Well hello guys! I hope ya'll have been great lately! My brother took me on a completely unexpected trip to the Collectors Antique Mall yesterday, first time I've been all year!

I didn't have any money, but my brother said he would buy some for me with a $20 budget. Despite the small budget, I was still able to get some good ones from there. Thankfully the selection wasn't as big as before, so sticking to the budget wasn't as hard I anticipated. My brother also got a few I want to share as well.
Anyways, here are mine that I got:
Tipping Lorry/Tipper. Love this little Corgi. Though I already have this one in great shape and my brother has a beat up one, I bought this one to do wheel swaps. Would love to put some off road tires on it somehow, don't think I have ever seen this done before for this old Corgi.
![IMG_2297[1].JPG IMG_2297[1].JPG](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/data/attachments/651/651861-6240b6368aab8239544b2996dce09e4a.jpg)
Sharkrusier. Always loved this casting and this particular one is one I have wanted for quite a while now. Engine may be a little rough, but it's only
$1 so why not?
![IMG_2293[1].JPG IMG_2293[1].JPG](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/data/attachments/651/651865-9982e0e123efd959cf1e96f3b760869f.jpg)
Speed Blaster. Just another casting I got simply because I liked the color. The color of the casting and that Hot Wheels logo just looks so original, I can't help but like it!
![IMG_2292[1].JPG IMG_2292[1].JPG](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/data/attachments/651/651867-e1a89420774c496b221408a5341e074c.jpg)
Sol-Aire CX4. I just had to get this one when I saw it because I honestly don't have any California Customs in my entire collection and I also love the color! It's
a little beat, but it still rolls fine and it was only a
$1, so it was well worth it for me!
![IMG_2291[1].JPG IMG_2291[1].JPG](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/data/attachments/651/651868-6d449fd73010e95ce6d4d4e312fbe66d.jpg)
I really don't have very many pink Hot Wheels in my collection, so it's good to have these!
Dodge Rampage. This is an awesome casting that I really wish I had a more of! Tampos may be a bit beat, axles aren't too warped, but it still looks good to me. If I can figure out to install new axles without taking it apart, I may do that for this one.
![IMG_2290[1].JPG IMG_2290[1].JPG](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/data/attachments/651/651869-b113a2acadd159bd76ba63525ef1b36a.jpg)
Rapid Transit. Wanted one of these for years now and now I finally have one! If it weren't for me going through the same area twice, I would have never saw it. The plastic on top is a little dirty, but it could probably be cleaned up. Overall the casting is in great shape and I am happy to finally own it.
That's it for my purchases, here is what my brother got:
Bronco 4-Wheeler. My brother loves Broncos and trucks, so it wasn't hard imagine why he got this one. Can't say I blame him because I dig this casting myself and I probably would have got it if I wasn't on a budget. It's beat, but it still rolls and it still looks good!
![IMG_2296[1].JPG IMG_2296[1].JPG](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/data/attachments/651/651862-35e13db7201d2dd17c27fcbcc6068fb6.jpg)
Thunder Roller. I found this truck in a basket and showed it to him, he decided he liked it so he got it. I kind of wanted it, but I wasn't too sure if I was going to get it, so I let him take it. The front bumper is damaged sadly and the front left wheel doesn't roll, but otherwise it looks good! It's ironic he gets a truck like this because about two years ago
I got a Long Gone with a similar problem. Both are big rigs!
![IMG_2294[1].JPG IMG_2294[1].JPG](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/data/attachments/651/651864-cbb1c98e27ef5a6a8bda42019534db2a.jpg)
40's Woodie. Now this is one that has been sitting in the antique mall since 2012, possibly even longer and I nearly got back in 2012, but I think I chose the Seasider over it though. I have considered getting it time and time again, but it ultimately ended up being overshadowed by the purchases I have gotten over the years. I once again considered buying, but like previous times, it happened again and I wasn't sure I wanted to give up the Rampage or the Rapid Transit for it. So my brother decided he liked it apparently and bought it. I was a little gutted he got it instead of me, but then again he lives with me and since we share our collection together, I guess I should be glad at least one of us has it.
^The casting itself is still in good shape and looks nice. It also has an adjustable rear suspension as well.
Of course, here is the receipt for our purchases in case anyone is skeptical. I am aware the Tipping Lorry has $1.50 price tag, but Jack let me have it for less. Seems once I told Jack I was on a $20 budget, he eased off on the prices more than usual. We both spent $20 even!
![IMG_2298[1].JPG IMG_2298[1].JPG](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/data/attachments/651/651872-1117387afbdb3eaaab6df2fb02bb5247.jpg)
I have a few interesting finds from the place I will post later on and some other old ones I bought elsewhere.