• Thread starter Lessen

Playstation 4

Tuesdays Nights @ 9:00PM
Lobby to open @ 8:45PM
All event times listed are Eastern US (-5GMT)

Promo video production: Cardahs

Open to Everyone!

Welcome to World Road Racing Challenge presented by SNAIL. The goal of this series is to provide an enjoyable and competitive night of racing using various race cars on some of the best tracks Project Cars has to offer. This series is open to all clean and respectful drivers.

  • Series Director- Lessen
  • Race Stewards- Lessen, TBD
  • Scorekeeper- Lessen, swjaxon
  • Series Photographers- TBD
  • Series Videographer- Cardahs
  • Primary Host- Lessen
  • Backup Host- swjaxon
  • Series Founder- GrimGrnninGhost

Basic Regulations:

Race Night Format
  • Four [4] timed races across 2 different car/track combos
    • Two [2] 15-minute timed races
    • Two [2] 20-minute timed races
  • Grid position for each race determined by 5 or 10 minute qualifying session prior to the start of each race.

Tuning regulations & Equipment
  • The WRC is a "spec" series, therefore all races will have "Force Default Setups" turned ON
  • WRC will from time to time utilize DLC add-on content in the form of cars and/or racetracks.

Application Procedure:
  • GTPlanet ID
  • PSN ID
  • By submitting your application you agree to the SNAIL WRC OLR (which is a modified version of the SNAIL OLR) along with following The Good Racecraft Guide.

SNAIL WRC Right to Know:

The Good Racecraft Guide

This is, in many respects, identical to the SNAIL OLR (taken mostly from the GTP OLR). Some parts have changed, but the general tenets of race craft have not. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the entirety of this document.

Read it. Learn it. Live it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

01: SNAIL WRC OLR General Rules:

These rules are subject to change as there are constant updates/changes coming out for Project Cars, it is your responsibility to update yourself on the changes. The Stewards will post in the thread when a change has been made and what the change entails.

B: All drivers are expected to make themselves familiar with the racing rules before entering any race or competition. If you stumble across a rule that is unclear to you, make sure you fully understand that rule before you enter the race or competition. You can post your questions in the SNAIL WRC thread.

C: You are expected to compete in a fair and honest manner. Fair and honest means according to the SNAIL WRC online racing rules, not according to your own interpretation of fair and honest.

You are expected to drive responsibly in a way that’s not likely to ruin the racing enjoyment of your fellow drivers.

You are expected not to submit to bad general behavior under all circumstances.

Try to maintain a generally affable nature with the rest of the group; both in the thread and on the game. Some friendly rib-jabbing is expected.

You are expected to behave like sporting gentlemen and women at all times.

The position of other drivers must always be respected.

Aggressive driving is strictly prohibited.

Cutting the chicanes or "shorting" the track at any point is strictly prohibited on all parts of the track, including the asphalt-areas in behind out-of track-lines. Track specific boundaries will be clarified for certain tracks if it is not generally obvious.

If a driver wants to retire from a race, the driver concerned must not exit the race. The driver must find a position on the track where the driver will not endanger other drivers, park their car by coming to a complete stop and turning on the emergency brake and wait for the race to end. If you do not come to a full stop and turn on the brake your car may drive on by itself. Do not, under any circumstances, use the start button except as noted in section O. of the OLR.

No careless driving. Always show respect for your fellow racers. Be careful. Show some patience. Understand the limitations of your car and yourself and drive accordingly. Driving online in a racing sim is NOT exactly the same as real life racing in every respect. Familiarity with the car and track is expected. Do not go into a Sunday night without having practiced and expect to be able to late brake or make other aggressive maneuvers without incident.

If you are found guilty of any of these rules, the behavior will be evaluated and penalty assessed by the Race Stewards as per the penalty system..


You must not use any cheats or bugs in the game. The use of cheats or bugs affecting the cars performance is forbidden.

The use of external cheats is forbidden.

02: Event Participation:

If for any reason as an active driver, you know prior to a race you’ll be unable to attend, please advise by posting on the thread as soon as possible. An advanced notice of 24 hours is expected. Notices inside of 24 hours are still expected. If you fail to attend, your status may be changed to inactive.

As a general rule, if there isn’t a stated rule, then the rules as they are within a program will apply - both intentional and coincidental. I.e. the way a matter is handled by a racing program is the way that it will be interpreted by the Race Stewards.

03: Pit Etiquette:

Drivers shall always maintain their respective position as to which side of the pit entrance or exit line they are driving. Drivers exiting pit road must always stay on the pit side of the painted line until they have completely passed its entire length. On-track drivers are to respect cars exiting pit road and shall not interfere into this dedicated section of track with exiting drivers. Drivers entering pit road are obligated to do so in a manner so as not to interfere with others driver's racing lines and/or pace.

04: Rules Governing Car Contact:

Contacts and collisions must be avoided at all costs.

Pushing other cars in turns or pushing them off the track is strictly prohibited.

Leaning on other cars is strictly prohibited in any situation.

Some contact through a corner or through a pass may not be avoidable and may be deemed "incidental" should it not appear to affect the likely outcome of the section in question.

05: Running into the car ahead of you:

The behind driver must take all necessary care and responsibility not to run into an ahead driver.

