1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Tomica Subaru BRZ:




Comparison with 86:



Tomica Limited variant:


Hmm... The casting is alright, but you can tell that it's being limited by its "basic Tomica" label. Which is a pity, when you consider how well the TL 86 looks, and the fact that we will never see a Tomica Limited BRZ. I also don't like the grey-colored tailights, they could've been done better in my view. Well, it's a nice car regardless, it's just a pity that it is not more detailed.
For Adding to it, this casting was the subject of heavy ripping off during the 80s. I have some of its copies somewhere I'm sure, but I don't know where lol. But every kid I knew had a rip off of this car when I was a brat. I'll look for mine and tag you with pics.

As if Tomica didn't release enough versions on their own. :P (I do realize most of those were released later)
See, I've been doing some digging!

Looking forward to your post.
Dydo come unassembled.

Interesting. Must investigate that maker further.

The window is sadly opaque.

Dang. That's a deal-breaker. I am really taken up by the fact that detailed models are coming to the smaller sizes more frequently and that the quality keeps improving every year; it is making me take a whole new look at the hobby.

Woah-- Where do you find F1 and Rally Cars??! O:

TRU is one place that brings in Premium brands as well as premium lines from the global brands. Now and then we see an influx of Tomica, GLs, Majorette, Bburago, etc - but they come and go so fast you pretty much have to visit the store at least once a week to grab anything before the rest of the collectors grab them
There are a huge amount of Canadian collectors - we don't have too much to do in our long winters. Walmart does this to a lesser degree, and we had another chain (now closed) called Towers that also did this - occasionally bring in a small quantity of European and Japanese manufacturers.
Apart from that we have the Hobby stores - from the dingy (they'll sell and trade second-hand cars, too) to the upscale (prepare to spend thousands).
OTOH - pretty up everything is available through the 'net. For a price ususally in far excess of what you'd pay off the peg. Or at a Yard sale.

They also made a Renault F1 car.


Right. Nice. You can put it away now, Apok. Thanks. :ill:

:dopey: Talking about F1s . . . is it F1 time? Okay, let's go then. Vroooom, vroooooom.


Glad to see the continued greatness this set will be. Lol.

That's from T-Hunt's blog - would be nice to actually own that. That's the kind of stuff that makes HW legendary and sets it apart from the rest of the model-makers.

Now this is one set I would really, really like to own one day:

Ahh. Those are so nice. I adore Rally cars. Probably my most favorite type of racing.

Me, too - I'm a great fan of the DTM events in GT, too.


56 F100 - this is a road trip car. But to me, probably the best one I've seen design wise. It doesn't really look as much like one as the others. The name isn't all big on it or anything. Looks more like a hot rod that the shop did as like a display piece. Very cool

The f100 needs black rims with rubber tires.

Why bother when for a few dollars more you can get the real thing - a detailed model. I would never strip that HW F100 - it's a unique variant in that line, chrome 5SPs and all. But I agree - it can look hot with the right wheels - see below.

Actually, I have been turned off customizing HWs completely - why bother when for a few dollars more you can get the real thing:



Or if one wants to get really serious about these little jewels:

Actually, I have been turned off customizing HWs completely - why bother when for a few dollars more you can get the real thing:

Because it's satisfying to make something unique or to turn a battered and bruised car nobody wants into something awesome.
Dang. That's a deal-breaker. I am really taken up by the fact that detailed models are coming to the smaller sizes more frequently and that the quality keeps improving every year; it is making me take a whole new look at the hobby.

I think it's just that particular casting with opaque windows. The set of classic Japanese cars all have clear plastic windows.

Let's see if the other Ferrari I've got has a clear window:

dydo ferrari 246f1

Nope. Maybe it's just this series of Ferrari. :/​
So I just found out that this little truck:
View attachment 406711
Could be worth over $500 with the metal wheels and gold trim. :eek:

Although mine might be worth a little less given it isn't quite mint, but hey, I only paid $17 for it. 👍


Not sure how trustworthy the site is, but that's pretty cool. :dopey:

No matter what man that's a nice piece. Box and all for 17$ I bet you could easily double that
I think it's just that particular casting with opaque windows.

