➋ Turtle Racing League - RUSH | Friday Night Racing | JOIN TODAY!Open 

@micantony what are your feelings about that viper?
Im kinda... :ill:

I like it. The first turn is a bitch if you accidentally hit the outer curb though. And for some reason i can't take the hairpin too well, but otherwise it's not bad. It's seems to be a bit slower than some of the Super GT cars under acceleration (at least my settings are), but it handles well through the curvy parts to make up for it IMO.

Still can't get into the 1:04's though. But that's cool, it should be a fun race.
My fastest time yesterday was a 1:05.9xx after some massive changes to the Corvette. Still way off, too much under steer. If anyone would be kind enough to give me some insight I would much appreciate it! :lol:
I take the honda raybrig NSX.

Great, thank you for your participation. I will send you the PSN FR you will need as well as the invitation to the CLUB id# 1001972. We will most likely run a friends only open lobby. We look forward to racing with you!
I opened up a practice room to try and shake down this Corvette and fiddle with some settings. Just ran a 1:05.8, so it is getting there. Anyone is welcome to join.
Room is closed. Got down to a 1:05.615, but that is as far as I can get it. Still .4 off G's time.
My fastest time yesterday was a 1:05.9xx after some massive changes to the Corvette. Still way off, too much under steer. If anyone would be kind enough to give me some insight I would much appreciate it! :lol:

i'm not much good for help in this regard, but...where do you have your ballast?
9:00 pm CST / 10:00 pm EST

Actually Ph1sher, we are on EDT time now. "Daylight time"; just so there is no confusion with those in other countries or time zones. Standard time kicks back in here in November. it's 9:00PM EST and 10:00PM EDT tonight.

I'm honestly not sure if anyone even observes EST right now, but just in case they do :boggled: (no one in the US does)