In case you brake too late for a corner or partially lose control of your car, you must do your best to avoid making the loss of control into a bigger incident. Some contact may be unavoidable in these situations, but you are expected to minimize the impact of it to the best of your ability. If this means turning your car into a wall or off the track to avoid contact, that is what you are expected to do.

The ahead driver must not do any malicious or inappropriate braking or slowing. Leading cars MUST NOT EVER 'brake check' the car(s) behind them because they are following too closely. The ahead driver IS entitled to be slower or use longer and earlier braking zones than others. They are also entitled to turn in earlier or later and/or apex earlier or later. The ahead driver should not make a drastic or sudden change to their line through a corner.

06: Contact Concessions:

If there is contact between drivers that results in the guilty driver making up places on the innocent driver, the guilty driver should allow the innocent driver to pass freely to re-establish their position at the earliest safe place to do so. This rule should be observed, even if it means the guilty driver has to allow drivers not involved in the incident to pass while waiting for the driver they contacted.

If the appropriate contact concession is carried out by the guilty driver then they may reduce, but not eliminate, any penalties that might otherwise apply as per the SNAIL WRC penalty system.

If you have to slow down to let the other player through, move out of the racing line first before you slow down. Coming to a full stop is not allowed, just continue at a slower pace out of the racing line until the other driver passes you again. After completing the concession, return to the racing line when it is safe to do so. This means that your return to the racing line will not affect any other driver on the course.

07: Corner Rights:

When approaching the turn/apex of turn, the car which "holds" the inner side of turn has entrance-advantage and other driver(s) must refrain from endangering him by his actions.

You must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before they reach the corner’s turn-in point to have the right to drive up their inside, or to expect them to leave inside room for you. At least the front of your car should be up to the driver’s position in the ahead car. The ahead driver has the right to be fully committed to the racing line of their choice without any interference if there was no substantial overlap before he turned in. The ahead driver must not abruptly change their line through a corner for any reason.

If sufficient overlap is established before the turn-in point, then the behind driver has the right to sufficient side room. The ahead driver must also leave sufficient side room for the behind driver. This means that each driver has a right to their respective "line", or side of the track, right up to the exit point. Neither driver should squeeze the other toward the inside or outside of the corner during the apex or exit.

The turn in point is the point at which the leading car begins their turn into the corner on their chosen line. It is not necessarily the first move toward the apex. It is the move that commits the lead driver to their chosen line. Example: A gradual move toward the apex followed by a sharper turn would mean that the sharper turn would be the turn in point. Example: Multiple turning movements approaching the turn would mean that the final turning movement would be the turn in point. This point may vary from the point at which you turn into the corner.

If an ahead driver has clearly made an error to warrant a passing move, a behind driver may attack their position, with due caution and care, regardless of whether there was any pre-existing overlap. However, the overtaking driver must still avoid contact. Small errors by the ahead driver may not necessarily justify a passing move. The ahead driver getting a bit out of shape at times doesn’t give you an automatic right to force a pass. You still have to pass safely and without undue contact. The ahead driver must not make any sudden changes to their line in an attempt to defend their position in this situation.

Drivers are expected to set buttons up for side views as "I didn't see you" is not an excuse if you collide with another driver when racing.

08: Standing Start Guidelines:

Additional caution and care must be taken when beginning a race with a standing start. All of the above rules in regard to contact apply during the start and first corner of the race.

Be Patient. Begin the race at a normal pace that will not cause you to run into cars in front of you. Don't begin by steering to one side and attempting to barge through the pack. Conversely, don't begin at a slow pace that will make you an obstruction or barrier to cars behind you.

Your goal on turn 1 should not be to get to the front, but rather to continue racing cleanly picking up one spot at a time. Look ahead more than one car. Due to field compression, a compact field will run slower through the first few turns than a spread out one. Leave some extra space, but not too much. Drivers behind you won't be expecting sudden braking. If you are behind a few cars in line, be prepared to brake extra early for a turn, as each car will be braking a bit farther back on the track than the one in front of it in order to avoid contact.

All of the rules in regard to contact concession apply if you knock a racer off track during the start of the race. If you cause a wreck, you are required to wait for all players who go off track as a result, regardless of whether you contacted them directly or not. If you are involved in a wreck which you did not cause, you are not required to wait.

9: Defensive Driving:

Leading cars have the right to choose their own line down a straight. They can change their racing line once while driving down a straight (Move from the outside line to the inside, or vice versa). As they approach the next corner, they can return to the racing line of their choice. However, they are not allowed to change their line when the behind driver is directly behind and changes his line to try and make a pass. If your movement causes an accident, you are responsible.

Leading cars have the right to take their line of choice through corners. I.e. they may drive a defensive line around the inside of a corner to protect their position, thereby forcing an attacking driver to try to pass around the outside. This is not blocking and is part of normal racing etiquette. In fact, apart from the restrictions of rule 10:A, a leading driver can drive any line which they feel is the most inconvenient for any following car to try to pass them. This does not mean that the lead driver may change their line mid-corner in an attempt to block a fellow competitor.

Drivers that are about to get lapped have to make sure not to interfere with the lapping cars. The driver being lapped should stay on the racing line but slow down just enough to allow the lead driver an easy pass. Keep your racing line predictable and try to stay out of the way.

