No, had not seen it. I've been quite abscent from GTP lately due to truckloads of work, but I'll try to change that from here on.
Yea I noticed you hadn't been on as much lately, I figured you were busy.
On your purchases, you got some good stuff. Of all the bunch your best buy by far far faaaaaar was the blue color changer Mustang. That thing is RARE, and the price was a steal. The others were fine/barely fine, but all in all solid considering most of them are minty.
Wow, to think I was under the impression I overpaid, guess I was wrong! I really and truly was not expecting it to be anything super special, but looks like it is afterall!
It's cool to see thart at least one member still buys vintage cars in this thread.
I prefer collecting the older Hot Wheels castings over the new ones any day! Unfortunately you may not anymore for a while because my dad doesn't have a week off until sometime next year, which his week's off are what I use to go to the antique mall. Don't fret though, I have some other good stuff I have yet to share coming up!
Too much supermarket trash, amirite(we miss you dude! lol).

I used to post nearly everything I bought at one point, but these days I only post when I feel like I have something good to share.
And in the words of Billy Mays "I'm not done yet!", I still have plenty more I am willing share. I am going to pace myself a bit and post a few on each page so it doesn't blow up people's browsers.
Right now, here are my findings from Saturday. It's not much, didn't have much time to make pictures but I feel it's worth sharing.
They had these 2 haulers and if I had enough to buy them all with what I already had, I would have done it, but I didn't. They had 2 or 3 of the yellow truck that I got, 2 of the blue ones and one McDonald's truck. Kind of wonder if I should have took the McDonald's since it was the only one there.
It's blurry I know, especially since it's behind glass, but it's a Gremlin Grinder. I didn't have time to take it out and look at it, but it appears to be pretty good shape. It's $18 but if I am lucky, I may get it for $15 or less. I am thinking about getting it if I can. Your thoughts on this