Well, that's going to start giving it value then. :odd:

Let's see if the other Ferrari I've got has a clear window:

That's so clear I can't even see the glass. :crazy:

Because it's satisfying to make something unique .....

This is very true, Apok - though not mutually exclusive to HW customising. (I was talking about customizing small HWS ;) - not other brands or sizes. )
You could get that same satisfaction from many other pursuits, too, no?
Paint a picture? Grow a plant? Whip up a good meal? Make a documentary movie? Write a sci-fi short and have it accepted by Playboy?
The scenarios available to satisfy the urge for creative expression are endless - taking into consideration we have short lives and would never get to try out everything we want.

Now I'm not urging anybody to give up swapping wheels and re-colouring HWs - I would promote, in fact, the idea that it is a fairly inexpensive hobby for people who have extremely limited budgets.
If all you can afford to satisfy the creative urge is 2 HWs and a drill - then that's not going to cost you much.
When it comes to customising, I was in the Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customising Thread right after it was made (not surprising because I asked for it to be made just seconds earlier) and was there to cheer the OP on and make sure the Thread got off to a positive start. I even threw all kinds of posts in it in its early life to keep it chugging along - from pics of customs to long posts on everything from primers to brushes. When it got too busy for me to keep up with it I knew my work was done and turned to other things.
I'm always on for encouraging that sort of thing. Healthy activity with a community spirit.

I still customise, but I'm more into the 1/43 - 1:24 models when it comes to customising, (I'm beginning to use these more in dioramas) though I wouldn't be averse to ripping apart a GL or JL 1:64 - there is not a lot to change in those models - there is already great detail.
But Customising and Collecting are not mutually inclusive - some collectors don't even take their models out of the packages - let alone think of taking a drill to them. :lol:

The specific conversation I was having with Never R and GBBoy about the F100 was that I wouldn't, myself, ever strip that car - the Chrome 5SPs are designed to bring out that particular tampo which itself is unique in that line of variations. Sure if I had half o'dozen I could afford to do that - and if I had the time and inclination, but, having agreed with GBBoy that it would look hot in proper blackwalls, I said I would rather spent a few dollars more and get one already 'customised' or naturally, like that - and it would usually be a premium scale model more close to 1:64.

(As you might have seen in the comparo picture of the Majorette Renault and the HW Renault, the 1:64s are significantly bigger and therefore easier to handle and detail. My Majorette Renault is in pieces, taken apart almost when I bought it - maybe three years ago, and still lies in pieces. I wanted to change only the wheels - still not sure what to put on them :D )

Here's another wrinkle to this whole thing - and it happened because I get talking with these guys about the F100, and having one with blackwalls.
I go to Walmart and it's sitting on the peg for me. A GL, too.
Just awesome how this works.
I'll tell you more about that presently.

To address the second issue:
. . . or to turn a battered and bruised car nobody wants into something awesome.

Yes, if we put aside customising and rescuing destroyed vehicles, then restoration remains - and that is a whole other game. That is truly an art.
To find an old car, maybe rare in circulation, and be able to restore it to its former glory is just something else - I'm always admiring of that; Cano does that, and I believe so does the Panda. There are many other unknown people out there, too, probably who can restore some ancient Lesney or Corgi to its original looks, and that's something I can't even imagine doing.
Swapping wheels on mainlines is easier and fun, but I guess I'm moving on. ;)
I don't think anyone in the Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customising Thread will miss me. :embarrassed:


Well, guys, I went into Walmart today - it's like that little voice that tells you - yup, good day today, and you go. Or maybe because of the conversation we were having here today. But I had already promised a single mom down the road from me that I would get some soccer balls, and other sporting goods for her kids (my good deed :dopey:)
The good deed paid off.
The place was crawling with GLs!

