◆ SNAIL [Race Car] Series - Finished - Thanks to everyone who raced during the past 12 seasons!

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I'm trying to make the all star race. If I can continue to improve my driving as I have and put practice in like I have,been where as before I put probably 15 mins of time on the track before each race, I should be able to get there two more weeks to go so we'll see. :nervous:
Yeah, I kind of left pretty fast last night, I was probably pretty tired after being up for 20 hours straight, somehow I miscalculated how long the fuel would last in race 1, and then for race 2 I was sure I was going to win, I used the right strategy, draw flawlessly, but 6 laps to the end I realized I only took onboard 50+35 litres of fuel, wich was just 1 litre more than in race 1, I then slowed down to preserve fuel, but inevitably I ran out:( This is 3 times now that I have messed up the fuel calculations:irked:

@Dragonwhisky : You'd probably have won race 1 anyway because my tires was at 0/0 front, and 6/0 in the rear, I was doing 1'13 lap times. Race 2 however, I would have won if only my fuel guy was alert enough to calculate the correct amount.

Furthermore, I have never driven this car before, and I dont know if it was the car or the track, or my lack of practice with the combo, but I sure as hell wasn't the fastest car on track. as opposed to the races with the silvia where I was roughly 2 seconds per lap faster than everyone else:P

Oh, and in hindsight, the best strategy here would have been to switch to hard tires and go for a one stop strategy..
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Went for the one stop strategy both races. The first race it didn't matter because I spun the car 3 times and miscalculated fuel having to stretch fuel for last 5 laps to not go bone dry. Second race I was pretty conservative making sure not to spin out and to maximize tire wear and fuel, but even at that I was sucking fumes for the last 3 laps barely making it to the finish line on fuel. At least I had a much better finish by not spinning out but my slow laps and fuel management kept me from a top 5.
@WiiFreak I seem to remember you got a wheel last year. Are you still using a DS3 or have you put that aside.
I've been using my G27 since I got it, which was around a year and a half ago 👍

As for tips (even though it is kind of pointless now), the fastest way through turn 2 is actually the high line, getting as close to the wall as possible. The banking is much steeper up there, allowing the car to carry a lot more speed though and out of the corner. I made quite a few passes using this line, including on the last lap on JVick.

Also for pit strategy, two stopping was definitely the best in my opinion. One stopping either causes the tires to fall off entirely, or you have to baby them by driving conservatively in order to save them. Either way it results in losing too much time. I saw some people doing three, but it's much slower than doing two as you don't gain enough on the fresh tires over two stoppers to warrant the extra stop. I know Dragonwhisky won Race 1 with that strategy, but I only finished a few seconds behind him even though I had spun twice during the race. Had he two stopped like I had I would have been nowhere near him as we were fairly equal pace-wise.
So far as I know, we're not supposed to use but the one tire compound. @GGGMotorsport will have to confirm or deny this however.
I'm not Grim but I can confirm you have to use the specified tire.

I put in 88 the first race and realized I was going to run out on the final lap and ducked in for a splash, then immediately ran out of fuel (on the way to being refueled in the pits, which I guess is ideal). Next race I put in 101 and had some to spare at the end, though I also spun 6,000 times. This car at HSR was a lot more fun than I had aniticipated.
...as I was practicing with @euclid58 and @Dragonwhisky and I was only a second off from them and I thought that I was going to have a chance.
Speaking strictly from experience that is probably a pretty damn good time but unfortunately there's so many quick people in this series drivers like you and Parcells are a dime a dozen just check out the qualy times Brnt posted above. After the aforementioned really fast guys there's upwards of a dozen of us within half a second of each other its "swear word" awesome.

I'm not joking when I say I'm a tad concerned about qualifying for the Spa race this season yet around this thread I'm labeled an All star (yippee) so go figure. But seriously there was a race from season 2 (when I qualified as an all star, thanks Dragon you'll always be in Parcells good books and feel free to continue to use my race director, he's not a plant I promise) that I wouldn't have advanced through KOQ so a tad concerned because the field is so darn close - only 6 spots for KOQ, ouch, what if eraser shows up :nervous:

The good news is even by attempting to qualify for the race I'll retain my active status for season 4 where Parcells plans on handing @Whiskey a lesson in race management and I'll stop there before I really embarrass myself. Doubtful Spa is Parcells fastest track but 100% Parcells favorite track...I'll be pissed if I don't make the race!
I had some real pucker moments fuel/tire wise. I ran 20 laps first stint of the first race. Tires were at 2/2 on the right and 4/6 on the left. I ran out of fuel literally as I entered the pit lane. Second race it was lap 19 that I pitted. I ran RM both entire races and have the replays to prove it. DS3 has a weird algorithm were at speed we only get roughly 30% of the total travel causing way slower speeds on sweepers but as a side effect much better tire wear. I just got lucky and didn't spin or wreck.
I've been using my G27 since I got it, which was around a year and a half ago 👍

As for tips (even though it is kind of pointless now), the fastest way through turn 2 is actually the high line, getting as close to the wall as possible. The banking is much steeper up there, allowing the car to carry a lot more speed though and out of the corner. I made quite a few passes using this line, including on the last lap on JVick.