10: Group Battle:

When approaching a battle with 2 or more cars, be extra careful since those cars can change driving lines quickly when trying to defend/overtake. The cars in front will already be driving close, so finding a good overtaking spot is much harder. The same rules apply as when overtaking a single car.

If you cause a crash in a group battle wait for all the effected drivers who were in front or/and driving next to you and let them get past. This doesn't include affected drivers who were driving behind you.

When a crash occurs in a group battle, it’s vital to minimize risks for additional crashes. Slow down if needed, and try to drive on the clear side of the track. Overtaking is still allowed, but only under 1 or more of these conditions:
1. The risk of hitting other cars is minimal.
2. You overtake to avoid crashing into cars in front of you.
3. Slowing down would make you a mobile obstruction for other cars.

When you get 'locked up' in a group battle on the straights, you are not allowed to bump the driver in front of you in order to free yourself out of that situation. Stay behind that driver or move sideways as soon as there's sufficient room to do so. This rule does not restrict bump drafting.

11: Initial Fault:

If you make a significant driving error and another driver or drivers attempts to capitalize on it, they have the right to do so. Do not try to collide or retaliate because of your error.
For Example: If you go wide at a corner and a close behind car tries to take advantage of this by moving up the inside, you should leave room for them, whether or not they had overlap going into the corner. They must also leave you room. This rule doesn't apply to small errors that don't affect the speed, direction and outcome. This is a bit of a grey area and requires good judgment on both parts.

You can always protest after the race if you think you’ve been wronged by notifying the Division Steward and the other racer/s via the SNAIL WRC Incident Report form ONLY. Do not flood the forum with he said, she said business or we will throw out your protest.

12: Reset to Track:

Under no circumstances may any driver at any time utilize the "Reset to Track" action. Drivers who find themselves off-track or in uncommon positions on-track are to right themselves via traditional driving methods as quickly as possible and as not to further interfere with the progress of other drivers.

13: Recovering from an incident:

It is the responsibility of the driver recovering from any incident to take all necessary care to not interfere with any cars still on the track and not part of the incident. A relevant incident may include, but is not limited to -
1. Being spun out
2. Facing the wrong way,
3. Perpendicular to the track
4. Going abnormally slow for where you are on the track.
If you are off the track, serving a penalty, or recovering from an incident in which you didn’t leave the track but are significantly slower than the race pace then the rules on "Re-entering to the track after running off" apply.

14: Re-entering to the track after running off:

It is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers have to maneuver or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way.

An off track incident includes but is not limited to:
1. Being stuck or pinned to a wall or railing.
2. More than two tires leaving the track at any one time
3. Any situation where the car may lose control and create cross traffic

Do not reverse back onto the track unless it is necessary. If you are backing up away from a wall first look around you to avoid a collision and as the collision would be your fault.

Re-enter the track parallel to the road, slowly and gently, and always with great care. This gives you the best opportunity to see what’s coming up the track behind you, and it also gives drivers coming up on you the best chance to orientate themselves to your situation.

E: When re-entering the track, you must take all available measures to not affect any other driver on the track. If this means you have to come to a complete stop on the side of the track and wait for the track to be clear, then that is what you must do.

15: Track Boundaries:

Colliding with or using walls, fences, cones, brake markers or any other obstacle that is outside the track surface is forbidden, whether time is gained or not.

Two wheels (except when airborne, where the vertical projection of the car onto the track counts) must be in contact with the track surface which is defined in this section.

Any kind of rumble strip made of concrete, stone etc. is part of the track unless otherwise stated herein or by the Stewards / Technical Director. These rumble strips are generally painted a striped pattern. When there is any potential for confusion, a clarification will be issued by the Stewards / Technical Director as to what is considered rumble strip and what is not.

All green painted areas are NOT part of the track unless otherwise stated by the Stewards / Technical Director prior to the race. If the painted area is a color other than green, it will be clarified by the Stewards / Technical Director prior to the track being used for an official SNAIL Sunday night event. A change in surface can also mark the edge of the track. If this is the case, it will be determined and announced by the Stewards / Technical Director prior to use for a Tuesday night event.

Tarmac/Asphalt or any other kind of surface mentioned above that are situated beyond the normal limits of the track, Run-off areas for example, are not part of the track unless otherwise stated.

F: The use of shortcuts which are based on bugs in the game is prohibited. The fact that the game will allow you to take shortcuts does not make it legal according to SNAIL.

G: Any other way of cheating we haven't thought of is forbidden.

Note: The section on Track Boundaries is a work in progress. Specific boundaries by track may be found under the appropriate "spoiler" in the WRC OP. These descriptions will have priority over anything that may be printed in this section.

16: Qualifying:

Qualifying length shall be either 5 or 10 minutes in length. The length will be decided upon by the Race Director when the schedule is displayed on Saturdays.

17: Incident Reports

All racing incident reports must use this procedure, which is modeled and automated to follow the GTPOLR complaint process:

All incident reports must be submitted via the SNAIL WRC Incident Report form by 11pm Eastern on Wednesday nights. This process is specific to the SNAIL WRC League night.

B: Drivers are, under no circumstances, allowed to discourage, dissuade, or otherwise attempt to deter another driver from filing an IR against them. Any driver who violates this policy becomes subject to discipline which can include, but is not limited to, having their posting privileges suspended or having their racing privileges suspended.