The first thing I saw was this:


All sorts of GLs from different series including the delicious Black Bandits. The BBs were only 5.77 each (free shipping :D ) Finally they're getting the message.
So I had to get some - my Mattel ratio is taking a beating.




Had to buy some HWs and MBXs to balance it out. Got to be fair.
Got some really great pop culture stuff too, the pegs are crawling with all kinds of stuff, Bond, Close Encounters, F&F, Star Wars . . . so many others . . . but that's a world of its own, the kind that turns one's brain into noodles. :)


I don't like modern F1 in the slightest.

Interesting. Why? For the aesthetics or something else?
Obviously, you don't have to like it, just interesting what turns you off.

I have to admit I was for awhile, now I'm into it again. :D
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So I just found out that this little truck:
Could be worth over $500 with the metal wheels and gold trim. :eek:
Although mine might be worth a little less given it isn't quite mint, but hey, I only paid $17 for it. 👍
Not sure how trustworthy the site is, but that's pretty cool. :dopey:

That was a fantastic grab for $17. Altough the $500 estimate is waaaaay up. Try here:


Still, excelent piece, you're indeed waaaaaaay ahead oif what you paid for it 👍 where did you get it?

Interesting. Why? For the aesthetics or something else?
Obviously, you don't have to like it, just interesting what turns you off.

In the case of model cars, yes, I don't find them attractive one bit. But I hate the general F1 scene, from drivers to cars to teams, it's just lame as heck.
So I just found out that this little truck:
View attachment 406711
Could be worth over $500 with the metal wheels and gold trim. :eek:

Although mine might be worth a little less given it isn't quite mint, but hey, I only paid $17 for it. 👍


Not sure how trustworthy the site is, but that's pretty cool. :dopey:
Search for it on eBay, then click the "sold listings" check box. That will give you a better idea of the current value.


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Well, that's going to start giving it value then. :odd:

That's so clear I can't even see the glass. :crazy:

This is very true, Apok - though not mutually exclusive to HW customising. (I was talking about customizing small HWS ;) - not other brands or sizes. )
You could get that same satisfaction from many other pursuits, too, no?
Paint a picture? Grow a plant? Whip up a good meal? Make a documentary movie? Write a sci-fi short and have it accepted by Playboy?
The scenarios available to satisfy the urge for creative expression are endless - taking into consideration we have short lives and would never get to try out everything we want.

Now I'm not urging anybody to give up swapping wheels and re-colouring HWs - I would promote, in fact, the idea that it is a fairly inexpensive hobby for people who have extremely limited budgets.
If all you can afford to satisfy the creative urge is 2 HWs and a drill - then that's not going to cost you much.
When it comes to customising, I was in the Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customising Thread right after it was made (not surprising because I asked for it to be made just seconds earlier) and was there to cheer the OP on and make sure the Thread got off to a positive start. I even threw all kinds of posts in it in its early life to keep it chugging along - from pics of customs to long posts on everything from primers to brushes. When it got too busy for me to keep up with it I knew my work was done and turned to other things.
I'm always on for encouraging that sort of thing. Healthy activity with a community spirit.

I still customise, but I'm more into the 1/43 - 1:24 models when it comes to customising, (I'm beginning to use these more in dioramas) though I wouldn't be averse to ripping apart a GL or JL 1:64 - there is not a lot to change in those models - there is already great detail.
But Customising and Collecting are not mutually inclusive - some collectors don't even take their models out of the packages - let alone think of taking a drill to them. :lol:

The specific conversation I was having with Never R and GBBoy about the F100 was that I wouldn't, myself, ever strip that car - the Chrome 5SPs are designed to bring out that particular tampo which itself is unique in that line of variations. Sure if I had half o'dozen I could afford to do that - and if I had the time and inclination, but, having agreed with GBBoy that it would look hot in proper blackwalls, I said I would rather spent a few dollars more and get one already 'customised' or naturally, like that - and it would usually be a premium scale model more close to 1:64.

