Rednose started a thread about SNAIL's future move to a new platform. There have been a couple of comments about trying out a race night with PCars to see what its like and get some idea's for Sunday night.
Currently there is a SNAIL sanctioned race night on Wed's: and myself and Mike Lobban have a private race night on Monday's, The Lobanaro Lounge. Both have a good number of ex and current Sunday night SNAIL's who participate. The two nights are quite different from one another, but either will give you a good introduction to racing in PCars.
Mike had posted here a couple of weeks ago inviting anyone interested, but if you missed that and would like to give our room, and a PCars race night a try, just pm either myself
@aerolite or Mike
@Mike Lobban and we will get you added to our convo. If you want to try PITS out, just click on the link above.
The racing on both nights is still based on the same clean racing and rules that apply on Sunday night's.