The other day, I commented that I didn't check Walmart for two days & they got new dump bin in, Gran Turismo cars & I missed them all. I skipped Thursday, but I checked while shopping again today. This time I missed the Truck series. All Datsun 620 gone. Same the other day with Kroger. Three shipments over time with the Truck series, everything there in multiple quantities, pegs look untouched, but Datsuns are always gone. Very scalper heavy item online, but instead of paying the premium, in the way of a pleasant protest, I am going to give my money to Tomica instead.
I did finally... FINALLY buy this today:
Keeping the GT, Lotus & Porsche. Maybe the Corvette.
(no comments from negative nancies please - you know who you are)
I told ya so.
Negative Nancies apparently don't listen either.
Sheesh I'm only teasing you. I was hoping a deliberately truncated the quote AND a smiley would make it easier to tell it was in all light-heartedness.
I'm not gonna lie. I am fully entertained every time this happens. Every time.
One day, I may sell that 240. If I graduate from model replicas that is.
I want the Autech R33 sedan!!!!
You know, I saw all of those pics + the flatbed truck
@Spacegoat showed us awhile back? I saw that R33, but it didn't even hit me that it was a new casting at the time I saw that pic.

I'll add that to my wish list, but still the flatbed & Prelude is the top-2 for me!
P.S. If you are on Facebook, check out Malaysia Tomica Limited Vintage Club. I recently joined, cool bunch of guys. 👍
Oh dear, think I'm going to need both those Supra's.
TLV Supras look really off to me. David guy commented on my blog that U.S. versions were wider. TLV Supra's body also look really flat to me. I might actually pass on those two. Pretty sure I won't get the police car.