*TH fire engines and scirocco*
Congratulations on those two TH's!
I'm going to wait for siku to make their scirocco. Not really keen on the no paint headlights.
Anyway. I got a nice ol' fire engine too. It's quite bigger than yours and its a majorette.
I am aware, that my lousy photo taking resulted in the first picture to not be straight, but that's not the point. Very rarely I actually like fire engines. This one with its lenght made an impression on me.
And for a bit over 3 its worth the money.
Next majorette I got was a Fiat 500.

I didn't like the color at first, but it grew on me in the past 5 minutes.
It is very nice especially for a Majorette, but it has a couple fatal flaws. It has small drops of silver paint on the side, from painting the the door handles oh and the rear area around the licence plate is... well look at it.
Final gripe I have is the chrome on the wheels came off, even before I opened it. I don't know, if this happened in the store warehouse or in the factory. Probably the warehouse, since the date says July 2009, but hot wheels or matchbox make better chrome on their wheels, as they never came off in the package.
I think siku is the smartest. Ditch the chrome and put on some gray wheels. It looks a lot more realistic to me.
And finally I got another siku. At 6.40 I wqasn't sure if it's worth it, but its almost all metal. Even the trailer or whatever its called is metal and is quite heavy.
Well thats it for this update.
Sorry I uploaded the first pictures so big.