1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
TRU offered up some (overpriced) New stuff


HW Chevy Silverado -
I don't even know if this is a new case car or just an old one, but I kind of like it. It's very big, and the wheels a little ridiculous, but I like the clean design. It also reminds me of my favorite Silverado, the 2004 SS.


HW Custom Mustang, Ford Fiesta Rally -
I have other colors of both of these. I like the silver blue mustang much better than the previous one. The fiesta is so bright it looks plastic. I'm not sure which version I like better.


Matchbox Land Rover Defender-
only seen this previously in 5 packs, this deco I mean. I think I have another one in green, but I can't remember.
HW Delorean -
Standard version of the super TH. My second delorean. i have this one, and a plain red one. On this interestingly the back no longer lifts open.


11 Charger - my 4th one I believe. I noticed looking at this one, it's actually a really nice casting. No big rear wheel and good details.
13 Camaro - purple. Weirdly good looking.



M2 Dodge Dart Polaris -
Utterly unique. Really like this one. The only downside I have for it, the hood opens, but only barely, just a sliver. Other than that though. It's great.
It's the size of the tires.
Yep. The rear tires on the Camaro are fine, but you can't get away with putting the same size tires on the front. We already know the other two are just too wide.

Greenlight = hit or miss. One hit, three misses. :P
Tells people not to double post not too long ago.

Check the amount of time that has passed. Perfectly ok in that situation, ask a moderator if you have a problem with it.

Edit: In fact read the AUP FAQ, it specifically says so in there.
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Check the amount of time that has passed. Perfectly ok in that situation, ask a moderator if you have a problem with it.

Edit: In fact read the AUP, it specifically says so in there.

To err on the side of Jason (and my side in this case, lol) I understand that if you tag someone in a edit, said person won't get the alert. I think.
Did this thread really boil down to people picking at each other for everything? Seriously? I thought we all got to together to share our love of diecast, not hold reach other accountable for it.
I really do quite like that.

Same here. That was a good score.

Did this thread really boil down to people picking at each other for everything? Seriously? I thought we all got to together to share our love of diecast, not hold reach other accountable for it.

This too shall pass. Don't worry about it, Ken - we've had bigger brawls in here - and not everybody gets involved anyway. Things have settled down, we have a shorter, more apt title (was tired of reading that long title every time this thread came to the top of the board) more people are joining in to the thread, there's more brands being shown - hey ho, away we go.
Let's not dwell on the surgery, and if any particular poster's posts are nothing but wet blanket comments then press the ignore button on the individual and your neurons won't have to fatten themselves with that jargon.

Now - I'm taking photos furiously here - a neighbor called me over and just handed me 5 cars - among them the Regal Grand National (M6867) and the '67 Camaro (K7559).
Imagine my face?
"Here you go, Harry. I heard you collect these."

PS: He said he had dropped in to browse a Garage Sale, saw them, and picked them up for me. A friend indeed.

Maybe I should walk around the neighborhood . . . . 💡

BRB with pics.
Someone was talking oversize wheels?:



An old, old friend of Cano's:


Aaaaaaand: Ta-dah! The free stuff! Serendipity comes to me! I have inherited the Panda's luck! The Panda rules no more! :mischievous:
I am the Panda!

Hm. Scratch the last bit.

Anway, Here are the cars my buddy gave me, (so now I owe him):


The packages are crushed so I have no option but to take them out and play with them.
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The packages are crushed so I have no option but to take them out and play with them.

Oh what a damn shame that is. :D

I got some Corgi cars. Getting right to it, there's these two Ford Capri's.




Some playwear, but I like them. I just wish they had chosen another color for the Alitalia one. Eye-pain orange would not be my first choice.

I got another Sierra. The new one is the one on the right.

Yeah, it's in worse condition than the one I had before, but it was part of the lot. It does a neat little party trick too.


Yup. Looks like the rivet actually broke off somehow.


There's no damage to the plastic and no marks that would indicate it being cut off. I thought about the possibility of it being an error, but the rivet is too short for that. It broke off.

Luckilly I got another Sierra!

Love the paint scheme. It's like JPS for people that can't afford the JPS name rights/can't put it on something marketed as a childrens toy. I guess Homefire kindling, logs and coal are kind of similar. :lol:


This Pontiac Firebird with 'oh my god, I can't believe it's not a cheap chinese no-brand car' wheels is not really my cup of tea. This one has s Schweppes logo on the roof, which is kind of neat though.


All of these came in the original boxes and this one just barely fits. :lol:


Renault 5 turbo has always been one of my favorite cars. Not super keen on the bling bling rear view mirrors or the large wheels, but it's nice to have. This one is 'sponsored' by BP.
Cheeky unfair comparison with the Norev right here.



And finally this Ford Escort is my favorite of the set. The base is metal, the Duckhams design is believable and the doors open! 👍

I really do like how Corgi cars had real companies as sponsorship design. Even if it is just Golden Wonder crisps and Homefire.
Dude that first Corgi is awesomesauce, I had never seen it. Very cool casting.

It is pretty cool, I had never seen it before stumbling upon the auction for that one either. Hood opens to reveal an eye-pain orange engine too!
It is pretty cool, I had never seen it before stumbling upon the auction for that one either. Hood opens to reveal an eye-pain orange engine too!

Hahaha yeah, I know. But it's in too good of a shape to even think about doing anything to it.

And now that I remember, I also have that Trans Am but with decent wheels, and one of the Sierras, but issued bny Hot Wheels, in Shell livery and with the chinese car-like wheels. But no pics. So have pics of other Corgis instead:
