1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Preview of the stuff off the convention.


You know a big-ass post detailing all the stuff will eventually come.

GT-R, C6.R, Murcielago SV, Mercedes 300 wagon, heck, just about all of them look awesome. :eek: Who makes the GT-R, Murcielago, and C6.R? Doesn't look like anything I've seen before in 1:64 scale.

And that lace wheel Falcon looks better than the 10SP ones for sure. Would like to find it. 👍

Anyways, finally picked up the MB BMW Z4 at Walmart. But I also noticed there was a new Ferrari 5-pack. Along with a new 5-pack called American Muscle with a custom '07 Mustang, C6 Convertible, Shelby GR-1, Viper GTS-R, and one more car I can't remember...
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It's Brendon Vetuskey's, the HW Designer that did KITT, amongst several other pieces in the recent lineups. The autograph itself has it's story, I didn't get it in the usual, wait in the line way.
Well? Don't leave us hanging!? :boggled: As for the source of the autograph, I think it's safe to say goat is down with it. I know I am. 👍
Also, FINALLY getting a lace wheel Ford Falcon Racecar! :drool:
I thought even the original looked nice, but yeah, this is definitely cooler!
@Medigo, i'm not too sure, but i think those are siku models. I know someone posted a Siku SLS AMG before and the model looks a lot like the ones cano posted. That C6.R is pretty sexy and i didnt even notice the GTR before.

edit: i was more interested in that Passat Wagon (i think that's it) Is that a siku as well?
I can get you a 599xx if you really need one...

Also, FINALLY getting a lace wheel Ford Falcon Racecar! :drool:

Now, these wheels fit the car very nicely. :drool:👍 Just like BBS rims. I'll keep my eye out for it, thanks.
I'll make the giant post tomorrow (it's midnite now). No they are not Sikus.

Yeah, and screw, you, too. Especially about the autograph. You'd better post a lot more multi-car panoramas before you will be forgiven. ;)
Looks like a Major Ambulance in that collection - and is the GT-R a Speedwheel? I have a few from that selection - so it's nice to know I'm in good company.

I have literally hundreds to open - but no proper time to get down to it. Also whatever 'hobby' time I have is spent on other projects; Voila!:


Also - Mars is OURS! I claim Mars, in the name of GTPlanet, and on behalf of petrolheads the world over.


I have been tinkering around as usual (since that's what I do ;) ) with some step-by-step instructions on easy-to-make Modelling Stages. Here are some mock-up pictures:




That garage in the dark was the most convincing of them all. The others, not so much. I've been thinking about creating a small scale garage replica for future pictures myself, but I need stuff to replicate stuff you'd have in a garage, like fuel tanks, spare tires, red tool toolboxes and hundreds of different bottles; oil, windshield fluid, grease, wax, etc.

edit: Dioramas! that's the word I was looking for:


I actually want to make one that literally looks like I torn a piece of the garage floor and wall out, have it on a pedestial so I can put it away and bust it out for quick pictures more easily.

You really don't have the black Z06? Those things are everywhere! I've only seen multiples of the following in my travels:

- Black Z06
- Bentley
- Boxster
- Black M3 GT2

Yes, so that (actually, 2 Boxster and 2 Bentleys if possible), and a KITT if you see one. I forgot about this.

Thanks :)
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You can go head and cut the extra paper off. That's how much I care about its condition ;)

Less paper, easier to pack. Give me a grand total when you finished shopping.
Ok people, here is the massive, descriptive post of my Convention grabs. First there be supermarket cars, my nephew grabbed them for me because I couldn’t find them anywhere and traded them with me at the event. The Chevy SS is awesome.

Now the Hot Wheels. The Boulevard Hudson Hornet is beautiful! The white Jeep with construction tires is much harder to find than the blackwall version, and it was only a buck. The black Mercedes with UHs was $3.

I bought this Real Rider Path Beater several months ago, in one of the club get-togethers, but I dropped it into a guy’s box of stuff when I was packing my own things up. The guy contacted me back and told me he had it, and kept it well cared of for me until the Convention, when he gave it to me. I was fortunate that it fell with such an honest guy, it isn’t an easy car to find, much less in this condition. Not many collectors would have returned it.

Then this made in Mexico Cadillac Seville, the grey interior variation (see taillights). an upgrade for mine, this is in most excellent shape. Still two mexican variations of this car to go, and two down.

I couldn’t pass up this chromed Aeroflash, it was too minty to leave behind. It’s only missing the redlines, but it would have been much more expensive.

I was on my way to the bathroom when a lady over at the table I was passing by literally emptied an enormous bag of loose cars. Like a fly to dog poo, I flew over there. These two were like 50 US cents each. The Supervan is a real Redline with metal base. But the really relevant car is the superhypermegastupidly rare Super Bird in brown. The lowest-production color in this casting, I grabbed it even in this very poor shape, and even so, it would be worth about 5-10 bucks as it is. A mint one is about $70.

These are the projects. From the same bag as the Bird and the Supervan came the Majorette Wagoneer ambulance which, unfortunately, isn’t French, but the car is complete, it even has both rear doors. The Zylmex Lola Can Am racer also came from there. The Siku 917/30 was a steal for a buck, same for the rubber-tired JL Cobra, and the black Porsche is a Chinese car that’s incredibly well made, with a rollcaged interior and such. It’ll be cool when I’m done with it.

The previous Picture brings us to the other brands. These are the ones everyone was asking about, they are a new Chinese brand, VZ-something. I promise I’ll ask my friend for the link when I see him at MSN. The guy that paints my customs was with me at the stand and had these for sale, they’re pull back action and very well detailed, with rubber tires and clear headlamps. There’s also a ’10 Camaro, a Gallardo Leggera, a WRX STI and a Hummer.

Then another panoramic. Missing an individual Picture here are the Yatming 928 Porsche which I was missing in red, and the Welly Passat wagon, extremely well made and oly a buck.

This Majorette Mercedes is extremely difficult to find with the trunk, as it falls off really easy. A steal at $3.


Both Matchboxes for the day, I was missing the gold 70 Camaro, only had the green version; the blue Boss 302 is a Premiere car with rubber tires and all that.

I have always liked this Siku Audi but everytime I found it it was extremely beaten up, and sometimes lacked doors. It cost me $4 but was worth every penny.


And the crown jewel for me, AT FREAKING LAST, the Playart AMC AMX! You don’t have an idea, people, how long I’ve been looking for this thing. YEARS. It’s not that I had never seen it available, but it always, ALWAYS lacked the hood. I almost cried when I found it. $4.


Then both closed cars, first the Siku Mercedes wagon that was a trade with a guy for about 5 hot Wheels. I frankly don’t know what to do with it. I can’t bring myself to liberate such a survivor, but what do I do with it in the blisterpack? I might keep it until a loose one comes my way.

And now the story: we were finishing setting up the stand in Saturday morning when I noticed two guys, one of them in a HW shirt, chatting, in English, from our stand with the guy in the next stand. He handed one of them some blisters and the guy signed them right there, over our own cars. He turned and said “sorry, taking over your table”. It was, obviously, the designer. Once he had autographed the cars, he started picking around the cars my paint friend had for sale, some quite old ones, and started remembering which ones he had as a child. So I started talking with him about those. “Did you have the Flat-out Olds 442?” –“Yeah but mine was orange” and stuff like that. He knew what he was talking about.

I asked if he had any Mexico-made cars in his collection, he told me he was looking for a Mexican Cobra (one of the most sought after, and expensive, Mexico models), and I showed him the Cadillac you saw in a pic just a moment ago. We compared them with a US-Cadoo I had for sale. The guy was very kind and fortunately understood my slowly spoken English well enough (I write well, but my talking is quite subpar, I don’t practice speaking in English enough).

Then I remembered my nephew had also gotten me a KITT from the supermarket. I grabbed it and asked him to sign it. Then I told him this was gonna be like the fourth car in my collection to stay trapped. We kept on chatting about how I opened everything and stuff, and then he left because he had to cut the ribbon for the event. It was a cool way to get an autograph, instead of waiting in line. Now I need a protecto pack… and another KITT to pop loose.
You can go head and cut the extra paper off. That's how much I care about its condition ;)

Less paper, easier to pack. Give me a grand total when you finished shopping.

I'll just open them all then and ship loose (protected) so they can go in a smaller box.
That's awesome Cano. My favourites are the Siku Audi and Majorette Mercedes.
Awesome story with that autograph too.

That one time I heard you talking through a mic on GT5 your English seemed fine. :lol:
Hey R1600 Turbo, have you seen a picture of the '70 Ford F-F150 in the hot ones series? Me and my brother are wanting it and well i haven't even seen a picture anywhere of it.
I think I remember someone on HWC asking about it about a month ago Mattel's response was that it was canceled.
What?!?!?!?:nervous: Man i love that truck! I take it the same thing happened to that greyhound bus as well because it was going to be released in the 2011 series but i never saw it or even a picture of it. However i looked on a list at HWC and it says theres going to be a MCI-MC8 bus coming out (hopefully), could that be the greyhound bus with a new name?:confused:
Thanks to Jason for recommending me to someone on HWC, I now have a lace wheel Falcon Race Car coming to my door step. :eek:

Thanks homie. :cheers:

EDIT: Sold 50 cars from the 90's I had just sitting in a box, to an older gentlemen who owns a hobby supply store. $1 each. He said bring more, so I will be doing so. Only selling the lame ones. :lol:
That Hot Ones Toyota truck is a must have!!!

And Cano, that is a very cool way to get the autograph. 👍 And your Playart car is neat as hell!
New Hot Ones hitting pegs near you! (not my photo)

Porsche 930 and Toyota Truck are especially awesome. :drool:

Cano. It might not be Hasselhoff's autograph but that's a great story. And I'm loving the Real Rider Path Beater, that thing is mint. 👍