(As you might have seen in the comparo picture of the Majorette Renault and the HW Renault, the 1:64s are significantly bigger and therefore easier to handle and detail. My Majorette Renault is in pieces, taken apart almost when I bought it - maybe three years ago, and still lies in pieces. I wanted to change only the wheels - still not sure what to put on them :D )

Here's another wrinkle to this whole thing - and it happened because I get talking with these guys about the F100, and having one with blackwalls.
I go to Walmart and it's sitting on the peg for me. A GL, too.
Just awesome how this works.
I'll tell you more about that presently.

To address the second issue:

Yes, if we put aside customising and rescuing destroyed vehicles, then restoration remains - and that is a whole other game. That is truly an art.
To find an old car, maybe rare in circulation, and be able to restore it to its former glory is just something else - I'm always admiring of that; Cano does that, and I believe so does the Panda. There are many other unknown people out there, too, probably who can restore some ancient Lesney or Corgi to its original looks, and that's something I can't even imagine doing.
Swapping wheels on mainlines is easier and fun, but I guess I'm moving on. ;)
I don't think anyone in the Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customising Thread will miss me. :embarrassed:


Well, guys, I went into Walmart today - it's like that little voice that tells you - yup, good day today, and you go. Or maybe because of the conversation we were having here today. But I had already promised a single mom down the road from me that I would get some soccer balls, and other sporting goods for her kids (my good deed :dopey:)
The good deed paid off.
The place was crawling with GLs!

The first thing I saw was this:


All sorts of GLs from different series including the delicious Black Bandits. The BBs were only 5.77 each (free shipping :D ) Finally they're getting the message.
So I had to get some - my Mattel ratio is taking a beating.




Had to buy some HWs and MBXs to balance it out. Got to be fair.
Got some really great pop culture stuff too, the pegs are crawling with all kinds of stuff, Bond, Close Encounters, F&F, Star Wars . . . so many others . . . but that's a world of its own, the kind that turns one's brain into noodles. :)


Interesting. Why? For the aesthetics or something else?
Obviously, you don't have to like it, just interesting what turns you off.

I have to admit I was for awhile, now I'm into it again. :D

The F100 in question is actually one of the first sets of road trippin, from way back in 2013-14 so even then, its not easy to find now either, without the internet, which so far I've been able to nnot touch for purchase purposes.

Anyway, those greenlights. I passed on that challenger the other day, Kinda of regretting it. The vdub bus is interesting too. And that F100 is one I'll have to get.

Yes, @Gotbeefboy564, when I said:

"I would never strip that HW F100 - it's a unique variant in that line, chrome 5SPs and all. But I agree - it can look hot with the right wheels - see below."

It means:

That we have to strip the car of its Chrome 5Sps to replace them with the black rims and rubber tyres.
As in 'strip a car of its parts'.
A simple misunderstanding - this doesn't mean we're stupid but that we have to work within the constraints of the language when communicating at a Forum. ;)
I would just grab the Snoopy as trade bait and go away. Searching trough those bins is horrible.
Shopping kart FTW. Whenever I come upon a new dump bin, I just grab and dump into a shopping kart until I get to the bottom, and then just toss them all back in.

Edit: Greenlight will have a GT-R in their Motor World segment (the cheap stuff). Wonder how crappy it's going to be.

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Latest TLV pre-orders. These aren't until December and January but my wallet is already wincing in pain.

Nissan 2020 Concept, a sweet Audi 80 patrol car and four Alfa Romeo's!

I could see why would one's wallet cringe in pain after seeing those. Even if you don't care all that much about the VGT cars (if you do), those Euro cars are still great stuff. I'd get one red Alfa, one Audi patrol car and obviously one grey Nissan 2020. If only my wallet would agree with this plan...
Speaking of pre-orders, AmiAmi sent me payment requests for two cars this morning. They have to be paid by the 17th and that's the day I'll pay. Too much going on right now.

Edit: And just like that we have an insider photo of the first 2016 Super TH - because Mattel shady employees.

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