◆ SNAIL [Race Car] Series - Finished - Thanks to everyone who raced during the past 12 seasons!

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This week the series headed to the streets of SSR5. Below are the UNOFFICIAL results from the nights activities.

One thing to note from last night is these cars are very easy to drive and we will be in packs and next week at Tsukuba is no exception. We all do our best to race clean but there will be some bumps. Please do your best to keep a level attitude and try to minimize the effects, especially when it comes to blocking. You can do an initial block, provided its not a late blocking move that will cause contact. However once you make that block, you can't counter with yet another block.

Thanks to everyone for coming out last night.

Unofficial Results

Knockout Qualification Results
Top 6 times advanced to the Main Event


Main Event Qualification Results


Race 1 Results


Race 2 Results


Current Individual Standings


Current Team Standings


Current All Star Race Entries


See you all next week at Tsukuba!​
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Parcells had another fantastic night of racing. Some great battles with plenty of clean side by side action, as clean as that can be there will always be the odd and mostly unavoidable touching incidents.

Like for example when Parcells accidentally bumped GGG during our awesome battle in race 1 (that was great stuff GGG!!!), sorry bout that; In my defence after it happened I did slow down with the intention of letting you by but a couple seconds later I saw you retain the position behind me and considering all the variables at stake, not to ignore the fact I was quite happy with the pass I just pulled off it just didn't end the way it should have, and I certainly didn't want to cheat you out of the opportunity to pass me a second or third time in the race so I guess I could say you're welcome? If you have a problem with this I suggest you use the official complaint process or just tell me how you feel in front of the boys, Parcells can take it. :guilty:

Of course none of that would have happened had Parcells not scrubbed the wall in lap 1 dropping me from second to 6'ish. Had such a great start and hydra got by me real early barely losing any time so was happy about that then Boom!...stupid Parcells :(
I am stoked/excited/nervous for results. :cool:
Gonna be close...... :nervous:
Going crazy...... :irked:
Must... Resist.... Urge... To .... Explode....:ouch:
Can't wait.... :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Tight races last night guys. :gtpflag:
Very proud to be here and race with all of you. :cheers:
We should turn off penalties and get used to it cars being real. Real cars don't ghost and let you drive through others...
Parcells had another fantastic night of racing. Some great battles with plenty of clean side by side action, as clean as that can be there will always be the odd and mostly unavoidable touching incidents.

Like for example when Parcells accidentally bumped GGG during our awesome battle in race 1 (that was great stuff GGG!!!), sorry bout that; In my defence after it happened I did slow down with the intention of letting you by but a couple seconds later I saw you retain the position behind me and considering all the variables at stake, not to ignore the fact I was quite happy with the pass I just pulled off it just didn't end the way it should have, and I certainly didn't want to cheat you out of the opportunity to pass me a second or third time in the race so I guess I could say you're welcome? If you have a problem with this I suggest you use the official complaint process or just tell me how you feel in front of the boys, Parcells can take it. :guilty:

Of course none of that would have happened had Parcells not scrubbed the wall in lap 1 dropping me from second to 6'ish. Had such a great start and hydra got by me real early barely losing any time so was happy about that then Boom!...stupid Parcells :(

Parcells - no worries at all my friend. I should have given you a bit more room on that corner as that particular curb is tough and will bounce you wide a bit. That said, I did see you pull to the right after and knew you were looking to see if I was OK. I will say that being between you and Ice in the first race was fun and not fun at the same time. Trying to find the smallest crack in the armor of Ice while having you get so close to me that I thought you were checking my rear bumper for any paint blemishes really had me on the edge. So much fun racing with you (and everyone else).

As Ice stated, these cars are really easy to drive and you are going to be in a pack. There was one point in the very early in the second race coming to the hairpin that I think we were all just trying to find a spot on the track to put our car and stay out of trouble because it got bunched up very quickly.

Last night felt like a NASCAR Bristol night race! There was going to be some rubbing however given it was two-40 min races, the rubbing that I have seen so far has been pretty minimal (however my body shop guys may beg to differ as my left side is really chewed up from incident in particular). Next week is another tough track as we head to Tsukuba.
I always find myself "blue triangle" watching ;) Then matching up which triangle represents whose car during the race.

I think last night my main triangle adversaries were GGG, JVick and Parcells. I am always measuring the distance between my triangle and theirs. Or theirs to the person behind them to hope they are battling hard and losing tires and time on me ;)

I really get agitated when I make a pass...I get a sense of relief like THAT battle is over finally...but the sound of their car gets louder or their lights keep shining bright on the wall next to me. Their little arrow stays close and I'm screaming in my head "GET THE FRACK AWAY FROM ME!"

Or when you take two or three really great laps and look to see the triangle behind you got closer...AAARRGGH!

Or the agonizing moment when the triangles behind you pit before you do. Now you know they have one really great lap before you can pit. So I'm calculating just how little fuel I can take on while wringing my #4 tires for all they're worth...pull into the pits and start watching the minimap for triangles coming down the straight...CMON YOU LAZY PIT CREW, GET ME OUT NOW OR YOU'RE ALL FIRED!


This series really stresses me out!

Edit...I secretly hope to see the triangles behind me get a squiggly motion or angle strangely into the wall ;)
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Morning friends...

In my excitement over finishing on the lead lap and having to pee, I completely missed saving the replay for Race 1 at SSR5 last night. Barbs accepted.

