This is the list of part time drivers this week in the order that they have priority for spots in the room. Keep in mind, this is only to be used if rooms reach capacity.
D1 - 1. Adventuruss 84, 168.2, 3/30/13
2. WhalesNPals 66, 54.2, 1/11/14
3. redsoxboy80 0, 249, 12/8/12
4. FastFox400 0, 201, 8/24/13
5. Speed14231234 0, 162, 7/21/12
6. Veloci_2nr 0, 78, 10/6/12
7. Hillracing 0, 58, 8/4/12
8. Dangerzone641 0, 52.1, 9/8/12
9. brandofo 0, 46, 8/17/13
10. GumballCGT 0, 0, 7/28/12
11. OwensRacing 0, 0, 8/18/12
12. GTP_Ph7sher 0, 0, 6/28/13
13. GTP_Holty 0, 0, Unknown
D2 - 1. DrKronin 80, 151, 5/12/12
2. dabneyd 24, 74, 3/31/12
3. Sand_68 0, 61, 9/1/12
4. kadoimmortal 0, 50, 1/4/14
D3 - 1. KlutchD 74, 0, unknown
2. Wolfsatz 62, 82, 8/25/12
3. fereck 0, 178, 5/11/13
4. Iroquois 0, 145, 8/18/12
5. LeoStrop 0, 67, 12/21/13
6. DakotaHusky19 0, 42.1, 1/4/14
7. GTP_Wins 0, 0, 4/27/13
D4 - 1. jones3619 0, 205, 12/28/13
2. mrcorleone85 0, 157, 12/28/13
3. dtlohse 0, 145, 1/4/14
4. DoublePass 0, 75, 1/18/14
5. Driftin_Assassin 0, 34, 11/24/12
6. zer05ive 0, 0, 12/17/11
D5 - 1. AJHG1000 54, 119, 8/4/12
2. daemunx1 0, 49, 1/18/14
3. moperlover 0, 0, 1/19/13
D6 - 1. raymann500 47, 63, 6/8/13
2. kanwingshing 0, 145, 1/11/14
3. Digilmprov 0,82, 3/9/13
4. daddy-o845 0, 54, 1/18/14
5. Vol_Jbolaz 0, 41, 3/17/12
6. Unitedstomper 0, 0, Unknown
D7 – 1. tevesh2 0, 150, 8/17/13
2. GTP_Romi 0, 58, 1/4/14
3. Silent_Killer59 0, 14, 1/4/14
4. GreenChrome 0, 7, 1/4/14
5. silent_killer59 0, 0, 1/4/14
D8 - 1. jaybocc2 0, 54, 2/8/14