1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Finds tonight. New Speed Machines!

Yeah we got every one of those in that series over here last week.. That Jag is going in the LeMans collection. :D

Also, Cougar, the Ford Panel Truck is very nicely redone. 👍 Where'd you source the engine again??
Cheers Jetboy. 👍 The engine is out of one of those weird looking VW Beetle's with the big motor and big wheels. They are the most easy to find casting in my area with a good supply of wheels/motors. I think I posted a pic of one in this thread once... :)
Still no luck in finding the Citroen C4 Rally :indiff: Its like nothing but a figment of our imagination at this point.
Still no luck in finding the Citroen C4 Rally :indiff: Its like nothing but a figment of our imagination at this point.

It's supposed to come out as a First Edition, umm...first. So I wouldn't expect to see the Speed Machine version for at least a few months.
Well it's already here the Citroen C4, but someone already 'sapu' them... Well, well, well... What a bad luck :indiff:. I haven't seen any black Saleen S7 yet, boy I really want that car...
I should be all-out jumping from happiness, but alas, I'm even depressed. but I'm getting ahead of myself. First, I'll show you what got into my hands today:


and now, one by one.

Matchbox Lesney Superfast VW Type III, check it out:


Matchbox Lesney chorme hub Rolls Royce, very nice!


Matchbox Lesney regular wheel Mercedes, trunk opens but it wouldn't stay up:


hypersupermegarare made in Mexico (that is, exclusive to here) Fiat Punto in great condition:


super-rare 70s vintage Siku Ford Capri in awesome condition, a good upgrade to the other I have, which lacks doors and has been stomped on:


Amazing made in France Majorette Citröen SM, in a rare colour, and in perfect condition:


very decent 1969 Hot Wheels redline Seasider:


beat-up but really rare in that clour Matchbox Lesney Superfast VW Bus, still with the flipping top:


Like new and awesome Matchbox Lesney Superfast 1960 Ford tow Truck:


Hypersupremega rare to find in this shape made in Mexico (also exclusive to this country, like the Fiat) 1983-cast Paddy Wagon, finally FINALLY with it's top!


****-me-in-the-head awesome 70s vntage Siku Mercedes Benz Ambulance, a little bigger than a normal 1:64 car, all working stuff, pretty damn good shape:




even better than the ambulance, 1970s vintage Siku Ford Transit Kombi, look at that front end, and the headlamps!!



and finally, the all-star of the bunch: incredible shape HOT PINK 1969 Hot Wheels redline Mantis... whoever knows a bit about redlines will know that HOT PINK versions are the most sought after... and check out this thing's shape, this should be worth well north of a 100 dollars, which is saying a lot as this is not such a highly sought-after casting:


well now, each of those cost me about usd 5, really chreap for some of those cars. Like I said, I should be smiling from here to Germany and back, but I'm in fact devastated. You see, this is but the tip of the iceberg of a small 80-car collection a guy brought in to the flea market I regularly attend looking for vintage die-cast. I was walking around and immediately noticed the cars, but as I got closer I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES. row upon row upon row of vintage incredible Sikus, black-wheel Majorettes, Norevs, Auroras, redline Toppers, redline Hot Wheels, Pennys and Lesney/Matchbox, along with some european makers that I have never in my life even heard of, most of them absolutely pristine or near so. It was unreal because the flea market is no high-end deal, but there it was, stretched out upon me.

first thing that jumped on me was the Hot Pink redline so I secured it, along with the Mexico-only Paddy Wagon... but as I examined them more and more it became obvious that this was too good to be true. I let it out: "How much for all of them?" The guy loooked at me in slight disbelief, took out an old cell phone and told me "give me 3,000 pesos (more or less like 250 usd), it's like 3.5 usd for each car. Cheap, dude"

I could not believe my luck. "Put them away -I told him- I'll head to the (what is it? I dont think i've ever used the word in english... well, you know, the machine that gives you money, dammnit... automatic cashier? well you get the idea) to get the money". He smiled and strarted to put them in a plastic bag, haha, and I ran away to get the money. That was my mistake.

On the way, I was thinking about what I had just done. From a quick judgement, I was estimating about usd 1,500 to 2,000 worth of cars in there. TWO-THOUSAND DOLLARS, PEOPLE, IN 80 CARS. Just so you can imagine the kind of stuff that was in there. I got there, took the money out and headed back. It must have been... what? 5 to 7 minutes. When I came back, he told me "dude, some guy got some of them" -"what???!!"

Yeah. Norevs, Auroras, Pennys, redlines, and the freaking Sikus. All gone. the guy that bought them mut have offered him more than what he had told me, and he took the most intresting cars. He certainly knew what he was buying.

I almost fell in my knees crying. It was the chance of a freaking lifetime fellas, I will NEVER EVER EVER see those cars all together again, at those prices, in that condition. It was SO ***CKING FRUSTRATING. I got what you saw up there and left, absolutely devastated. The collection of a lifetime had been in my hands for a minute... the mint Siku VW Bug, the mint Siku Ferrari 250 GTO from the 60s, the black-wheels Maorette Peugeot with two dogs, the Penny Ferrari P4, the Redline King Kuda in plum, the Norev Mercedes Benz C111 with working up-opening door, the minty Topper Custom Ferrari... all gone.

so yeah, what you see here is... erm, the leftovers of one of the most amazing and awesome conglomeration of euro die cast makers I have ever seen. Cars like those are almost UNHEARD OF in Mexico... and they were gonna be mine. Yeah, I grabbed some AWESOME cars, but alas, I look at them and I can't even enjoy them. They make me remember right away what I just lost. It's just horrible.

so yeah, I had one of my best days as a collector, indeed. But I also had the worst, by far.

how was your day?

