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No such thing as overpowered. It's how you handle the power available that's the trick.
No such thing as DeserPenguins either, it's how you handle the Penguin that's the trick.

By the way,

Zaksspeed......#26 Stormbit
Audi.....#3 Joest.

Not many liveries to choose from, might be some doubles.
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In 2nd and 3rd gear, yea. But when you're fighting it all through 5th gear and are afraid of hairpin exits, then it's too much.
How are you guys liking the Ford at night? I tested it during the day and although it was a little easier to drive, it wasn't phenomally easier even with higher track temps.
I didn't notice much of a difference either, and the night racing at Hockenheim is really good. Lots of light coverage, and the way you have time progression set up it's only pitch black for a few laps. I practiced the 20 minute race and it ends with the sun coming up peeking through the medium clouds. Took some nice screenshots
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The EURO CUP 2016 final is about to start. Portugal is one of the finalists and will play host nation France.
Let's mske noise for Portugal...

Sorry Schmiggz, I just don't get football,(soccer), I tried to watch the game, but after the third dive, I switched to womens high school ping pong, it was far more exciting. I did watch the Pinties Canadian Nascar race from Mirabel. Now that was exciting. Why isn't Andrew Ranger racing in the big leagues?

DP........Facebook...........scary...........I can just imagine.

@McTrucker will be your host this evening fellas. If he's not on your friends' list you may want to square that away early (say, by 8:00) so invites can be sent accordingly. 👍
I have him but I'm working 'til 8. I might be too tired to do the whole night sorry. I'd hate to cause a wreck from lack of active brain cells
You know, I was just browsing the Facebook and reading some comments under a link concerning this Pokemon fad. It us utterly amazing to me the amount of bitterness and general discontent that so many people show over just about anything. It is truly a privelidge to be able to login to GTplanet and enjoy some rather fine comradery with others who can appreciate the little things in life.