18: Disconnect Procedures

A: If a driver becomes disconnected from the race lobby during qualifying, that driver is responsible for contacting the host so that the session can be restarted. Each qualifying session may be restarted 1 time only.

B: If a driver becomes disconnected from the race lobby during the race, the event shall continue until the race has been completed. The disconnected driver is still responsible for contacting the host if he/she requires an invite for the next race. (the previous invite may still work)

C: If the host becomes disconnected from the race lobby during qualifying, the backup host shall immediately notify the lobby vocally & via WRC Community message that the session is being abandoned and that a new lobby will be created immediately.

D: If the host becomes disconnected from the race lobby during the race, the event shall continue until the race has been completed. The backup host shall create a new lobby after the completion of the affected race.


This version of the SNAIL OLR was updated on Jan. 17, 2016 to include modifications specific to the game of Project Cars and the World Road Racing Challenge presented by SNAIL race series.
SNAIL WRC Penalty Guidelines
These guidelines are taken from the SNAIL Penalty Guidelines 1.3 and modified to suit the World Road Racing Challenge series.

Level 1 (1 - 4 point penalty) - Likely caused by a lapse of concentration.

  • A bump
  • Shortcutting the track boundaries (1 pt. /incident)
Level 2 (5 - 8 point penalty) - Showed a lack of situational awareness.
  • A shove
  • This may be the result of carrying too much speed into a corner or braking too late, causing moderate to major contact.
  • An unsafe track re-entry & use of "reset to track" also falls here (6 pts. cannot be halved for concession)
Level 3 (9 - 12 point penalty) - Demonstrates a lack of good race craft.
  • The offending driver was likely too aggressive in a pass, creating a situation where his car met another at a drastic difference in speed.
  • Excessive blocking or weaving.
  • This is the lowest level that a dive bomb pass attempt would be penalized at.
Level 4 (13 - 16 point penalty) - Clearly showed a lack of judgment and a disregard for the tenets of good race craft.
  • This is an incident from which complete recovery is realistically impossible.
  • The offending driver likely came on an overtly aggressive line or made a move that directly put others in jeopardy.
Level 5 (17 + point penalty) - Intention may be believed or even known.
  • Incidents of this caliber are race-ending and reputation-scarring.
  • This level of penalty would require extensive discussions by the Stewards, and would be open to any penalties as we see fit up to and including placement on the last chance list, suspension from SNAIL events, or removal from SNAIL.


- These levels are guidelines for us and you, and other penalties may be assessed as deemed necessary.

- Any of these penalties except for level 5 and unsafe re-entry could be halved with the proper concession after the fact during the race. Shortcut violations can be eliminated with proper on track concession. Penalties will only be assessed in whole point values. Example: A driver receives a 7 pt. penalty and makes a proper concession, they would be assessed a 4 pt. penalty (7/2=3.5 rounded to 4).

-A proper concession consists of a separate and deliberate act on the part of the offending driver to return any position gained or to negate any time gained during the incident. Ending up in the grass or sand trap and losing time because of your own action is not considered a concession.

-If a driver chooses to report a violation of the SNAIL WRC OLR that they committed themselves, that action will serve to cut the value of the penalty in half, provided the offending driver has met all prerequisites. This would apply to all penalties including unsafe re-entry to the track. This would still not apply to any level 5 penalties.

- Each of these penalties will bring about a probation period based on the level. A level 1 penalty will bring a 1 week probation period; level 2 brings 2 weeks, etc. The probation period doubles the effect of any incurred penalties.

- Multiple penalties in one week will be added to create a longer probation period: i.e. Level 1 + Level 3 penalties = 4 week probation.

- Multiple penalties during one week will not multiply the penalty points for that week.

- Drivers earn their way off of probation by racing without a reported incident for a full race night. Each night raced will remove one week of probation. In order for a night to be considered a full race night, a driver must earn a minimum of 3 participation points in a single race night.

- Penalties for corner cutting will be totaled for each race. Four shortcuts in one race would equal a Level 1 penalty worth four points. Five shortcuts in one race would equal a Level 2 penalty worth 5 points. Any time an OOB violation is reported, the stewards will look at that driver's entire race for other possible violations.

-Stewards have the ability to assess penalties that are found during race reviewing, but we will not actively look for things to penalize (except in rare instances and only by decision of the chief steward). Any violations discovered by the stewards during review will not be subject to the filing deadline for race complaints. As a result of this, any IRs filed by stewards after prize winners have been cleared will not affect prize winners for that week.

Last Chance List Policy
-Once a driver reaches the maximum six week probation period or receives one level 5 penalty an automatic stewards vote is triggered to determine if the driver goes on the last chance list.

-Once on the last chance list, any penalty would trigger another vote by the stewards to determine what action should be taken. Those options will be: no action, suspension of a duration to be determined by the stewards, or a ban from SNAIL WRC. In addition to these options the stewards will have at their disposal the use of any other stipulation to membership that they wish to assign to a driver on a case by case basis.

-If a driver is found to have used a glitch or cheat while racing the stewards will have the option to place that driver on the LCL, suspend the driver for a duration to be determined by the stewards, or ban the driver from SNAIL WRC upon the first offense.

-During any stewards vote, the stewards would have until 6:00pm Eastern Time on the first racing Tuesday after the vote was triggered to cast a vote and the majority of those voting would make the decision.

