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  • Thread starter zer05ive
That is exactly why I will be taking this week off. SNAIL was better when we didn't allow the RM cars in GT5. Just my opinion.
I'm of that same opinion. Too many racecars as of late. Some can be good, but lately it has felt like time trial runs with other cars on track. I will be taking the week off as well.
I would like to point out that of 34 eligible drivers only 21 voted. The majority of voting snail voted for a race car. If people don't like the race cars they should vote to keep them out.

Skipping a week because you don't "like" the cars means you don't get a vote. You should race or at least start and park so that your vote matters and we can cycle out the race cars.

Also with winning either of prize A or B you can choose the car to replace the race cars. If only the people who "like" the race cars are racing, race cars will be the cars that stay in snail.
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I would like to point out that of 34 eligible drivers only 21 voted. The majority of voting snail voted for a race car. If people don't like the race cars they should vote to keep them out.

Skipping a week because you don't "like" the cars means you don't get a vote. You should race or at least start and park so that your vote matters and we can cycle out the race cars.

Also with winning either of prize A or B you can choose the car to replace the race cars. If only the people who "like" the race cars are racing, race cars will be the cars that stay in snail.

I'm very much aware of all of that.

Personally, I won't start and park just to vote something off.

History has shown that participation goes down when there are more race cars in the line up. It's a bit of a catch 22 really. More drivers show up when we have street cars at lower power that promotes closer racing but those that win choose what they want. That's their right to do so and I won't hold it against them for making their choice. When the combos are something that I want to race, I will race. When I have time to practice, I will race and I will probably win a prize and make a choice. My choice will probably get voted off rather quickly. I won't take that personally as the group gets to decide what they like and what they don't.

My only point is that I like lower powered street cars as they seem to provide closer and more contested racing than higher powered street cars and race cars. It's only an observation and not a complaint about anyone who is making choices.
The FGT combo is really tough initially, but it's a lot of fun to race after some practice. Just got done running some enjoyable races there with @socalnatv, @lllTrick, @JamCar0ne, and @Vegasracer.

You should be fine if you're patient and keep the rear tires above 6. Get down to 5's and it's spunland for you. You've got to minimize burning the tires on acceleration (i.e. avoid making the tires go orange or red), so shift early and/or only gradually mash the throttle to 100%. It's a fun challenge trying to conserve the tires. Nice pick @MSgtGunny!
Han dies
Leah got fat
Oh, we were talking about F1, where one team sends gifts to other teams?
We'll see how many click it before they watch the race.
Han dies doesn't do the patricide justice. There's dying and there's your son killing you. Good times.

Also, good race to teach a lot of racing technique. From how not to overtake and how to protect your position to why not to change your strategy mid-race. Good stuff all around.
The drivers list has been updated and is ready for tonight's racing. New or returning drivers have been notified of their division placement.

I will be away most of the afternoon so someone will have to create the scoring sheets for tonight.
What about low-medium powered race cars? 400HP and under

They should all be painted black; and by black I mean no less less than 97% pure black. Metallic should also not be an option and pearls only on Sunday's when 2/3 are under 300hp.

However, if the following Tuesday consists of at least 8 veteran SNAILS of at least 2 years each, then "grey" may be permitted, but only under specific conditions outlined by flightless birds with bad breath.
They should all be painted black; and by black I mean no less less than 97% pure black. Metallic should also not be an option and pearls only on Sunday's when 2/3 are under 300hp.

However, if the following Tuesday consists of at least 8 veteran SNAILS of at least 2 years each, then "grey" may be permitted, but only under specific conditions outlined by flightless birds with bad breath.
When you say birds, are you talking about an unburdened African Swallow? Or is it an European Swallow carrying two coconuts?