1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Holy S***, I don't believe it! That weird F1 car is the Tyrrell P4!:eek: My goodness, Hot Wheels is really outdoing themselves with the 2010 line-up.
Holy S***, I don't believe it! That weird F1 car is the Tyrrell P4!:eek: My goodness, Hot Wheels is really outdoing themselves with the 2010 line-up.

Yeah I noticed it too.

Very interesting car! I hope they don't ruin it, by lifting the spoiler, like they do with all of their F1 cars
Another interesting car is that 911 GT2. Does this mean we'll finally get the 997 instead of the 996 we've seen many times? Also nice to see they are finally making the R34 Skyline as well as the european Focus.
There was a toy sale this weekend over out mall here...we bought over 60 cars. I will put up some pics...

That 2010 line up looks great! thanks for posting!
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Sneak peek of a couple projects I'm working on:

Dear god a Tyrell Ford?!?!?!? :drool: Also throw in the GTO Wagon, the XB Falcon (gotta make a Falcon Cobra from that..) The Custom New Camaro (same frame as 370Z..) I know where some of my cash is going. :D
Look it's been 15 hours since my last post. This is in no way a double post. :P


Ghostbuster's Ecto-1
'71 Olds Vista Cruiser
'70 Buick GSX


If I can find a second one, I'm going to strip the Spirit Catching crap off the top, remove the No Ghosts logo and make it a standard Caddy Ambulance. (We have a '63 Matchbox one already but.. meh, why not.)
Hell, I didn't even know they made it. :lol: I'm sorry man. On the plus side, like I said Matchbox makes a '63 Caddy Ambulance also...


Unless, of course, the Ghostbusters ride has that certain enigma for you. :sly: Then you're screwed.

Edit: Nifty, here's another one.


I'd make a hearse of that if I could ditch the light.

Edit II: I'm a dumbass, that was a hearse, that someone customized. :lol:

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Yeah, I don't plan on buying all of them. They had that Mini, some old Chevy truck, and a couple other cars. Thought the Mini was kinda cool so I picked it up.
Yeah, I don't plan on buying all of them. They had that Mini, some old Chevy truck, and a couple other cars. Thought the Mini was kinda cool so I picked it up.

Mhm if I remember correctly its a blue pick up with white tampos.
If I would see it I would get it though. Slovenia is not so keen on any special edition things. We only get mainline stuff.
Stopped at my closest walmart on my lunch and absolutely nothing has changed since yesterday. (or last two weeks for that matter...) I'm officially going to stay away from the two WalMart's here for the next two weeks. There's a collectors day at KMart on the 20th, so I should be able to find all the new stuff I want then.
Ah, many thanks for the poster pictures, can I get a really big one of the entire thing? I haven't found a thing on the internet (not that I've searched a lot, really) and the entire lineup seems to be pretty wicked.
go to Hotwheelscollectors.com. I think you can order it from the store there.

So I lied about not shopping for the next couple weeks. Swung by the super walmart again tonight and the pegs were still almost empty. On the way out of the store I decided it wouldn't hurt to check the registers for short cards. To my surprise I found two, count them, TWO Treasure Hunts. Oh, and that damn Scirocco I've been looking for. :lol:

*TH fire engines and scirocco*

Congratulations on those two TH's!
I'm going to wait for siku to make their scirocco. Not really keen on the no paint headlights.

Anyway. I got a nice ol' fire engine too. It's quite bigger than yours and its a majorette.


I am aware, that my lousy photo taking resulted in the first picture to not be straight, but that's not the point. Very rarely I actually like fire engines. This one with its lenght made an impression on me.
And for a bit over 3€ its worth the money.

Next majorette I got was a Fiat 500. :D
I didn't like the color at first, but it grew on me in the past 5 minutes.



It is very nice especially for a Majorette, but it has a couple fatal flaws. It has small drops of silver paint on the side, from painting the the door handles oh and the rear area around the licence plate is... well look at it.
Final gripe I have is the chrome on the wheels came off, even before I opened it. I don't know, if this happened in the store warehouse or in the factory. Probably the warehouse, since the date says July 2009, but hot wheels or matchbox make better chrome on their wheels, as they never came off in the package.
I think siku is the smartest. Ditch the chrome and put on some gray wheels. It looks a lot more realistic to me.

And finally I got another siku. At 6.40€ I wqasn't sure if it's worth it, but its almost all metal. Even the trailer or whatever its called is metal and is quite heavy.



Well thats it for this update.

Sorry I uploaded the first pictures so big.
6.40 euro for that Siku sounds like a steal. Not that much the 3 euro Majorette fire truck. I bough a vintage one for half that, more or less.

Also, dang you on the THs!!! I have that one, but in super TH trim (mwahahaha got it off a supermarket, incredibly, I was happy) but I lack the normal one.

as for me, I just won this on e-bay:


10.50 usd, shipping included. YAY.
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6.40 euro for that Siku sounds like a steal.

Anyrhing that you buy in a supermarket is NOT a steal, but yeah its definately well worth the price.

I have an update!
I know what you are thinking. Oh great its the kid, that takes blurry pictures due to bad lighting...
Well maybe, but I got speed machines! I said they don't have them in Slovenia and I was right, as I got them in Austria.
Here are some blurry pictures.
First up is the Ferrari california



This is how you make a car properly Hot wheels. I do not care if it is more expensive. One big plus is that they remembered, that they can use clear plastic for the headlights and not those stupid ugly tampo's :yuck:

And here is the other one, which I like even more than the california.
The Ferrari 575 GTC.




Thats it!
I also intended to buy the Lambo polizia, but I'll get the siku version when it comes out.
Hmmm.. I bought a Caddy! The guy right there said that there is just only one there and I am the first one to get it :P

Woot! :D

Seems that at the moment, the Scirocco is only available as a car in the checkout slots looking at the packaging.

Nice cars people!!!!:):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool::drool::):):drool:

You mind easing up on the smilies there? The mods won't like that.
That purple caddy have a better pic?
Need to keep my eye out

Camera is not all that great in quality so not sure if I can get one any better. You could click the thumbnail here and see if that works for you.


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My dad picked up an all clear car today, thought it was kind of cool, well interesting.



Now two of my many favorites,

Caddy drag wagon


Drag Corvair

Nice 👍 Have you seen the Funny Car Mustang and the Pro Stock Firebird? You seem like a drag racing enthusiast so maybe you'd like those.

Also, whats that blue car in the Caddy picture under the silver car to the right?