-In order for a driver to work their way off the last chance list, they must race without incident for how ever many number of weeks of probation they have.
Incident Report filing instructions:

This process has been adapted from the GTP OLR Rules (Section 17), but simplified, automated and made more applicable to our league. The general structure of these instructions are taken from the SNAIL [spec] series IR filing instructions. Failure to use the SNAIL WRC Incident Report (IR) form will result in your IR not being accepted as "official". Therefore, do not expect any action to be taken, if you do not use the form. Additionally, if the data you provide is inaccurate in any way (i.e. race date, race number, but especially, the timestamp) we reserve the right to invalidate your IR.

All recorded Incident Reports and current Probation List can viewed here... SNAIL WRC IR/Probation List


Instructions on how to accurately report time stamps in an IR.

The Form asks for time in Hours, Minutes and Seconds. No tenths, hundredths or thousandths are required. Always leave Hrs as is.

From a replay, at the lower center of the screen is the race time. Enter this value from as close to the beginning of the incident as possible.


All racing incident reports must follow this procedure:
  1. All incident reports must be submitted via the SNAIL WRC Incident Report (IR) form, by 11pm Eastern Wednesday night (the form will open for driver submissions at approximately 11:30PM Eastern Tuesday night after racing has concluded. Any submissions made after 11:00pm Wednesday following the associated race date shall be disregarded.
    • Multiple incidents will be entered as separate submissions.
      • Do not group distinctly separate incidents together, in one form entry.
  2. When self reporting an incident, enter your ID in both driver fields.
    • If you like, you may forward a copy of your notification to the driver you commited an infraction against. Recommend using GTPlanet's messaging system.
  3. Our stewards will then review the reported incident(s) and determine what penalties, if any, are appropriate.

In case the procedure regarding race incidents is not followed and the driver decides to discuss the racing incident in public here on the SNAIL WRC forum, the driver may be given a warning or an infraction (in case of repetition or blunt accusations) by one of the SNAIL WRC administrators.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are the driver an incident report is filed against, feel free to tell "your side of the story" to your Division Steward so that he can relay it to the rest of the stewards who will be reviewing the incident. There is no need to reply to the driver who filed the complaint against you unless you want to and are able to do so in acompletely non-confrontational manner.
WRC Race Night Lobby Settings/Format

  • Race #1- Combo 1
  • Race #2- Combo 2
  • Race #3- Combo 1
  • Race #4- Combo 2
Structure & Sessions:
  • Privacy - Private
  • Event Length - Time
    • Race #1 & #2: 00h 15min
    • Race #3 & #4: 00h 20 min
  • Maximum Grid Size - 16
  • Max Number of Human Opponents - 15
  • Fill with AI Opponents - No
  • Opponent Skill -n/a (this entry has no effect)
  • Opponents all Identical Car - Yes
  • Car Class - Current (this entry has no effect)
  • Rolling Start - No
  • Practice 1 -00h 00min
  • Practice 2 -00h 00min
  • Qualifying -00h 05min or 00h 10min (Race Director's discretion)
  • Warmup -00h 00min
  • Mandatory Pit Stop -No
  • Weather - Various (see schedule)
    • Progression - 10x
  • Date Type - Race Date
  • Starting Time - Various (see schedule)
  • Time Progression - 10x
  • Force Interior View - No
  • Force Manual Gears - No
  • Force Realistic Driving Aids -YES
  • Force Default Setups - YES
  • Allow ABS - n/a (this entry has no effect)
  • Allow Stability Control -n/a (this entry has no effect)
  • Allow Traction Control -n/a (this entry has no effect)

  • Damage - Off
  • Mechanical Failures - No
  • Tire Wear - x2
  • Fuel Usage - Real
  • Auto Start Engine - Yes
  • Flags and Penalties -Off
  • Allow Ghosted Vehicles -No
WRC Official Practice Night Lobby Settings/Format
All details same as Race Night except for those bolden.

  • Session #1- Combo 1
  • Session #2- Combo 1
  • Session #3- Combo 2
  • Session #4- Combo 2
Structure & Sessions:
  • Privacy - Private
  • Event Length - Laps
    • 3
  • Maximum Grid Size - 16
  • Max Number of Human Opponents - 15
  • Fill with AI Opponents - No
  • Opponent Skill -n/a (this entry has no effect)
  • Opponents all Identical Car - Yes
  • Car Class - Current (this entry has no effect)
  • Rolling Start - No
  • Practice 1 -00h 20min
  • Practice 2 -00h 00min
  • Qualifying -00h 00min
  • Warmup -00h 00min
  • Mandatory Pit Stop -No
  • Weather - Various (see schedule)
    • Session 1
      • Combo #1 weather slots 1 & 2 only
    • Session 2
      • Combo #1 weather slots 3 & 4 only
    • Session 3
      • Combo #2 weather slots 1 & 2 only
    • Session 4
      • Combo #2 weatehr slots 3 & 4 only
    • Progression - 5x
  • Date Type - Race Date
  • Starting Time - Various (see schedule)
    • Session 1
      • Combo #1 starting time
    • Session 2
      • Combo #1 starting time +2 Hrs.
    • Session 3
      • Combo #2 starting time
    • Session 4
      • Combo #2 starting time +2 hrs.
  • Time Progression - 5x
  • Force Interior View - No
  • Force Manual Gears - No
  • Force Realistic Driving Aids -YES
  • Force Default Setups - YES
  • Allow ABS - n/a (this entry has no effect)
  • Allow Stability Control -n/a (this entry has no effect)
  • Allow Traction Control -n/a (this entry has no effect)

  • Damage - Off
  • Mechanical Failures - No
  • Tire Wear - x2
  • Fuel Usage - Real
  • Auto Start Engine - Yes
  • Flags and Penalties -Off
  • Allow Ghosted Vehicles -No
Livery Policy

Although livery assignment is not mandatory in WRC events, it is strongly encouraged.

