The main problem in recent times is the fact that the number of Thursday night practice rooms contracted from 3 down to 2 and eventually down to 1. This occurred simply because there was a severe drop in driver numbers, particularly from the higher divisions, turning up for official practice. This led to more people gravitating towards the room ably hosted by
@racingchamp30 so he changed it to an overall D1-D6 room.
For a while this was the only sensible option but it does lead to issues such as Tex and probably others either being worried about holding up drivers from higher divisions or simply feeling less comfortable with them being there so, while I believe driving standards in the main have being acceptable, it would certainly be better if we could go back to more balanced rooms.
Thankfully, driver numbers have improved but this throws up another problem where for the last 3 weeks the single official room has filled to capacity and people attempting to join have no room to go to. There has also being server and connection issues and which isn't helped by the room filled to the gills.
Last night
@MikeGrove also kindly hosted a practice room and, while there were comings and goings, there was a steady 24 drivers on track at any given time between both rooms so it is probably time to go back to 2 official rooms and with the upcoming contraction of SNAIL divisions a split to D1-D3 and D3-D5 practice rooms should do the job.