I did, however, save Race 2 and present to you, with minimal comment, 24 photos from that contentious race:

Special Stage Route 5_23-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_22.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_21-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_20-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_19-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_18-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_17-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_16-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_15-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_14-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_12.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_11-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_10.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_9-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_8.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_7-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_6-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_5.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_4-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_3.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_2-2.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_1.jpg
Special Stage Route 5.jpg
Perhaps one of the best battles we have had to this point with three teams within 3 points! Going to be fun to see how this plays out!

Below are the top 10 in points with provisional entries into the Main Event. The below listed drivers (not listed in BOLD below) need to confirm their intent to race at Tsukuba by replying in this topic (no later than 8:00pm eastern on Race Day) with a simple post that they plan to race this week (Example - I plan to race this week). I will update the list accordingly.
  1. Ice_Warden - CONFIRMED
  2. GrimGrnninGhost - CONFIRMED
  3. Zii1993 - CONFIRMED
  4. brntguy - CONFIRMED
  5. Parcells2 - CONFIRMED
  6. Fallen_Log - CONFIRMED
  7. JVick1397
  8. turnupdaheat
  9. Clutch_800 - CONFIRMED
All other drivers not in the top 10 will need to qualify for the race via the "Knock-Out Qualifying Procedure".
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Below are the top 10 in points with provisional entries into the Main Event. The below listed drivers (not listed in BOLD below) need to confirm their intent to race at Tsukuba by replying in this topic (no later than 8:00pm eastern on Race Day) with a simple post that they plan to race this week (Example - I plan to race this week). I will update the list accordingly.
  1. Ice_Warden
  2. GrimGrnninGhost - CONFIRMED
  3. Zii1993
  4. brntguy
  5. Parcells2
  6. Fallen_Log
  7. JVick1397
  8. turnupdaheat
  9. Clutch_800
  10. TEAMworkPLEASE
All other drivers not in the top 10 will need to qualify for the race via the "Knock-Out Qualifying Procedure".
I am in

Below are the top 10 in points with provisional entries into the Main Event. The below listed drivers (not listed in BOLD below) need to confirm their intent to race at Tsukuba by replying in this topic (no later than 8:00pm eastern on Race Day) with a simple post that they plan to race this week (Example - I plan to race this week). I will update the list accordingly.
  1. Ice_Warden
  2. GrimGrnninGhost - CONFIRMED
  3. Zii1993
  4. brntguy
  5. Parcells2
  6. Fallen_Log
  7. JVick1397
  8. turnupdaheat
  9. Clutch_800
  10. TEAMworkPLEASE
All other drivers not in the top 10 will need to qualify for the race via the "Knock-Out Qualifying Procedure".
Count me in for 10/29/14! *quick question grim - Does the All Start Entry Qualification list rotate based on the season(s) because I know i made it to 1 All Star race, but I also know I have not participated in 2 our of 3 seasons Prior to this season. So I guess I'm curious, if i make it all the way through this season > will I be put back onto the ALL STAR Entry list?
If I could only ask for one thing from this Racing Series, how come we are not using Heavy damage? I don't want to discourage anyone, just my personal opinion.....Heavy Damage would make the Series more authentic no? Again this is just my personal opinion, not trying to change any rules, just looking for the reasoning of light damage. Any additional information i can obtain heightens my knowledge about this series.

*note* In the future I'll refrain from texting during the race, as I was entering the pits I made a remark about me leading 1 lap. It's been awhile since I looked over the rules so I'll keep that in mind next week. Also I would like to apologize for the rough action inside race #2 directed toward WARDENCLYFFE < I was trying to stay to the inside as much as possible but no matter how many rumble strips I jumped over for some reason no over steer was received, I really under estimated the stability of this honda. Although I'm glad we are driving slower cars, but you could call me a racist since i can't control the faster race cars due to the extra abilities the wheels have over the controllers. That is clearly no one's fault except Polyphony Digital for not making all peripheral devices equal, not sure how to make that more black and white but its obvious that their is already too much grey area when it comes to these peripheral devices. On another note...Can't wait to see everyone next week!👍:cheers:
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Man I am bummed I could not race because of connection. I know I have been gaming for years hard wire always best but the way everything is setup I gotta have wireless maybe ext week I can have hard wire and I'll play on my computer monitor! Like my halo 3 days on Xbox 360. We will see! Puts me back in points :/ but tsubuka my favorite track fits y style lets see if I can get in the fight!
I'm excited to hear you have a wired connection now! I'm going to throw some useless information out their that really helps a lot & and I know Grim mentions this at least once per season but make sure to clear your cache the day of the race. MY STEPS to good quality racing
  1. Run GT6 disc
  3. SAVE GT6
  4. QUIT GT6 to the XMB menu
  7. TURN ON PS3 > SIGN INTO NETWORK > RUN GT6 > keep PS3 standing upright while using a Big BOX FAN to blow air all the way around the PS3 so it can ventilate properly. < after doing this for several 40 minute races all the way up to 2hr long endurance races I rarely ever have an issue. The box fan helps a lot, so does deleting your messages for some odd reason. So far I have done a 4hr long race with no issues, but also ran a 2hr long endurance race before this series started one night, did both 40 minute races and still no lag or power issues. Just like my name states "TEAMworkPLEASE" haha
Tsukuba is not one of Parcells favorite tracks so next week Parcells alter ego will be running the Tsukuba race...take it easy on the rookie please.
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