't on the same tires, so whatever, he would have got passed me a few turns later anyway. If it happened earlier in the race and we were clearly on the same tires, I would have a lot more to say about it.
Defensive driving 101. I was on RH tires so I was waiting for the outside pass...but I had no plans to just pull over, it was a race for 3rd place after all.

Excellent driving chuyler! On a track like brands hatch where at pretty much every corner, it's dangerous to pass, you defended your position very well and held your line even better. You didn't give the drivers free passes. You make them work for it. I personally really enjoy trying to pass someone in a tight area. It makes it very interesting and forces you to think outside the box for a pass.

I don't think the drivers who passed you where trying to bump you or anything. With brands hatch being such a heavy trail braking track it makes it very difficult to line up each other's braking points, so on. That's why we have these kind of difficult races. To increase your awareness in these situations. Knowing who's around you, what tires they have, so on.

Thanks for sharing the vid! I enjoyed it! :cheers:
I don't think the drivers who passed you where trying to bump you or anything.

Dude, you cannot be serious are you? He spent half a lap trying to drive through him!

I find that video embarrassing to be quite honest.
These situations are very difficult and the nature of gt1 with different cars on different tires with different pit strategies which brings levels of wear into play doesn't help especially on a tight, one line track like brands. I can honestly see each perspective on it but having open dialogue about how to handle these situations can only benefit future races as long as we can be civil and express our views well.

For me, since gt1 is an endurance race and pit strategies tend to determine outcomes more than individual lap pace I try not to fight too much either way since it has a negative affect on a stints length. It often is better to get to open space even if it means dropping back a position and letting my overall stint lengths and fuel strategy beat someone rather than Fighting wheel to wheel and burning up my tires.

I personally think chuy did a great job at holding his line though and making us work for the passes. I don't think I was too bumpy there and if I was it was incidental and unintentional. I knew I had fresher tires and would get by eventually and I was sitting just out frame of that video the whole time just saving my tires waiting for that moment to go.
The bumps were minor at best and apart of racing. If you don't like getting bumped perhaps Racing games aren't for you. I bumped chuyler but in all cases I backed off to make sure the pass wasn't made because of a bump.
What more can you expect from drivers racing for position.
With stickier tires from behind your going to be constantly challenging the guy in front.
Passing at brands hatch is Hairy. You have to expect a bit of contact. Constant contact all the time (chronic) is offside for sure.

Imo if your not trading a bit of paint while racing hard. Then your not racing hard. Too many miss daisies on track crying about being touched when they should be worried about the reason they're on track in the first place. To race! To compete against others FTW or just for one more position. It's a race boys not a drive to the grocery store.

Chuyler if you feel contact was too severe you can file an IR and have the incident reviewed.
Dude, you cannot be serious are you? He spent half a lap trying to drive through you

I find that video embarrassing to be quite honest.

It's exaggerated posts like this that create hostile situations. Drive through him lessen?!? really! Come on man that's unnecessary commentary. Not accurate at all.
It is in SNAIL's rules to avoid contact as much as possible and I felt I did that the best I could. Only two times where I unintentionally bumped @chuyler1 and I took care to not complete the pass as a result. I want to race as clean as possible and treat everyone with the most respect. Bumping happens but it should not be brought on purpose to rattle people into a mistake.

That said I feel like we said what we needed to and if there are any ongoing issues then a private message would be the best place to address them.
@chuyler1 here is some ammo to help with an official explanation:

07: Corner Rights:

When approaching the turn/apex of turn, the car which "holds" the inner side of turn has entrance-advantage and other driver(s) must refrain from endangering him by his actions.

You must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before they reach the corner’s turn-in point to have the right to drive up their inside, or to expect them to leave inside room for you. At least the front of your car should be up to the driver’s position in the ahead car. The ahead driver has the right to be fully committed to the racing line of their choice without any interference if there was no substantial overlap before he turned in. The ahead driver must not abruptly change their line through a corner for any reason.

If sufficient overlap is established before the turn-in point, then the behind driver has the right to sufficient side room. The ahead driver must also leave sufficient side room for the behind driver. This means that each driver has a right to their respective "line", or side of the track, right up to the exit point. Neither driver should squeeze the other toward the inside or outside of the corner during the apex or exit.

The turn in point is the point at which the leading car begins their turn into the corner on their chosen line. It is not necessarily the first move toward the apex. It is the move that commits the lead driver to their chosen line. Example: A gradual move toward the apex followed by a sharper turn would mean that the sharper turn would be the turn in point. Example: Multiple turning movements approaching the turn would mean that the final turning movement would be the turn in point. This point may vary from the point at which you turn into the corner.
It's exaggerated posts like this that create hostile situations. Drive through him lessen?!? really! Come on man that's unnecessary commentary. Not accurate at all.

Sorry man, I call it like I see it. You are entitled to disagree with my opinion.
I'm aware of the SNAIL rules, and they were written with spec racing in mind, which implies same tires, same cars, meaning at no point would a driver behind have any chance of making a pass stick after turn in point. I did not file IRs because these contact incidents did not change the outcome of the race in any way and I don't want to dwell on it like a bunch of NASCAR commentators. I posted the video to show that you can defend an aggressive driver. However, by no means do I consider any contact acceptable unless both cars are door to door. Contact can always be avoided, even more so when you're the driver with better tires.

Case in point, at the start of this race I was on RM while the leaders chose RH tires. I wasn't ramming cars to get by. I was lightly braking into corners and waiting for the right opportunity.

It was like I clicked the "easy" button. I got by Bambi and was thinking, "OK, just one more" and then you just darted across the track. To be specific, it wasn't the turn that gave you trouble, it was the grass after the turn. It's one of the few turns in this game that behaves realistically when you push the boundaries. If they all did that, we wouldn't be discussing OOB rules.
I know that all i have to do is lift for a nanosec there to prevent spinning the tires on the curb and i would be fine but when i am in the heat of battle i keep it pegged and as soon as i kiss the curb it.. is.. ovah.
Well, I guess I'll get back on the track at some point today. It's been a long time, sure I'll need the practice.
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