Assigned liveries help drivers awareness of their situation and also ensures a field of competition that is visually striking for photography and videography.

Proper assigned liveries (with no duplicates in the field) also makes IR review much easier for the stewards.
  • Drivers are responsible for keeping track of what liveries are available each week via the applicable Livery Assignment post (post #2) and the entire WRC thread.
  • Drivers who wish to partake in assigned liveries shall post their choices either in the WRC thread or PSN WRC Community no later than 11pm EST Sunday evenings. No other form of communication is acceptable.
  • IMPORTANT: Drivers who choose NOT to assign specific liveries to themselves by the noted deadline or are found to have failed to use the liveries they have assigned to themselves shall:
    • forfeit the right to self-report any IR's upon themselves for any races in which proper livery assignment has not been regarded.
    • receive the maximum point penalty for any IR's incured (dependent on penalty level) in any races in which proper livery assignment has not been regarded.
Driver Earnings:

Championship Points:
Championship points are awarded to each driver dependent on his/her finishing position at the end of each race.

1st = 16 points
2nd = 15
3rd = 14
4th = 13
5th = 12
6th = 11
7th = 10
8th = 9
9th = 8
10th = 7
11th = 6
12th = 5
13th = 4
14th = 3
15th = 2
16th = 1

Pole Bonus (championship points): Awarded to the driver who achieves the fastest time in each individual qualifying session

1 point/pole

Participation Points: Awarded to drivers for competing AND finishing individual races.

Note: PP's are not championship points and are used solely to give marginal weight to a competitor's combo vote. Drivers must finish a race running in order to be eligible. Drivers who leave the lobby for any reason or retire in the pits or trackside shall not be awarded in such situations.

1 Point/race

Individual Championship
  • All participants are eligible for the Individual Season Championship.
  • Total Championship Points earned during the season will determine the Season Champion.
  • In case of a tie in points after the completion of a season, the tie breaker will be determined by their quantity of wins during the season, if there is still a tie it will be broken by who had the best overall finishes.
  • Active Drivers are those who have competed in at least one race in the current or previous season
DNF Scoring
  • Drivers who become disconnected during a race or are otherwise not scored via the Project Cars game will be given last place points (relative to the quantity of drivers that started) regardless of the number of laps completed unless they submit to the scorekeeper video proof of the extent of their race completion just before disconnect or the end of race.
  • Drivers who qualify for but do not start its associated race shall not receive championship points
Weekly Combo Selection Process:

Car selection structure:
  • Each week, four cars will be offered to be voted upon to replace one of the two currently raced cars.
  • Each eligible driver may vote to drop either current car #1 or current car #2, and replace with one of two available and applicable options.
    • drop Current Car #1
      • replace with Option A or Option B
        • or
    • drop Current Car #2
      • replace with Option C or Option D
  • If a single car is raced over the course of 4 consecutive race nights without being dropped, it shall be subject to a mandatory drop.
    • All eligible drivers may vote for its replacement according to standard procedures
    • All eligible drivers may also vote to drop and replace the other car in the lineup if they so choose
    • This shall be the only circumstance that a driver may vote twice
Track selection structure:
  • Each of the four cars offered up for vote will be accompanied by six racetracks. These tracks may differ between new car options.
  • Each eligible voting driver shall rank (and therefore vote) ONLY 4 of the six available tracks assigned to their chosen replacement car. Drivers may rank these six tracks according to their personal preference, with a "4" being given to the drivers' most preferred track and a "1" being assigned to the drivers' least preferred track. Also, the two remaining un-ranked tracks shall each be assigned a "No Vote A" or "No Vote B".
Car Voting results explained:
  • A current car drop MUST be chosen by majority vote. A tie will result in no car replacement for the upcoming week's event.
  • The new car shall be that which receives more votes than it's paired counterpart. (ie. Option B wins over Option A if Car #1 wins the drop, even if Option D received more overall car votes than Option B). In lamens terms, the drop gets precedence over the replacement.
  • Should there be a tie of car votes within the winning drop, the first tie-breaker shall be the greater total number of participation points accompanied by the car votes each car received. (ie. Three drivers with 4 completed races each in the current season vote for Car B. Car B is then accompanied by 12 participation points.)
  • Should the participation points be tied, the preference shall be given to the involved driver (and his/her vote) who is/was highest in a season's point standings as of the last event.
Track Voting results procedure:
  • The 4 winning tracks to accompany the new car shall be raced 1 each over the next four events or until the car is voted off the lineup. Their order shall be according to voted rankings, highest to lowest. Categories for order and tie-breakers are as follows...
  • Average Rank per Vote (sum of rankings/total number of votes - includes all "No Votes")
  • Quantity of Ranked Votes (sum of rankings given - does not include "No Votes")
  • Highest Rank given
  • 2nd Highest Rank given
  • Should two or more tracks still be tied, the preference shall be given to the involved driver (and his/her vote) who is/was highest in a season's point standings as of the last event.
  • All car/track combination voting shall be done via the applicable Google Form survey ONLY. Any communications outside of this format shall not be honored.
  • Voting options and survey shall be posted and open for reception each Wednesday. Voting shall close Fridays at 11:00pm EST. (Votes are Timestamped)
  • Results of voting and upcoming race specs will be posted Saturday mornings.
  • Eligible drivers are to submit ONLY 1 vote. Any second votes received shall not be honored.
Season Standings and Voting Results EXAMPLE:
  • Drop
    • Car #1
  • New Car
    • Option A
  • Tracks and order
    • A5
    • A6
    • A3
    • A1