-collection of the most awesome cars ever + sad story-

Me while reading:
phase 1 :) yay a new post
phase 2 :eek: Whoa look at those cars
phase 3 :drool::eek::drool: OMG look at those cars thats epicness!
phase 4 :odd: What is there to be sad about?
phase 5 :( Damn that must have been some collection right there and its gone

That is a real bummer you didn't get those. I know they would be in great hands.
But look on the bright side. The guy that bought them must have known quite a lot about them and they must be in good hands. He wouldn't just throw them on a pile with all his other finds.

Also: HOT PINK!!!!! Whoaaaa!

Well my day wasn't that good. I went to the store for some siku's and possibly matchboxes, but whaddya know? They didn't restock... It is still the batch of matchbox, that had the toyota landcruiser! There must have been dosens and doesns of hot wheels muscle cars. Nobody wants them 👎
But it was in one of those big things with a big plastic tube in the middle and a little "pool" of cars at the bottom, so when people took the cars the cars from the tube fall down and refilling it. Well the tube was empty and the bottom was just barely filled. So yeah that is a bummer. There was a new siku however. And I bought it. They had a mercedes SLR... Didn't buy it. They had some audi's they had some polizei cars they even had an iveco camper I kinda liked. But the thing I liked the most was a little tractor a Hanomag R45.
Its a cute little thing no doubt and I will post pictures up later.
Also got a matchbox toyota landcruiser out of despair :grumpy:
But damn cano thats a bummer!

Pics are here

And you can put the roof off too!

A very cute thing. I like it
And the landcruiser
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@ Cano: Great buys you got there (sorry you didn't get them all:guilty:)!
Are you sure that silver Fiat's a Uno and not a Ritmo? ;)
I know, I'm bummed I didn't go, I love finding T Hunts. He was just going to get brickets for our grill, but no he made a trip :lol:.
@ Cano: Great buys you got there (sorry you didn't get them all:guilty:)!
Are you sure that silver Fiat's a Uno and not a Ritmo? ;)

I said Punto but yeah, I think it's a ritmo. either way, it's one of the most difficult mexican models to get.

I'm still stupidly sad. I still look at the cars and think about everything that escaped me and keep thinking about that once-in-a-lifetime chance. It's horrible.
I said Punto but yeah, I think it's a ritmo. either way, it's one of the most difficult mexican models to get.

I'm still stupidly sad. I still look at the cars and think about everything that escaped me and keep thinking about that once-in-a-lifetime chance. It's horrible.

Well if it bothers u that much, I eill gladly take them away and join them to my own collection :sly:
Since it bothers u so much.
Made the rounds tonight, scored some good stuff. Got the two Garage cars on the left at Target. Found nothing at the Super Wal-Mart so stopped at the regular Wal-Mart. As I walked into the isle I looked at the Garage cars first to find nothing new. Glanced over at the mainlines and saw that they had just been stocked. Saw the Camaro Super Treasure Hunt first and snagged it. Then found the Chevelle SS error (no side decals) as a bonus. So after finding a Treasure Hunt on a short card last night, I'd say it's been a good week. :D

Well if it bothers u that much, I eill gladly take them away and join them to my own collection :sly:
Since it bothers u so much.

haha, oh no... i'll be fine in a month or two, dont worry, haha

and BTW, nice Hanommag.

And everyone finds treasure hunts but me. I've been chasing them all week. Heck, I even got the Ecto 1... but no Torino TH -_-
hi all, I'm trying to collect all the Matchbox Lotus Exiges they have made.

So far I have the Green with gold wheels and the Bright Blue one.

As I understand there is also a baby blue one, white, black with green stripes. Are there others? Anybody come across any of them? I'm yet to see any bar the ones I have in any stores in Australia. If anybody does see any let me know and I'd be willing to pay for the car + post.
And everyone finds treasure hunts but me. I've been chasing them all week. Heck, I even got the Ecto 1... but no Torino TH -_-

I never find any either, but have had good luck with the short card treasure hunts for some reason. Got another one at the k-mart collectors day. This camaro was the first one I have found on the pegs with a regular sized card in many years. I was shocked that it was a super treasure hunt as well. (rubber tires) :dopey:
And everyone finds treasure hunts but me. I've been chasing them all week. Heck, I even got the Ecto 1... but no Torino TH -_-


Oh well just makes me more excited for the less cool stuff.
I got the Ecto-1 one the same day of the two treasure hunts. So between my two new ones and R1600Turbo's two treasure hunts, I'm going to hit as many Wal-Marts and Targets I see today :lol:.
I got the Ecto-1 one the same day of the two treasure hunts. So between my two new ones and R1600Turbo's two treasure hunts, I'm going to hit as many Wal-Marts and Targets I see today :lol:.

My target has had pegs full of old stuff for a couple weeks now and they don't seem to be selling very fast.

I bought another Ecto-1 last night to do some detailing on. I'll post up pictures tonight sometime. 👍
Simple wheel changes work wonders.



Best thing is, I didn't have to modify the axles in any way. Pulled them out of the donor car, snapped them into the Ecto and put it back together. 👍
It is time for my weekly update (anyone notice I usually update sat. or sun.?)

I wasn't planning on buying anything, but I found a subaru impreza!
It brings my rally car tally to 8




Yep majorette have outdone themselves with the racing series