Also for pit strategy, two stopping was definitely the best in my opinion. One stopping either causes the tires to fall off entirely, or you have to baby them by driving conservatively in order to save them. Either way it results in losing too much time. I saw some people doing three, but it's much slower than doing two as you don't gain enough on the fresh tires over two stoppers to warrant the extra stop. I know Dragonwhisky won Race 1 with that strategy, but I only finished a few seconds behind him even though I had spun twice during the race. Had he two stopped like I had I would have been nowhere near him as we were fairly equal pace-wise.

I noticed several folks using that high line through T2. I was very ascairt o them curbs up there so I used the mid to low line through every time. As to why I used a 3 stop instead of 2? Keeping my tires at 5 or above on the wear indicators was the only way I was going to have any chance at all of staying anywhere near you and erazer's lap times. The only real reason I was able to take that win was your start penalty and erazer running out of gas. Seriously, my best lap until last night's qualifying was a low 1:01. My best qualifying lap was done after a pit for new tires and no fuel taken at around the 5 minute mark. Pucker factor was high trying to run that set off before time expired. By 3 stopping I didn't lose any time taking fuel and was able to run as fast as I could without much regard to tire wear. You were catching me when I came out of the pit on my last stint but by the end of the race your tires were to far gone to make it up and that was actually more than I'd hoped and planned for.

This week the series took on the high banks of High Speed Ring Below are the UNOFFICIAL results from the nights activities.
Thanks to everyone for coming out last night.

Unofficial Results

Knockout Qualification Results


Main Event Qualification Results

Will update results table soon

Race 1 Results

Will update results table soon

Race 2 Results


Current Individual Standings


Current Team Standings


Current All Star Race Entries


See you all next week!
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This week the series took on the high banks of High Speed Ring Below are the UNOFFICIAL results from the nights activities.
Thanks to everyone for coming out last night.

Unofficial Results

Knockout Qualification Results


Main Event Qualification Results


Race 1 Results


Race 2 Results


Current Individual Standings


Current Team Standings


Current All Star Race Entries


See you all next week!
@GGGMotorsport do I have 44 pts? Just got to looking and I'm the only number points wise not in order.
I do run a DS3 controller and I have to say that the 1 pit strategy was the only reason that I finished where I did in both races. I am by no means the fastest guy in the world here. Despite the many days spent practicing this combo I couldn't break 1:02.358. If I hadn't made the top 10 last week to avoid KOQ I would have never even made the show. Doing the math against running 1 pit and the time loss generated by that as apposed to stopping twice to average 1 second a lap better times I saved roughly 40 seconds overall. The only time that I managed to overtake anyone was in the pits. I concentrated on consistency. Every time someone came up behind me, I let them by as cleanly as I could. I may have only finished 10th in both races but I'm proud of myself for not spinning out not once in both races but also not getting collected by one of the many wrecks that occurred in front of me. At least I finished both races on the lead lap and didn't have any infractions. All in all, I had a great time and I'm glad that I had a chance to be apart of it. I'm also glad that we are going back to tighter circuits. No more High Speed Ring or Indy SS. Holy crap!!!

Now you sound like me! Nice job, and congrats on making top 10 last week to get into this weeks race. I have some serious catching up to do at tokyo...
Now you sound like me! Nice job, and congrats on making top 10 last week to get into this weeks race. I have some serious catching up to do at tokyo...
I feel like I should play the lottery based on my luck. First I went from 4th to 13th on the last lap of the last race from running out of fuel but some how pulled off 10th overall. This past race was a nail biter for me and still wound up 10th for Tokyo. You'll do great. Pit strategy is just as important as driving ability imo.
I feel like I should play the lottery based on my luck. First I went from 4th to 13th on the last lap of the last race from running out of fuel but some how pulled off 10th overall. This past race was a nail biter for me and still wound up 10th for Tokyo. You'll do great. Pit strategy is just as important as driving ability imo.

I agree with you 100%
I'm trying to make the all star race. If I can continue to improve my driving as I have and put practice in like I have,been where as before I put probably 15 mins of time on the track before each race, I should be able to get there two more weeks to go so we'll see. :nervous:
Buy a practice only car to save the other for race night. Each race puts on approx 105 miles.
BTW Goofytyler and I just ran about 40 laps at Tokyo. DS3 friendly
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Below are the top 10 in points with provisional entries into the Main Event. The below listed drivers (not listed in BOLD below) need to confirm their intent to race next week at Tokyo R246 by replying in this topic (no later than 8:00pm eastern on Race Day) with a simple post that they plan to race this week (Example - I plan to race this week). I will update the list accordingly.
  1. WiiFreak
  2. GrimGrnninGhost - CONFIRMED
  3. dragonwhisky - CONFIRMED
  4. brntguy - CONFIRMED
  5. gotdirt410sp
  6. zii1993 - CONFIRMED
  7. JVick1397 - CONFIRMED
  8. euclid58 - CONFIRMED
  10. reigninblood1975 - CONFIRMED
All other drivers not in the top 10 will need to qualify for the race via the "Knock-Out Qualifying Procedure".

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Main event qualifying results table is still inaccurate.

I plan to be there for Tokyo. Hopefully Parcell's plant will treat me as well there as he did at HSR.

Yes as is the race 1 graphic however the points sheet is correct. Have not taken the new images for Qualifying and race 1 yet. Will get to that later
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