Combo Voting Instructions:

Eligible Drivers: Any driver who has earned a minimum of 1 participation point in the current season may cast a vote(s) for future events. The beginning of the current season shall always be 9:00pm the evening of Round 1.

Click HERE to vote

Weekly Vote Example (3 pages):



Race Replay upload/download Instructions

The first thing is to make sure your USB drive has the correct file path to put the files into so the system will recognize it. The best way to do this is to copy a data file from the game to your usb. This is a one and done process.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Application Saved Data Management
  3. Saved Data in System Storage
  4. Copy to USB Storage Device
  5. Project Cars
  6. Select the replay(s) you want to copy to USB
  7. Copy
Now the system has created the file path and you know where to put downloaded files. From my system it looks like this...

PS4/SAVEDATA/2d2cc1419f66ech5/CUSA01338 <--- Downloaded file goes in here

The "CUSA" folder is always the same, but the "2d2" folder is different from system to system.

Each replay has two parts; a main file and a .bin file. BOTH must be present or the system will not see it. Download the files (I'm using Dropbox) and place them into the "CUSA" folder. Once you taken the USB to your PS4 do this...

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Application Saved Data Management
  3. Saved Data on USB Storage Device
  4. Copy to System Storage
  5. Project Cars
  6. Select the replay(s) you want to copy to the system
  7. Copy
At this point it should be possible to access the replay save from the Highlights page of the game.

Notes: When copying the files to USB, the file names MUST NOT be changed or the system will not recognize them. I've renamed them for the purpose of recognition, but after the file is downloaded you will need to delete the final 7 characters of the name (not the .bin). These seven characters would be the hyphen and the 6 characters that describe the individual race S#R#R#

For any other questions you may have, please let me know.

See you on the track!

1/17/2016 - Post #502
1/21/2016 - Post #544

I woul
I would like to join this racing league if possible can i get more information on how to join or can i get an invite my psn is f1vargas...Thank you im a clean racer and ive been in multiple leagues since 2009..
I would like to join this racing league if possible can i get more information on how to join or can i get an invite my psn is f1vargas...Thank you im a clean racer and ive been in multiple leagues since 2009..

Welcome to WRC chikitof1!

Please send myself (Lessenjr) and @swjaxon (swjaxon) a PSN friend request and watch the thread on Saturday for official schedule of this upcoming Tuesday's events. Please read through and become familiar with our policies and regulations in the first post. See you in track soon!
So I got PS Plus and am now able to race online. Is there an official practice day, as for Sunday, and if yes, how does one get on it?

I'm still pretty terrible on PCars, but I'm hoping I can go from that to not so horrible so that I can join the series for real.

Thanks for expressing interest in the World Road Racing Challenge series!

· To complete your registration I ask that you please send myself (PSN: Lessenjr) and @swjaxon (PSN: swjaxon) PSN friend requests. We run all of our club races in private lobbies so you’ll need an invitation to enter our events.

· After this is done you will soon receive an invitation to our dedicated Playstation WRC community. Please accept this invitation as it serves to help facilitate club communications, especially on race night.

· With the WRC being a division of SNAIL Racing, you are required to understand and follow ALL World Road Racing Challenge policies and procedures. Take some time to thoroughly read our OLR and associated expectations (located in the OP) prior to your first race.

· All ongoing club information can be found at the top of this thread and includes our current active drivers & their chosen liveries, race schedule, combo voting and current season point standings. The official Tuesday race schedule will typically be posted early on Saturdays so keep your eyes on the thread for the updates


· Race HARD!

· Have FUN!

If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask.



Flip, I took the opportunity to use this new driver welcome post I wrote up earlier today. :) We typically run an official practice on Saturdays. However, unlike the GT6 series, we've been running our practicea bit of a different format than league night and really focuses more on "practice" time, rather than racing. You can view the practice night format specs in the OP. As far as getting into practice, we run those as private lobbies also so you'll need to receive an invite just like league night.

Don't you worry at all about your ability to race in the game. We have a wide array of talent and I'm confident you'll find somebody you can compete against. 👍
Ya, I am there. I thought I would suck, but it's not too bad. I'm in 5th place so far this season, which I will take anyday racing with these guys. Glad to see you here Flip. Did you have fun beating on your drum all day? Ahhhhhh, Rio.
Hey everybody,

I would like to take moment to clarify how this week's vote works. Being that it's a bit different than the typical week there may be some confusion as to how it's supposed to work out. The language in the OP may or may not be definitive as was intended. So here's how it's supposed to work.

