FREAKING mad. Supermarkets here won't take chances any more. About 5 years ago Wal Mart brought Jada Toys' lineup and it was cool. even if they were well within the us$5 range, people emptied the pegs when they were put up and soon the only ones you could find were the really ugly ones. And those sold too. Soriana (a local supermarket) also brought the "For Sale" line up of Jadas, as well as 1:24 sets, and they sold well. Then Comercial Mexicana (another local supermarket) brought Hot Wheels line up of 1:43~ street customs and they couldn't have them in pegs long enough.
Then it all went downhill. Basic-line Majorettes replaced Jadas at Wal Mart, and Wellys replaced HW's premium line at Comercial. Then the Majorettes were replaced by HORRIBLY cheap Motormaxes, Comercial dropped the Welly line up (which was pretty good btw), and Soriana dropped everything altogether, just stocking HW and MB basic lineup. Then this year Wal Mart replaced the MotorMaxes with even WORSE cars that I don't know where they are getting, but they ain't even worth the us$.50 they are asking for them. It's horrible.
And yeah, you all have Johnnys, M2s, Greenlights at the freaking supermarket, alongside with any premium line that HW and MB brigns along. In here we get, what... maybe two or three HW Garage boxes every two months in SOME Wal Marts. Mexico sucks.
Yeah, BUT.............I've never seen a Majorette or any kind of T-Hunt in my life.

And besides, even the cheapest cars cost $.80 and the M2's/Greenlights etc. don't go for below $6 a piece in the stores I see them in.
Moving on, I scored BIG today (for me; it's nothing compared to a big score for Cano etc.

). I went to both the Wal-Mart and the Target, and BOTH had just restocked. I don't have a whole bunch of extra cash to blow right now so I had to let a lot of things go, but I still walked away with 17 cars (it cost a LOT more than 17 bucks though, as a lot of them were premium series). Highlights include a Morgan Aeromax, a 240Z (it was part of the holiday series, but I don't care, it's a 240Z!!!), and.............THE A-TEAM VAN!!!!! There was only one in both restocks combined, and I got it. SO glad I found it. 👍
I didn't grab any, but the HW Vintage Racers or whatever it's called series is really cool. It has cars in actual famous race car schemes, including Richard Petty's car, AND THE BRE DATSUN 510. Next time I have some money to burn I'm going to have to grab that. Still no new 458 or Skyline, but I can wait on those.
Another interesting thing I found in the Wal-Mart was
this Dodge Viper RT/10 from 1995 stuck in the midst of all the new models. Don't know why, but I had to grab it!

That's one of the best finds I've made so far in my collecting career.