The M1 is what I call the FnF car (Fourth and Final). Since it has run it's course it is subject to a mandatory drop, which means it will be replaced no matter what the total vote counts look like. 1 car vote is all that is needed for this to happen. Now the other car's (the kart this week) situation is the same as always. The sum of it's drop counts need to be greater than the sum of the M1's drop counts in order for it to be replaced.

So if you hated the kart it might be strategically beneficial to NOT vote for the M1 and vote the kart off so that the ratio swings in favor of the kart being replaced (you know the FnF is going anyways).

If you enjoyed the kart it might be beneficial to NOT vote the kart off and vote for the FnF replacement to swing the ratio away from the kart.

I hope that makes sense and I apologize if this was previously unclear.
Flip, I took the opportunity to use this new driver welcome post I wrote up earlier today. :) We typically run an official practice on Saturdays. However, unlike the GT6 series, we've been running our practicea bit of a different format than league night and really focuses more on "practice" time, rather than racing. You can view the practice night format specs in the OP. As far as getting into practice, we run those as private lobbies also so you'll need to receive an invite just like league night.

Don't you worry at all about your ability to race in the game. We have a wide array of talent and I'm confident you'll find somebody you can compete against. 👍

Sweet! I'll get on those FRs as soon as I'm home tomorrow (I've been away for about a week, it's a long story). Don't know if I can make it this Saturday, as I'll probably have to deal with putting the house back in order after being away for a while with people staying at my place for Carnaval.
But hopefully I can catch the back end of it.
Have to say it makes it easier to not have to worry about buying cars or anything like that, so that's already a plus for PCars.

Ya, I am there. I thought I would suck, but it's not too bad. I'm in 5th place so far this season, which I will take anyday racing with these guys. Glad to see you here Flip. Did you have fun beating on your drum all day? Ahhhhhh, Rio.
Did I ever.... Carnaval was great, the city was at its finest weather-wise, with clear waters, high temps and the ocean breeze blowing.
The women were wearing very little, drinking a bit too much and shaking what their momas gave them.
I'm not an unlucky man.

And let's see if I can make less of an ass of myself here then.
A question for you Pcars experts.
There is only the one place to change the steering sensitivity under the general control settings. So if I want one car to be at 75, then I have to go in and change it there. If the next car I want at 50 then again I have to go back and change it. That's fine, but what can we do in a race lobby when you want the two cars to have different settings. There doesn't seem to be any way to get into that menu when in a room. Am I missing something? Thanks.
Set your general wheel settings up first. Then go into the car in question in the garage and set your special changes to FFB settings for that car. Keep cycling through all the stuff like suspension and aero and you will see a section for wheel.

Then save those settings.

Combo votes for S7R3 have been tallied and the results are...
  1. Dropped: BMW M1 Procar (FnF)
    • Replacement: Renault Megane R.S. 265
  2. Kept: SMS 250cc Superkart
  • Remember, we all have until 11:00pm EST Sunday to post our livery selections for the new car.
  • When practicing keep in mind the simulated race settings (time/weather/progressions)


note: Any second votes for the same drop submitted by a single driver have been disregregarded. Remember, although 2 votes are permitted in FnF situations, only 1 vote per combo is allowed.

Official S7R3 and subsequent provisional schedules


An error in the voting sheet has been located and thusly results have not been calculated correctly given the larger quantity of votes this week. There is no change in vehicle, however the track order has been updated.

We will be racing the Renault at SAKITTO SPRINT this week.



What? An error?? I was hoping the Audi was going to be driven.

You mean @aerolite spent all day testing the wrong track? I tried testing but kept getting disconnected. Lost count after 5 times.
Yeah, I'm really sorry about that guys. But, I wanted to honor the votes correctly rather than sweep my misake under the rug. Forgive me? :cheers:

Apparently the PSN servers have been on the fritz all day today. I haven't been on since this morning, but had no issues at that time.
Yes, of course. :cheers:

So in other news I might be getting a rig this year sometime. Yay!

We're getting pretty close in starting our big home improvement project which I was originally intending to grap a bit of extra cash to start my IRL karting endeavor. But alas, the project is going to run a little more than anticipated so real life stuff is just gonna have to wait. However, a fullblown sim rig is feasible. (It should be since the project includes a small room specifically for that purpose). So yeah... kinda bummed, but also excited. :)
What? An error?? I was hoping the Audi was going to be driven.

You mean @aerolite spent all day testing the wrong track? I tried testing but kept getting disconnected. Lost count after 5 times.

I'm trying to figure out how the **** you would have known that but then I remembered you can see what your friends are doing, lol. Had no dc problems, though Mike got booted once.
I did spend a lot of time on that track today, but testing my RPi adapter unit using a bunch of different ffb settings. Then figuring the game out a bit more with the tips from @JoeW and the ffb page from @TheFilapino, thanks guys! Wasn't sure what settings we could play with that would stay in the no tuning lobby, but I think I have that all figured out as well.
But still, ya thanks alot @Lessen, now I gotta start all over, lol. I spent a fair bit of time with @Mike Lobban at Sakitto yesterday. I am finally starting to get a bit of a feel for pCars, it is so different from GT6. The biggest gripe I have is Lobban beating me, but that, in due time, will change, lol.
It was a good day to stay inside and play with pCars, it was -40 in the wind today, ya should of heard Lobban whining!
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